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Find equivalents.

1A-levels 2private institutions 3a personal grant 4lectures, seminars, laboratory classes and tutorials 5students which study for their first degree 6departments of the colleges 7History, Literature, Languages, etc. 8Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Maths, etc. 9Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, etc. 10Master of Arts, Doctor of Philosophy 11MS 12PhD 13BA 14Oxford and Cambridge aancient universities bBachelor of Arts cDoctor of Philosophy dexams efaculties ffee-paying gfirst degree hMaster of Science imoney jpostgraduate degrees kscience lthe arts mundergraduates nuniversity course


4. Say whether these statements are true or false and if they are false correct them.


1 The system of higher education in Great Britain includes comprehensive schools and further education colleges.

2 All British universities are state institutions.

3 Universities choose their students af­ter good exam passes and interviews.

4 Higher education in Great Britain is compulsory and free of charge.

5 Every student may obtain a personal grant from the government.

6 In the university students have a series of lessons.

7 Tutorials are like private lessons, given to large groups of students.

8 Students at university are called postgraduates while they are studying for their first degree.

9 After three years of study a university graduate will leave with the Master of Arts degree.

10 Doctor of Philosophy is the highest degree.

11 Oxford and Cam­bridge universities are the oldest and most famous.

12 Red brick universities were built of concrete and glass.

13 Today, the term " New Universities" is used instead of the former Polytechnics.


5. Match each term in Column A with its definition in Column B:

  1a graduate 2a postgraduate 3an undergraduate 4to graduate 5a tutor 6a course 7a grant 8research 9the arts asomeone who has completed a university degree bsomeone who is studying at a university to get a Master degree or PhD ca student at college or university, who is working for their first degree dto obtain a first degree from a college or university ea lecture or other academic staff member who gives individual attention to the students fa period of study in a particular subject at university gan amount of money given to someone by the government for a particular purpose hserious study of a subject, in order to discover new facts isubjects you can study that are not scientific but humanities

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