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Vocabulary and Speech Exercises. 8. Fill in the missing prepositions:

8. Fill in the missing prepositions:

1) Goods are normally insured__certain risks. They are usually insured__the full amount__their value. If they are found__arrival__the port__destination to be damaged, a report__the damage should be made.

2) Details__the agreement__the client and the insurance agency are to be found__the insurance policy.

3) When a Lloyd’s agent examine a damaged consignment, he will also look__the bill__lading signed__the captain__the ship. If the bill__lading is clean, the captain has accepted the consignment as being__good condition, and so the shipowners may be claimed__the cost__the damaged goods.

9. Read and translate the following dialogue:

Customer: We would like you to discuss the insurance problem with us.

Seller: I am at your service.

Customer: How is the personnel on site supposed to be insured?

Seller: We shall insure the experts against industrial risks and accidents.

Customer: And what about the construction projects? Will you insure them too?

Seller: Undoubtedly. We shall insure not only the projects but the property as well against fire and natural hazards.

Customer: And who will pay expenses if there will be such a situation?

Seller: The expenses will be included in the cost of the projects.

Customer: And one more thing. We know that you suppose to insure the equipment but we would like to ask you to insure it against air risks too.

Seller: Well, let me remind you the context of the article of the Transport Regulations Insurance. It says that the Supplier shall insure the equipment against marine risks but not against air risks.

Customer: Well, we see that the " Regulations" really do not provide for insurance against air risks. We don’t have any more questions.

10. Give English equivalents of the following:

вопрос о страховании; персонал; строительная площадка; страхование от производственных рисков и несчастных случаев; объекты строительства; материально-имущественные ценности; стихийное бедствие; застраховать от морских/авиационных рисков

11. Report the dialogue in detail:

  • 1) on behalf of the Seller;
  • 2) on behalf of the Customer.

12. Translate into English:

1. Когда мы сможем получить компенсацию от страховой компании? - Как только будут выполнены все формальности.

2. Куда мы должны обратиться по поводу страхования? - В страховое агентство.

3. В каком случае предоставляется страховая гарантия? - Если это предусмотрено контрактом.

4. Что вы хотите застраховать? - Мы хотим застраховать очередную поставку " от всех рисков". - Кто будет нести расходы по страхованию? - Поставщик.

5. У вас есть акт осмотра и экспертизы? Когда он был выписан?

6. Вам необходимо уплатить налоги по страхованию.

7. Мы освобождаем себя от обязательств по договору страхования.



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