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Заняття 2.3


1. Read and learn the following words:

Post-secondary education high educational institution levels of accreditation legislation educational-qualification levels Junior specialist Bachelor Master degree provide train виша й середньо-спеціальна освіта вищий навчальний заклад рівні акредитації законодавство освітньо-кваліфікаційні рівні молодший спеціаліст бакалавр магістр ступінь забезпечувати готувати / навчати multilevel if need be candidate of sciences doctor of sciences further education applicants for entry pass exams entrance exams final exams successfully become graduate Basic Higher Education Complete Higher Education багаторівневий у разі потреби кандидат наук доктор наук подальша освіта вступники до ВНЗ здати екзамени вступні екзамени випускні екзамени успішно стати випускник ВНЗ Базова вища освіта Повна вища освіта


2. Read and translate the text:


In Ukraine, as in other developed countries, further (higher) education is one of the main human values. Since 1992 the whole system of Ukrainian post-secondary education is considered (вважається) the " higher education" which includes two major educational levels. They are basic higher education and full higher education. According to the " Law on Education" the higher education is received in high educational institutions of the first, second, third and fourth levels of accreditation on the basis of basic general secondary education or complete secondary education.

Also the legislation sets the following educational-qualification levelsjunior specialist, bachelor, specialist, master. Bachelor and master degree s are introduced in accordance with Bologna process, in which Ukraine is taking part.

Higher educational institutions in Ukraine are comprised of vocational schools, colleges, institutes, conservatories [kan'servatwa], academies, universities. They train specialists according to their levels of accreditation:

I level – vocational schools and colleges which train skilled workers and teach junior specialists;

II level – colleges and institutes which teach bachelors, and if need be junior specialists;

III level – institutes, conservatories, academies, universities which teach bachelors and specialists, as well as junior specialists if need be;

IV level – institutes, conservatories, academies, universities which teach bachelors, masters and specialists if need be, as well as candidate of sciences and doctor of sciences.

After finishing basic secondary school or " high" school some school-leavers go on to further education. They become applicants for entry. If applicants pass their entrance exams or Independent Government Tests successfully they become students.

As a rule, students have to study:

- three years to get a junior specialists's degree,

- four years to get a bachelor's degree,

- five years to get a specialist's degree,

- six years for a master's degree.

Higher educational institutions are headed by Rectors. Vice-rectors are in charge of the academic and scientific work. The Departments (Faculties) are headed by the Deans. There are subdivisions (sub- faculties) within Departments.

Higher educational institutions train undergraduates (who is working for their first degree) and postgraduates (who is studying to get a master’s degree) in one specialization. At the end of each term students have oral examinations. When they pass their final exams successfully they become graduates.

The graduates from post-secondary vocational schools and colleges of the I-st level of accreditation get the educational-qualification level " Junior specialist" and receive a Diploma of Complete Secondary Education. The Diploma confirms a right to employment or the right to continue training in institutions of a higher level. The graduates of the educational-qualification level " Bachelor" receive a Diploma of Basic Higher Education. The graduates of the educational-qualification level " Specialist", " Master" receive a Diploma of Complete Higher Education.

Higher education is either state funded or private. Students that study at state expense receive a standard scholarship if their average (середня) marks at the end-of-term exams at least 4 (in the 5-point grade system); this rule may be different in some universities.

Most universities provide subsidized housing for out-of-city students. Also, it is common for libraries to supply required books for all registered students.


3. Answer the following questions:

1 What is post-secondary education provided by?

2 What are two educational levels of the higher education?

3 What are four levels of qualification?

4 Which higher educational institutions teach junior specialists?

5 Which higher educational institutions teach bachelor?

6 Which higher educational institutions teach specialists and masters?

7 What is the difference between higher educational institutions of different levels of accreditation?

8 Who can go on to postgraduate education?

9 In what way do students enter the higher educational institution?

10 In what way do students get their degrees?

11 Who are undergraduates and postgraduates?

12 Who can receive Basic Higher Education?

13 Who can get Complete Higher Education?

14 Does everyone can receive a scholarship?

15 Who heads the higher educational institution?

16 Who heads the Departments?

17 What do higher educational institutions provide for out-of-city students?


4. Find equivalents:

1post-secondary education aступінь акредитації
2higher education bвищий навчальний заклад
3basic higher education cосвітньо-кваліфікаційний рівень
4full higher education dповна середня освіта
5levels of accreditation eстипендія
6an educational-qualification level fповна вища освіта
7applicants for entry gсередня та вища освіта
8higher educational institution hвипускник ВНЗ
9to become a student iбазова вища освіта
10a scholarship jзагальна середня освіта
11graduate kстати студентом
12general secondary education lвступник у ВНЗ
13complete secondary education mвища освіта

5. Continue the sentences using one of the following variants:

1) The system of higher education includes two major educational levels…

a) general secondary education and full higher education;

b) basic higher education and full higher education;

c) basic higher education and complete secondary education.

2) There are educational institutions of the first, second, third and fourth … of accreditation.

a) height; b) degree; c) levels;

3) Higher educational institutions in Ukraine are...

a) state and private primary and secon­dary schools;

b) nursery school and kindergarten;

c) conservatories, academies, universities.

4) Vocational schools and colleges of the I level of accreditation train...

a) bachelors; b) skilled workers; c) junior specialists.

5) Colleges of the I level of accreditation teach...

a) masters; b) specialists; c) junior specialists.

6) Colleges and institutes of the I-II level of accreditation teach...

a) bachelors and masters;

b) specialists and junior specialists.

c) bachelors and junior specialists.

7) Institutes, conservatories, academies, universities of the III level of accreditation teach …

a) bachelors and specialists;

b) bachelors and junior specialists;

c) bachelors and masters.

8) Institutes, conservatories, academies, universities of the IV level of accreditationteach...

a) bachelors and junior specialists;

b) skilled workers and masters;

c) bachelors, specialists and masters.

9) Students have to study … to get a junior specialist’s degree.

a) three years; b) four years; c) five years; d) six years.

10) Students have to study … for a master's degree.

a) three years; b) four years; c) five years; d) six years.

11) Students have to study … to get a bachelor's degree.

a) three years; b) four years; c) five years; d) six years.

12) Students have to study … to get a specialist's degree.

a) three years; b) four years; c) five years; d) six years.

13) Higher educational institutions are headed by …

a) Directors; b) Rectors; c) Vice-rectors.

14) When students pass their final exams successfully they become …

a) school-leavers; b) post-graduates; c) graduates.

15) Students that study at state expense receive a standard...

a) salary; b) fee: c) scholarship.

6. Match the word with the corresponding definition:

  1a student 2undergraduate 3postgraduate 4graduate 5degree asomeone who has completed a university degree; bthe qualification that is given to you when you have successfully completed the course; csomeone who is studying at a university, college; da student at college or university, who is working for their first degree; esomeone who is studying at a university to get a Master degree.

7. Put each of the following words or phrases in its place in the sentences below:

Basic Higher Education; higher educational institutions; accreditation; Complete Higher Education; Complete Secondary Education; Bologna process


1) According to the " Law on Education" the higher education is received in …

2) Bachelor and Master degrees are introduced in accordance with..., in which Ukraine is taking part.

3) Higher educational institutions in Ukraine train specialists according to their levels of...

4) The graduates of the educational-qualification level " Junior specialist" receive a Diploma of…

5) The graduates of the educational-qualification level " Bachelor" receive a Diploma of…

6) The graduates of the educational-qualification level " Specialist", " Master" receive a Diploma of…

8. Translate the following terms into Ukrainian:

Higher educational institutions, Complete Secondary Education, Basic Higher Education; Complete Higher Education; the level of accreditation, undergraduate, postgraduate, graduate, degree, Dean.


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