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Heavy (boisterous) weather
I. During the voyage we encountered very heavy weather with winds of whole gale force and high sea, the ship suffered rolling and pitching heavily shipping water fore and aft spraying overall, hatches and vents being continualIy awash
During the aforementioned heavy weather the vessel was obliged to reduce the engine speed and to change her courses to avoid damage to the ship and to the cargo The air and water temperatures were changing considerable failing and rising from °C _- _——— 199_ to ___ °С __ ________ 199_ In consequence of the aforesaid weather conditions and temperature changes I anticipate possible damage to the cargo I, the Master, and the Crew have applied all means of safeguarding the vessel and the cargo I state the present Sea Protest and ____ II During the voyage the vessel met with stormy weather and heavy seas, the ship suffered rolling and pitching heavily shipping water fore and aft and spraying overall The vessel was obliged to reduce the engine speed and to change her courses
All precautions were taken to save the cargo and the ship, but, nevertheless, fearing damage to the cargo during the bad weather, I state the present Sea Protest and III On ________ 199_ the vessel encountered Nly winds of forces 9/10 that caused her to pith and roll heavily up to 20°C on either side in High seas (of force 7) and Confused (20 foot) swells and take water overall On _______ 199_ the vessel encountered rolling up 25°C on either side as well as High swells that caused her to take water overall During the aforementioned heavy weather the vessel was obliged to reduce engine speed During the voyage the air and water temperatures varied from _ __ 199 to ———— 199_ All precautions were taken to save the cargo but fearing damage to the cargo during the said bad weather, I state the present Sea Protest and _____
Collision I During the voyage, on the __ th of ———— " ^Э, my vessel collided in fog with Greek in/v ______, no serious damage being caused to both vessels Owing to the above-mentioned collision I anticipate possible damage to the cargo which may have ensued from loosening or deformation of bulkheads and resultant leakage, I state the present Sea Protest and 11 В течение рейса __ _______ 199_ года в __ ______ когда судно находилось на широте -__. на долготе __ испанское судно __ ударило в правый (левый) борт т/х __— в районе трюма N ___, скользнуло по борту судна до трапа и в районе мостика сделало глубокую вмятину
Опасаясь повреждения груза от ослабления или деформации обшивки корпуса судна и вследствие этого - течи, заявляю настоящий морской протест и _____