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АвтомобилиАстрономияБиологияГеографияДом и садДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеталлургияМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРелигияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияТуризмФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

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Acronym Master List for LANL


This list is provided as a courtesy to customers of the Computing, Information, and Communications Division. The AML mostly lists those acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, and short forms that are used by or useful to Los Alamos National Laboratory. Some abbreviations or short forms (such as names for code subroutines) are too specialized to be listed in the AML; other short forms may be too well known to need to be included here.

Even though an acronym may be included in this list (for example, an office or a program name), CIC-1 cannot guarantee that it is still accurate or in use. We recommend the prudent use of acronyms in business and scientific writing and the definition of an acronym when it is first used.

Please send additions, suggestions, and corrections to CIC-1/AML at acro@lanl.gov, Mail Stop D416, or fax 505-665-5097.


PDF files for printing: A-F G-L M-R S-Z A Return to Alphabet A absorbance, amplitude, or areaA Administrative Division, 7/44­12/46A airA analysis and assessmentA Analysis & Assessment Div., 7/87­10/93A Assay and Accountability, 9/70­12/75AA access authorizationAA accountable/activity areaAA activity areaAA adverse actionAA affirmative actionAA aiming algorithmAA arithmetical averageAA assistant administratorAA atomic absorptionAA Audits & Assessments OfficeA3 armor/anti-armorAAA American Arbitration AssociationAA3 (Accident Analysis Computer Program)AAAS American Association for the Advancement of ScienceAAAV advanced amphibious assault vehicleAACD Financial Administration Dept. (JCI)AACR Anglo-American cataloging rulesAACS airborne activity confinement systemAADP Administrative Automatic Data Processing Division, 2/76­3/81AADT average annual weekday trafficAAEE American Academy of Environmental EngineersAA/EEO affirmative action/equal employment opportunityAAH advanced attack helicopterAALC amphibious assault landing craftAAM airborne activity monitorAAM air-to-air missileAANC Aging Aircraft Nondestructive Inspection Development & Demonstration Center (SNL)AAP affirmative action programAAP asbestos action programAAQS ambient air quality standardAAR affirmative action representativeAAR Association of American RailroadsAARADCOM U.S. Army Armaments R& D CommandAARC Alliance for Acid Rain ControlAARE a-associate response (telecom.)AARQ a-associate request (telecom.)AAS acid addition systemAAS atomic absorption spectroscopyA.A.S. Academiae Americanae Socius (American Academy of Sciences)AASM Advanced Air to Surface MissileAASO Army Aeronautical Service OfficeAAT asbestos awareness trainingAAUS airborne atmospheric uranium sensorAAW antiair warfare AB - AC A.B. artium baccalaureus; bachelor of artsA& B (dual lock)A/B air busABA American Bar AssociationABAQUS (finite-element computer code)ABB Asea Brown BoveriABC accelerator-based conversionABC advanced ball conceptABC atomic, biological & chemicalABFEL air-based free-electron laserABE Army Background ExperimentABES Alliance for Balanced Environmental SolutionsABF ammonium bifluorideABHX air blast heat exchangerAbk. Abkurzung; abbreviationABL airborne laserABL atmospheric boundary layerABLE activity balance line evaluationABM antiballistic missileABM asynchronous balanced mode (telecom.)ABR advanced battery researchABRES advanced ballistic re-entry systemABRV advanced ballistic re-entry vehicleABS American Bureau of ShippingABS alkylbenzene sulfonateABS automatic backup shutdown (system)ABSS average base shear stressABS-SC automatic backup shutdown of safety computerABTA Applied Biotreatment AssociationABTRES abatement & residual forecasting modelABV auxiliary building ventilationABW airborne wasteAC access controlAC accountability measurement (plutonium)AC actual commitmentAC advisory circular (also A/C)AC advisory committeeac alternating current (also AC)AC Ancho Canyon (TA-39)AC area coordinatorAC (drawing number prefix-inspection instruction)A/C air conditioning (also AC)a.c. anné e courant; current year (French)A& C abatement and controlACA American Conservation Association, Inc.ACA applied combinatorial analysisACB air-operated circuit breakerACBM asbestos-containing building materialACC abnormal condition controlACC accumulator (injection)ACCD aircraft compatibility control drawingACD advanced conceptual designACD automatic call director (telecom.)ACDA Arms Control and Disarmament AgencyACDF Advanced Chemical Diagnostics FacilityACDP Advisory Committee for Disabled People (DOE/AL)ACE Achieving the Competitive Edge (PNL)ACE a compact ENDF (file format)ACE aerosol control experimentACE aerotherm chemical equilibrium (program)ACE alkyl cobalt dicarbollide extractionACE Alliance for Clean EnergyACE Army Corps of Engineers (U.S.)ACEC American Consulting Engineers CouncilACEP Advisory Committee, Export Policy (DOC)ACF acid concentrator feedACF automatic control featureacfm actual cubic feet per minuteACGIH American Conference of Governmental Industrial HygienistsACH air changes per hourACH automated clearing houseACI Advanced Computing InitiativeACI American Concrete Instit.ACI automatic closure and interlockACIA American Construction Inspection Assn.ACID atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability (telecom.)ACIS automated chemical inventory systemACL access control listACL Advanced Computing LaboratoryACL alternative concentration level/limitACL auxiliary cooling loopACM advanced conventional munitionsACM advanced cruise missileACM airport certification manualACM asbestos-containing materialACM Association of Communication MaanagersACM Association for Computing MachineryACME Annual Conference of Managing Editors (DOE meeting)ACNFS Advisory Committee on Nuclear Facility Safety (DOE)ACNPRS Advisory Committee on New Production Reactor SafetyACNTS Arms Control & Nonproliferation Technology Support (DOE)ACO administrative consent orderACO advance change orderACO Atomic Coordinating OfficeACOM Communications Department (JCI)ACONET Akademisches Computer Netz (Austria)ACO/UK Atomic Coordinating Office/United KingdomACRS Advisory Committee on Reactor SafeguardsACS account control systemACS advanced communication systemsACS Aldus color fileACS American Cancer SocietyACS American Chemical SocietyACS attitude control systemACS auxiliary cooling systemACSE association control service element (ISO)ACSH American Council on Science & HealthACT Accounting Division, 3/81­? /91? ACTI advanced computational technology initiativeACTS advanced communications technology satelliteACU acknowledgment signal unit (telecom.)ACV air-cushion vehicleACV at-completion varianceACVC arms control verification committeeACWA American Clean Water AssociationACWP actual cost of work performed AD - AE AD airworthiness directiveAD assistant/associate director (obsolete)AD (drawing no. prefix-acceptance equipment & specification list)A/D analog to digitalADA Americans with Disabilities ActADA applied decision analysisADABAS adaptable database systemADAL Associate Director at LargeADaPT Advanced Design and Production TechnologyADB Apple desktop busADC atomic demolition chargeADC authorized derivative classifierADCCP advanced data communication control procedureAD& D accidental death and dismembermentADCM Associate Director for Chemistry and MaterialsADDS Automated Departmental Directives SystemADEE Associate Director for Energy and EnvironmentADEOS Advanced Earth Observation Satellite (Japan)ADEP accelerator-driven energy productionADEPT assisting deployment of energy and environmental practices and technologiesADET Associate Director for Energy and TechnologyADF automatic direction findingADI acceptable daily intakeADI air defense initiativeADI alternating-direction implicit (method)ADISS analytical data interchange & storage standardsADIT accelerator-driven transmutation technologiesADL above detection limitADLD Associate Director for Laboratory DevelopmentADM action description memorandumADM arrow diagram methodADM atomic demolition munitionADMD administrative management domainADNWT Associate Director for Nuclear Weapons TechnologyADO Associate Director for OperationsADP administrative data processingADP Administrative Data Processing Division, 03/81­11/93ADPCM adaptive differential pulse code modulationADPE ADP equipmentADPLS Associate Director for Physics and Life SciencesADQPP Associate Director for Quality, Policy, and PerformanceADR alternative/alternate dispute resolutionADR Associate Director for ResearchADR audit discrepancy reportADRE Associate Director for Research and EducationADS activity data sheetADSCEPTS advanced self-contained chemical energy propulsionADSIMS air defense simulationADSL asymmetrical digital subscriber line (Bellcore video transmission)ADSM Adstar Distributed Storage Manager (backup software)ADT aerated drain tankADT atomic damage templateADTF At Depth Test FacilityADTT accelerator-driven transmutation technologies (also ADT2)ADV adeno-associated virusADV atmospheric dump valveAE acceptance equipmentAE Anchor Site East (TA-9)AE architect/engineerAEA air entraining agentAEA Atomic Energy Act of 1954AEA Atomic Energy Authority (U.K.)AEB auxiliary equipment buildingAEC Associate Enforcement Counsel (EPA)AEC Atomic Energy Commission (DOE predecessor)AECA Arms Export Control ActAECL Atomic Energy of Canada, Ltd.AED Air Enforcement Division (EPA OECM)AEDA atomic energy defense activitiesAEDS atomic energy detection systemAEE Alliance for Environmental EducationAEEN Agence Europé enne pour l'É nergie Nuclé aireAEERL Air and Energy Engineering Research Laboratory (EPA ORD)AEM acoustic emission monitoringAEM application evaluation matrixAEMS automated energy management systemAEN administrative exception noteAEO Atomic Energy Organization (Iran)AEOS analytic equation of stateAEP airport emergency planAEP alkaline earth precipitateAEP application environment profile (POSIX)AER advanced electric reactorAER advance engineering releaseAER appropriate extent of remedyAER average evoked responseAERE Association of Environmental & Resources EconomistsAERE Atomic Energy Research EstablishmentAES acceptance equipment systemAES aircraft earth station (telecom.)AES atomic emission spectroscopyAES Auger electron spectroscopyAESD Advanced Energy System Division (Westinghouse)AET accelerated environmental testAETM accelerated environmental test mockupAEW airborne early warning AF - AH AF Air Force (U.S.)AF affiliateAF auxiliary feedAF (drawing no. - operating procedure)AFA American Forestry AssociationAFADS automated flexible air defense systemAFAP artillery-fired atomic projectileAFATL Air Force Armament and Testing LaboratoryAFB air force baseAFB atmospheric fluidized bedAFC automatic flow controlAFCSA/CC Commander, Air Force Center for Studies and AnalysisAFD acid fractionator distillateAFD axial flux differenceAFDM Advanced Fluid Dynamics Model [code]AFE analog front endAFEL advanced free-electron laserAFESC Air Force Engineering & Sciences CenterAFF adaptive feedforwardAF& F arming, fuzing, and firing (component)AFFF aqueous film-forming foamAFIC Air Force Intelligence CommandAFGE American Federation of Government EmployeesAFGL Air Force Geophysics LabAFGL (atmospheric constituent model)AFI authority and format identifier (telecom.)AF/IN Air Force Asst. Chief of Staff, IntelligenceAF/INX Air Force Asst. Chief of Staff, Director of Policy, Plans & & ProgramsAFIS automated fingerprint identification systemAFISA Air Force Intelligence Support AgencyAFM Adobe Font ManagerAFM atomic force microscopy (also ATM)AFNB (U.S. Air Force Scientific Advisory Board)AFNE American for Nuclear EnergyAFO available for obligationsAFOSR Air Force Office of Scientific ResearchAFP advanced flexible processorAFP approved financial/funding planAFP approved funding programAFPEO/ST Air Force Programs Executive Officer, Director of Strategic ProgramsAFR Air Force RegulationAFR air/fuel ratioAFR Arndt-Ford-Roper (two-pole fit)AFR audit finding reportAFS Andrew file systemAFS automatic fuel dispensingAFS auxiliary feedwater systemAFSAS Air Force Director for Strategic Force AnalysisAFSCM Air Force Systems Command ManualAFSSO Air Force Special Security OfficeAFTAC Air Force Technical Applications CenterAFV alternative fuel vehicleAFV armored fighting vehicleAFW auxiliary feedwaterAFWL Air Force Weapons Laboratory (KAFB)AG alternating gradientAG Australia Group (nonproliferation)A.G. Aktiengesellschaft; corporationAGA automatic gas analyzerAGC automatic gain controlAGEN General Accounting Branch (JCI)AGEX above ground experimentsAGFNET Arbeitgemeinschaft der GrossforschungseinrichtungenAGL above ground levelAGM associate general manager (EG& G RFO)AGNS Allied General Nuclear ServicesAGR advanced gas-cooled reactorAGS alternating-gradient synchrotron (BNL)AGS American Glovebox SocietyAGS annulus gas systemAGT aboveground testAGT advanced ground transportAGU American Geophysical UnionAH Akademiya Nauk (Russian Academy of Sciences)AH aldehydeA/H air handlingAHERA Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response ActAHF Advanced Hadron FacilityAHP analytical hierarchy processAHS automated highway system AI - AM AI action itemAI artificial intelligenceAI Atomics InternationalAI authorized inspectorA/I accident/incidentA.I. anno inventionis; in the year of the discoveryAIAIT Army Intelligence and Threat Analysis CenterAIAS automatic incident actuation systemAIC acceptable intake for chronic exposureAICC adiabatic isochoric complete combustionAICE American Institute of Consulting EngineersAIChE American Institute of Chemical EngineersAID air inlet damperAID Agency for International DevelopmentAIDS Activity Information Data SystemsAIDS autoimmune deficiency syndromeAI-EOD artificial intelligence-explosive ordnance disposal (LANL)AIF Atomic Industrial Forum, Inc.AIFF audio interchange file formatAIIM Association for Information and Image ManagementAIM adaptive injection moldingAIM advanced industrial materialsAIM analytical instrumentation moduleAIM artificial ionization mirrorAIMS advanced information management systemsAIMS Automated Instrumentation and Monitoring SystemAI& O annual inspection and overhaulAIP additions in progressAIP agreement in principleAIP American Indian ProgramAIP American Institute of PhysicsAIRAPT (International Association for Research on High Pressure Science & Technology)AIRFA American Indian Religious Freedom ActAIRS advanced inertial reference sphereAIS acceptable intake for subchronic exposureAIS accumulator injection systemAIS administrative information systemsAIS advanced isotope separationAIS affiliate information systemAIS Affiliate and Immigration ServicesAIS automated information systemsAISC American Institute of Steel ConstructionAISC (Industry, Science & Technology Canada)AISD Information Systems Department (JCI)AISEC Army Information Engineering CommandAISES American Indian Science and Engineering SocietyAIST Agency of Industrial Science & Technology (Japan)AIT atmospheric interceptor technologyAIT audit inventory teamA/I adsorption isothermAIX advanced interactive executiveAL Albuquerque Operations OfficeAL Ames LaboratoryAL analytical laboratoryAL apparatus list (drawing no. prefix)AL authorized leave with pay (attendance code)ALA amino-levulinic acidALAP as late as possibleALAP as low as possible/practicableALA-O delta-aminolevulinic acid dehydratesALAPCO Association of Local Air Pollution Control OfficialsAL/APD AL Advance Planning DivisionALARA as low as reasonably achievableALBM air-launched ballistic missileALBURT Albuquerque budget reform taskALC airlift circulatorALC allocationsALCLAD (clad aluminum alloy)ALCM air-launched cruise missileALCS automated laboratory control systemALDNW Associate Laboratory Director for Nuclear WaponsALDSSR Associate Laboratory for Strategic and Supporting ResearchALDTR Associate Laboratory Director for Threat ReductionALE arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (code)ALEC American Legislative Exchange CouncilAL/EPD AL Environmental Protection DivisionALEXIS array of low-energy x-ray imaging sensorsAL/FPMD AL Facilities Planning and Maintenance DivisionAL/HPD AL Health Protection DivisionALJ Administrative Law JudgeALI Alpha/LAMP IntegrationALI annual limit on intakeALKEM (German laboratory/firm)AL/KAO AL Kirtland Area OfficeAL/MRD AL Management Review DivisionALMS atomic line molecular spectroscopyALO Albuquerque Operations OfficeALOO Albuquerque Operations OfficeAL/OESH AL Office of Environment, Safety, and HealthAL/OIEA AL Office of Intergovernmental and External AffairsAL/OQD AL Operations Safety DivisionALP airport layout planALP assembly language preprocessorALPAL (parallel program developed at LLNL)AL/PIRD AL Personnel, Industrial Relations DivisionALPMI AL property management instructionsALPR Argonne Low Power ReactorALPS accidental launch protection systemALPS alternate launch point systemALS accident localization system (reactor)ALR administrative license revocationALS advanced launch systemALS advanced light sourceALSAS At-Line Solution AssayALSI aluminum silicon alloyAL/SPD AL Special Programs DivisionALT alterationALU arithmetic logic unitAL-WDD AL Weapons Development DivisionAL/WMOSD AL Waste Management & Operational Surety DivisionAM Administrative Policies and Procedures ManualAM Ampex, Inc.AM (drawing no. prefix-tester control program)A& M agricultural and mechanical (college/univ)AMAD activity-median aerodynamic diameterAMAX American Metals Climax (potash mine)AMBIENS atmospheric mass balance of industrially emitted and natural sulfurAMC American Mining CongressAMC appraisal management centerAMC Army Materiel CommandAMD Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.AMD alpha activity median diameterAMDA acceptable minimum detectable activityAMDO Administration (JCI)AMESS autonomous machine environmental surveillance systemAMFS advanced manufacturing feasibility studiesAMHR Human Resources Department (JCI)AMI Advanced Manufacturing InitiativeAMI alternate mark inversion (telecom.)AMI automated microwave instrumentationAML acronym master listAML Advanced Materials Laboratory (Albuq.)AMO Advanced Munitions OfficeAMOS azimuthally symmetric mode simulatorAMP advanced machining programAMP Alliance for Minority ParticipationAMP asbestos management planAMP asynchronous multiprocessingAMPS advanced mobile phone service (standard)AMPS airborne multisensor pod systemAMRR Army Material Research ReactorAMR adaptive mesh refinementAMR Atlantic Missile RangeAMRV advanced maneuvering re-entry vehicleAMS aerial measurement stationAMS aerial monitoring/measurement systemAMS American Mathematical SocietyAMS analysis mass spectrometerAMS applied mathematical scienceAMS appraisal management systemAMS Army Map ServiceAMS atmospheric measurement systemAMS atomic mass spectrometryAMSD Airport Management Services Division (JCI)AMSG appropriate military systems guideAMSS Security Branch (JCI)AMT Apple Media ToolAMT Association of Manufacturing TechnologyAMTEL Advanced Materials Testing & Evaluation LaboratoryAMTEX American Textiles (DOE partnership)AMTL Army Material Test LaboratoryAMU aqueous makeupamu atomic mass unit AN - AO AN Air Force/Navy specificationAN ammonium nitrateANACONDA (intense electron beam accelerator)AN can (metal drum)ANDAS Advanced Neutron Detection Analysis SystemANEC American Nuclear Energy CouncilANFO ammonium nitrate/fuel oilANI actual net interchangeANI authorized nuclear inspectorANI automatic number identification used for telecom.ANL Argonne National LaboratoryANL-E Argonne National Laboratory-EastANL-W Argonne National Laboratory-WestANM alternate nuclear materialsANN artificial neural networkANOI advance notice of intentANOVA analysis of varianceANPR advance notice of proposed rulemakingANRHRD Air, Noise & Radiation Health Research Division (EPA ORD)ANS advanced network and servicesANS advanced neutron sourceANS American National StandardANS American Nuclear SocietyANS autonomic nervous systemANSI American National Standards InstituteANSS American Nature Study SocietyAN-SSSR Academy of Sciences (U.S.S.R.)ANSTO Australian Nuclear Science and Technology OrganizationANTA 5-amino-3-nitro-1H-1, 2, 4-triazoleANTARES Advanced Nuclear Thermal Rocket Engine SimulatorANTHEM (plasma simulation code)ANTI-C anti-contamination (used for clothing)ANWR Arctic National Wildlife RefugeAO abnormal occurrenceAO Accounting Office, 04/50­03/81AO administrative orderAO air overseas (mail)AO annotated outlineAOC abnormal operating conditionAOC area of concernAOC area of contaminationAOCE Apple Open Collaboration EnvironmentAOD argon-oxygen decarbonizationAOG acid offgasAOG augmented offgasAOM annual operating and maintenance (cost)AOML Atlantic Oceanographic & Meteorological LaboratoryAOO anticipated operational occurrenceAOP abnormal operating procedureAOP annual operating planAOPR associated offices of primary responsibilityAOQL average outgoing quality limitAOS alternative operator servicesAOS/VS advanced operating system/virtual storageAOT Accelerator Operations and Technology Division, 10/93-AOTF acousto-optical tunable filterAOV air-operated valve AP - AR AP access permitAP action planAP administrative procedureAP ammonium perchlorateAP AmparoAP application process/programAP Applied Photochemistry Division, 7/76­8/82AP armor-piercingAP assigned personnelAPA Administrative Procedures ActAPA American Planning AssociationAPAY Payroll Accounting Branch (JCI)APC ammonium perchlorateAPC argon purge cartAPCA Air Pollution Control AssociationA& PCT active and passive gamma-ray spectrometry computed tomographyAPD Advanced Planning Division (DOE)APD advance planning document/directiveAPD areal power densityAPD avalanche photodiodeAPDCS axial power distribution monitoring systemAPDF accelerator performance demonstration facilityAPE action plan elementAPEC Asian Pacific Economic CooperationAPEC Asian-Pacific Employees CommitteeAPEN air pollution emissions noticeAPET accident progression event treeAPEX advance purchase excursion (fare/ticket)APEX APLE Prototype ExperimentAPEX (pure explosives database)APF automatic pressure filterAPHA American Public Health AssociationAPI absolute position indicationAPI American Petroleum InstituteAPI application program interfaceAPL Applied Physics LaboratoryAPI armor-piercing incendiaryAPI axial power indicatorAPL average power laserAPLE average power laser experimentAPM advanced power managementAPM axial power monitorAPMS accountable property management system (JCI)APN advance purchasing noticeAPN augmented proportional navigationAPO Administrative Policy OfficeAPO Army Post OfficeAPOLLO2 (SRL code for operating limits)APPA American Public Power AssociationAPPLY (parallel program generation; CMU)APPR Army package power reactorAPR Aberdeen Pulsed Reactor FacilityAPR air purifying respiratorAPR automatic pressure reliefAPRF Army Pulse Radiation FacilityAPRM average power range monitorAPS Advanced Power SourceAPS American Physical SocietyAPS Argonne Photo SourceAPS array processing systemAPS atomic power stationAPS authorization planning scheduleAPS autocorrelated photon spectroscopyAPS auxiliary power systemAPS axial power shapeAPT accelerator production of tritiumAPT Alliance for Photonic TechnologyAPU auxiliary power unitAQCA Air Quality Control ActAQD Air Quality DigestAQCR Air Quality Control Region (CAA)AQCR Air Quality Control Regulation (NM)AQIRP Auto-Oil Air Quality Improvement Research ProgramAQL acceptable quality levelAQMA air quality maintenance areaAQRV Air Quality Related ValueAQS Air Quality StandardAQSM air quality simulation modelAR administrative requirementAR aromaticAR arsenideAR as requiredAR auto-regressiveA& R air and radiationARA Apple Remote AccessARAC atmospheric release advisory capabilityARAP Aeronautical Research Associations­PrincetonARAR applicable or relevant and appropriateARB Accommodations Review Board (obsolete; see DIB)ARBI adjusted running book inventoryARC accelerating rate calorimetryARC Ames Research CenterARCC American Rivers Conservation CouncilARCCC Accident Response Capabilities Coordinating CommitteeARCHIE (archive server listing service, Internet)ARCnet Attached Resource Computer NetworkARD Air & Radiation Division (EPA)ARDEC Armament Research, Development, and Engineering Center (Army)ARES advanced re-entry systemARF airborne release fractionAR& FF aircraft rescue and fire fightingARG Accident Response GroupARG American Resources GroupARGOS AUTEC real-time graphics on-line support systemARGUS Argonne Unified SafeguardsARGUS (LLNL research laser, 1976)ARHI airborne radioactivity hazard indexARI alternate rod insertionARIES Advanced Recovery and Integrated Extraction System (project)ARIES automated retirement and integrated extraction systemARL Army Research LaboratoryARLL advanced run-length-limitedARM area radiation monitorARM atmospheric radiation measurementARM Atmospheric Radiation Measurement ProgramARM atmospheric radiation monitoringARMA auto-regressive moving averageARMD Records/Mail Branch (JCI)ARMS area radiation monitoring systemARO Army Research OfficeARP address resolution protocolARPA Advanced Research Projects OfficeARPA Archaeological Resources Protection Act of 1979ARPANET (computer network; now DDN)ARR Association for Radiation Research (U.K.)ARS acoustic resonance spectroscopyARS advance record systemARS American Rocket SocietyARS amplified response spectrumARS as required for subject assemblyARS atomic resonance spectroscopyARS AUTEC Range Services (JCI/Computer Services Corp.)ARS Automatic Route SelectionART aqueous recycle technologiesARTEMIS advanced radio-frequency test and evaluation measurements and interpretation systemARU acid recovery unitARZ auto-restricted zoneArzamas-16 (site of All-Russian Institute of Experimental Physics) AS - AT AS abstract syntaxAS annual summaryAS aqueous solutionAS area sourceAS assistant secretary (DOE)AS autonomous systemAS aviation safetyA& S accident and sicknessASA attribute SAS authority (SAS screen)ASA accelerated safety assessmentASALM advanced strategic air-launched missileASAP Ariane structure for auxiliary payloadsASAP as soon as possibleASAT antisatellite (weapon)ASB advanced strategic bombASC administrative safety controlASCC alternate security control centerASCE American Society of Civil EngineersASCI Advanced/Accelerated Strategic Computing InitiativeASCII American Standard Code for Information InterchangeASCOT atmospheric simulations over complex terrainASCOT atmospheric studies over complex terrainASD Accelerating Structure DevelopmentASE Amplified Spontaneous EmissionASEP Accident Sequence Evaluation ProgramASER Annual Site Environmental ReportASESA Armed Services Electro Standards AgencyASG auxiliary steam generatorASHAA Asbestos in Schools Hazard Abatement ActASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air-Conditioning EngineersASI Advanced Simulation InitiativeASIC application-specific integrated circuitASIS American Society for Industrial SecurityASIWPCA Association of State & Interstate Water Pollution Control AdministratorsASL above sea levelASL Advanced Simulation LaboratoryASL American Sign LanguageASLB Atomic Safety Licensing BoardASLV augmented satellite launch vehicle (India)ASM American Society for MetalsA& SM attrition and special materialsASME American Society of Mechanical EngineersASN.1 abstract syntax language one (ISO/OSI)ASNT American Society for Nondestructive TestingASNT-TC-LA (ASNT­Personnel Qualifications Standards)ASP administrative site proceduresASP Advanced Study ProgramASP alarms and shutdown processASP Astronomical Society of the PacificASPA American Society of Public AdministrationASPEA Association Suisse pour l'É nergie AtomiqueASPR Armed Services Procurement RegulationASQC American Society for Quality ControlASR automatic send and receiveASRF Advanced Size Reduction FacilityASROC antisubmarine rocketASSIGN (parallel program generator; CMU)AST aboveground storage tankAST AVCO Systems TextronASTAB asynchronous status boardASTHO Association of State & Territorial Health OfficialsASTIA Armed Services Technical Information AgencyASTM American Society for Testing and Materials InternationalASTSWMO Association of State & Territorial Solid Waste Management OfficialsASW antisubmarine warfareAT abnormal transientAT Accelerator Operations and Technology Division; see AOTAT Accelerator Technology Division, 1/78­?? /93AT acceptance testAT advanced technology (IBM, 1984)AT Antarctic TreatyAT applied technologyAT attenuatorATAC Advanced Technology Assessment CenterATACMS Army Tactical Missile SystemATAPI AT attachment packet interfaceATB advanced technology bomber (stealth)ATBM anti-tactical ballistic missileATD advanced technology demonstrationATE automated test equipmentATEGG advanced turbine-engine gas generatorATEM analytical transmissionATEN Association Technique de l'É nergie Nuclé aire (France)ATHENA Advanced Thermal-Hydraulic Energy Network AnalyzerATI Albuquerque Technology IncubatorATL automatic tape libraryATLAS Advanced Testing Line for Actinide SeparationsATM Adobe Type ManagerATM asynchronous transfer modeATM automated/automatic teller machineATMS automated transportation management system (materials)ATMX atomic materials rail transport carATN accelerator technical noteATN aeronautical telecommunications networkATNA annual training needs assessmentATOG abnormal test procedure operator guidelinesATOG abnormal transient operator guidelinesATOMAL (NATO term applied to RD/FRD)ATP Advanced Technology Program (DOC)ATP acceptance test procedureATP annual training planATP acquisition, tracking, and pointingATP acquisition, tracking, and positioningATP adenosine triphosphateA& TP assembly and test pitATR advanced test reactorATR Alliance for Transportation Research (LANL, SNL, UNM, NMSU, NMTD)ATR automatic target recognitionATRAP air-transportable RADIAC packageATRAP Alliance for Transportation ResearchATRMD Air, Toxics & Radiation Monitoring Research Division (EPA ORD)ATS Accelerator Test StandATS action tracking system/strategyATS aerothermal structureATS alternative test systemATS applicant tracking systemATS audit tracking systemATS automatic transfer standATS automatic transfer switchATSD (AE) Assistant to the Secretary of Defense (Atomic Energy)ATSDR Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (CDC)ATSR Argonne Thermal Source ReactorATSU Accelerator Test Stand UpgradeATTF air toxics task forceATU amplifier test/technology unitATV all-terrain vehicleATV Ariane transfer vehicleATW accelerator transmutation of wasteATWS anticipated transient without scram AU - AZ AU astronomical unitAU authors systemAUI archiver user interfaceAUI attachment unit interfaceAUP acceptable use policyAUS authority services (SAS screen)AUTEC Atlantic Undersea Test & Evaluation Center (U.S. Navy)AUTEC WPD AUTEC West Palm BeachAUTODIN automatic digital networkAUTO-SEVOCOM automatic secure voice communications networkAUTOVON automatic voice networkAUW advanced underseas weaponAV audio-visual (also A/V)AVI audio-video interleaved (Windows format)AVLIS atomic vapor laser isotope separationAVM airborne vapor monitorAVMS annulus vacuum maintenance systemAVO avoid verbal ordersAVS application visualization system (IBM)AVT all volatile treatmentAW absent without leave (attendance code)AW acid wasteAW active wellAW Anchor (Ranch) Site West (TA-8)AWACS Airborne Warning and Control SystemAWC Association of Women in ComputingAWCC active well coincidence counterAWE Atomic Weapons Establishment (U.K.)AWEA American Wind Energy AssociationAWES American Wind Energy SystemsAWF Aging Waste FacilityAWG American wire gaugeAWISE Association of Women in Science and Engineeringawk (UNIX utility)AWQC Ambient Water Quality CriteriaAWRDF Advanced Weapons Radiochemical Diagnostics FacilityAWRE Atomic Weapon Research Establishment (U.K.)AWS administrative workstationAWS American Welding StandardsAWSC aqueous water-soluble chelatorAWSIMS air war simulationsAWTG Atomic Weapons Training Group (FCDNA)AWWA American Water Works AssociationAWU Associated Western Universities, Inc.AXAF advanced x-ray astrophysics facilityAX acceptance requirements indexAX auxiliary systemsAXAF advanced x-ray astrophysics facilityAY (Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore, drawing no. prefix)AYS at your service B Return to Alphabet B bandwidthB biocideB Operation Crossroads Division, 1946B- bomb (weapon designator)B-1 (visitor on business visa)B-1 (NCSC software security level)BA basic assemblyBA budget authority/authorizationB.A. baccalaureus artium; bachelor of artsBAA broad agency announcementBAA Buy American ActBAC biotechnology advisory committeeBAC blood alcohol concentrationBAC Boeing Aerospace companyBAC boric acid concentratorBAC budget at completionBACER Biological and Climatological Effects ResearchBACT best available control technologyBADT best available demonstrated technologyBAF bioaccumulation factorBAFO best and final offerBAM Berkeley Abstract MachineBAM Brooklyn Arts MuseumBAM Bundesanstalf fü r Materielprü fung (Germany)BANSHEE Beam Accelerator for Novel Super High Energy ElectronBAP benefits analysis programBAP branch arm pipingBaP benzo(a)pyreneBARC Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (India)BART Bay Area Rapid Transit (California)BART best available retrofit technologyBASIC beginner's all-purpose symbolic instruction code (computer language)BASIS Battelle Automated Search Information SystemBAT best available technologyBAT borehole acoustic televiewerBAT boric acid tank/transferBATEA best available technology economically achievableBATSE burst and transient source experimentBATSF Beryllium Atomization and Thermal Spray FacilityBB big business (LANL vendor liaison office)BBC balanced biological communitiesBBC British Broadcasting CorporationBBF bursty bulk flowBBGKY Bogoliubov-Born-Green-Kirkwood-YvonBBN Bolt Beranek & Newman, Inc.BBP best business practiceBBRD broadband radiation detectorBBRD broadband receiver digitizerBBRR Brookhaven Beam Research ReactorBBS bulletin board systemBBU beam breakupBBXRT broadband x-ray telescope BC - BE BCC blind (carbon) copyBCC block check characterbcc body-centered cubicBCCB Baseline Change Control BoardBCD barcode decalBCD binary coded decimalBCDTL bridge-coupled drift tube linacBCF bioconcentration factorBCL Battelle Columbus LaboratoryBCM boiler-condenser mode (heat transfer)BCME bis(chloromethyl) etherBCP broadband communications productBCS Bardeen-Cooper-SchriefferBCS basic combined subsetbct body-centered tetragonalBCT best available pollution control technologyBCU base-line control unitBCWP budgeted cost for work performedBCWS budgeted cost for work scheduledBD base-line designBD blood donation (attendance code)BD blowdownBd. Band; volume (German)BDASS basic data analysis subsystemBDAT best demonstrated available technologyBDBA beyond-design-basis accidentBDBE beyond-design-basis eventBDC before declassificationBDC Bomb Data Center (FBI)BDD base-line document descriptionBDI blast door interlockBDL below detection limitsBDM BDM Corp. (Braddock, Dunn, McDonald)BDT bomb disposal technicianBE best estimate (code)BE binding energyBE brilliant eyesBEA building evacuation areaBEAMS Becoming Enthusiastic About Math and ScienceBEAR beam experiment aboard a rocketBECAMP basic environmental compliance and monitoring programBEF bottom end fittingBEI biological exposure indexBEIR biological effects of ionizing radiationBEJ best engineering judgmentBEJ best expert judgmentBEP Black Employment ProgramBEP building emergency planBER basic encoding rules (ASN.1)BER beryllium electrorefiningBER Biological and Environmental ResearchBER bit error rateBER budget execution reviewBERP Biological & Environmental Research ProgramBES Basic Energy SciencesBET beryllium worker trainingBET Brunauer­Emmett­Teller (theory/equation)BETA Beta Site (TA-5) BF - BN B& F building and facilitiesBFA blank fire adapterBFD basis for designBFE Blacker front endBFI bottom fitting insertBFI brain functional imagingBFO blazing flash of the obviousBFP backflow preventerBFP boiler feed pumpBFS beam foil spectroscopyBFS bitfile server for HPSS (API)BFS budget forecasting sectionBFW boiler feed waterBG budget guidanceBG burial groundsBGCP burner gas cock positionBGI Beta-Gamma Incinerator (SRS/SRL)BGO (bismuth germanium particle detector, LAMPF)BGP border gateway protocolBGRR Brookhaven Graphite Research ReactorBGS blanket gas systemBHC benzene hexachlorideBHC borehole compensatedBHN Brinnell hardness numberBHT bottom hole temperatureBHW boiler, hot waterBI book inventoryBI Brookings InstitutionBIA Bureau of Indian AffairsBID buoyancy induced dispersionBIND Berkeley Internet Name DomainBIOS basic input/output systemBIPP B-Plant Immobilization Pilot PlantBIPS billion instructions per secondBIPY 2, 2', bypyridineBIRD Binational Industrial Research & Development Foundation (U.S.-Israel)bit binary digitBIT boron injection tankBITNET Because It's Time/There NetworkBKC Bendix (Corp.), Kansas City (Division)BL beta lambdaBL broken loopBLACS basic linear algebra communication routinesBLAS basic linear algebra subprogramsBLC boundary layer controlBLEVE boiling-liquid expanding-vapor explosionBLIMP boundary layer integral matrix procedureBLM beam loss monitorBLM Bureau of Land ManagementBLO Barbie Liberation OrganizationBLOB biologically liberated organo-beastiesBLS Bureau of Labor StatisticBLWT boiling light-water tankBL0 butt line zeroBM battle management (DoD)BM building managerBM burst mode (FEL)BM/C3 battle management/command, control, and communicationBMD ballistic missile defenseBMD battle management defenseBMDO Ballistic Missile Defense OrganizationBMEP brake mean effective pressureBMEWS ballistic missile early warning systemBMFT Bundesministerium fü r Technologie (Federal Minister for Research and Technology, Germany)BMI Battelle Memorial InstituteBMO Ballistic Missile OfficeBMP best management practiceBMP bit-mapped (file extension)BMPF best management practice findingBMR base-line monitoring report (CWA)BMRR Brookhaven Medical Research ReactorBMT bulk moderator temperatureBMW bombardment wing (FEMA)BN Bechtel NevadaBNA Bureau of National AffairsBNCT boron neutron-capture therapyBNFL British Nuclear Fuels LimitedBNFL BNFL Engineering LtdBNI Bechtel National, Inc.BNL Brookhaven National LaboratoryBNM Bandelier National MonumentBNPI Benedict Nuclear Pharmaceuticals, Inc.BNWL Battelle (Pacific) Northwest Laboratory BO - BR BO back orderBO budget outlayBOA basic ordering agreementBOA blanket order agreementBOA broad ocean areaBOC beginning of cycle (reactor operations)BOC Bell Operating Co. (telecom.)BOCREC bottom-of-core recoveryBOD biochemical/biological oxygen demandBOE Bureau of ExplosivesBOF basic oxygen furnaceBOL beginning of lifeBOM bill of materialBOM Bureau of MinesBOP balance of plantBOP basic oxygen processBOP bit-oriented protocolBOR burnout riskBOSARI body of severe-accident review informationBOSI body of safety information (database)BOSS Badge Office Security SystemBOY beginning of year (balance for goods and services on order)BP back propagationBP before presentBP borrowed personnelB& P bid and proposalBPA blanket purchase agreementBPA borrowed personnel agreementBPA Bonneville Power AdministrationBPE barometric pressure evaluationBPH benign prostatic hyperplasiaBPI base performance/percentage increaseBPJ best professional judgment (CWA)BPM beam position monitorBPN breakdown pulse noiseBPO Bartlesville Project OfficeBPR burnable poison rodBPR business process reengineeringBPS basic partitioning schemebps bits per secondBPSA beam power spectrum analyzerBPT best practical technology/treatmentB& PV boiler and pressure vesselB& PW boiler and pressure vessel code (ASME)BR breeder reactorBR BR Site (TA-47)BR business roundtableB& R budget and reporting (code)BRACC Base Realignment & Closure CommissionBRASS Basic Rapid Alarm Security SystemBRC below regulatory concernBRC budget and reporting classificationBRC business reply cardBRCC Blue Ribbon Citizens' CommitteeBRD Bundesrepublik Deutschland (Federal Republic of [West] Germany)BRITE Basic Research in Industrial Technologies EuropeBRL Ballistic Research LaboratoryBR-3 (experimental power reactor in Belgium)BRS Bibliographic Retrieval Service BS - BZ BS beam splitterBS boiler, steamBS broadcast satelliteBSA balance sheet accountBSA Business Software AssociationBSAC Biotechnology Science Advisory CommitteeB.S. baccalaureus scientiae; bachelor of science (also B.Sc.)BSC bomb shape componentsBSCCO bismuth-strontium-calcium-copper oxideBSD Berkeley Software Distribution (UNIX)BSD Berkeley Software Design, Inc. (UNIX)BSE basic semiconductor equationBSE boresight errorBSG base spares groupBSI British Standards InstituteBSMT basementBSO benzene-soluble organicsBSO bismuth silicon oxideBSR base spares reportBSRL base spare repair listBST bleed storage tankBST blowdown suppression tankBST boron storage tankBSTS Boost Surveillance and Tracking SystemBSTS Brumman SatelliteBTAG Biological Technical Assistance GroupBTEX benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xyleneBTI balanced technology initiativeBTI Biomagnetic Technologies, Inc.BTL Bell Telephone LaboratoriesBTS beam transport systemBTS boosting and transfer systemsBTU basic transmission unitBtu British thermal unitBTX benzene, toluene, xyleneBTW buried transuranic wasteBU bargaining unitBU Butler ServicesBUCS Budgeting and Computing SystemBUD Budget Division, 08/80­?? /91? BUN blood urea nitrogenBURPA basic research proposal announcementBUS Business Operations Division, 10/93­BV building ventilationBW bridgewireB& W Babcock and WilcoxBWC Biological Weapons ConventionBWHC Babcock & Wilcox Hanford CompanyBWIP Basalt Waste Isolation ProjectBWO backward wave oscillatorBWP buried waste programBWPI Babcock & Wilcox Protec, Inc.BWR boiling-water reactorBWS boiler, water supplyBWST borated water storage tankBX base exchangeBXA Bureau of Export Administration (DOC)BXT benzene, xylene, and tolueneBY budget yearBZ benzeneBZ buckled zones C Return to Alphabet C conference (LA-series report designator)C confidentialC connecting cableC consolidation planC convectiveC Computing and Communications Division (03/84­10/93)C Computing Division 01/80­03/84C Computing Sciences/Services 04/68­01/80C (high-level programming language; descendant of B)C-2 (NCSC software security level)C3 Command, Control & CommunicationsC4 command, control, communication & computersCA cellular automataCA charge amplifierCA chemical additionCA Citizen ActCA compressor, airCA Computer Associates International, Inc.CA Office of Congressional AffairsCA contract administratorCA cooperative agreementCA corrective activities/actionCA critical assemblyCA on-call pay (attendance code)CAA Clean Air ActCAA compliance assurance agreementCAA Concepts Analysis Agency (U.S. Army)CAA contaminant analysis automationCAAA Clean Air Act AmendmentsCAALS Consortium on Automated StandardsCAAS chloride aqueous actinide separationCAAZ construction authorization applicationCAC California Administrative CodeCACM Communications of the ACMCAD computer-aided designCAD containment atmosphere dilutionCAD corrective action designCADD computer-aided design and draftingCADP Coordinator for Automatic Data Processing, 07/66­04/68CAE computer-aided engineeringCAE cooler, air evaporativeCAEP China Academy of Engineering PhysicsCAER community awareness and emergency responseCAERD Clean Air and Environmental Reporting Division (EG& G RFP)CAF combustion air flowCAFE corporate average fuel economyCAFEE critical assembly fuel element exchangeCAFM computer-aided facilities managementCAFO consent agreement/final orderCAG carcinogen assessment group (EPA ORD)CAGEC commercial and government entity codeCAI carcinogen activity indicatorCAI computer-aided instructionCAI Controlled Air IncineratorCAIN controlled access by individual numberCAIR comprehensive assessment information ruleCAIRS computerized accident/incident reporting systemCAL computer-aided learningCALCOR Campus-Laboratory Collaborative Research Program Nuclear Science FundCALE (2-D arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian code)CALIOPE chemical analysis by laser interrogation of proliferant effluentsCALLS California Academia Libraries List of SerialsCal/OSHA California Occupational Safety and Health AdministrationCALS computer-aided acquisition and logistics supportCALS continuous acquisition and life-cycle support programCaltech California Institute of TechnologyCALUTRON California University CyclotronCAM computer-aided machining /manufacturingCAM constant/continuous air monitorCAM content-addressed memoryCAM contract area managerCAMAC computer-automated measurement and controlCAMP Capital Assets Management ProgramCAMP Cleveland Area Manufacturing ProgramCAMP Code Assessment & Maintenance ProgramCAMS Center for Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (LLNL)CAMS Containment Activity Monitoring SystemCAMSE Council to Advance Math and Science EducationCAMU corrective action management unitCAN Community Alert Network (emergency)CANDU Canadian deuterium-uranium (natural-uranium, heavy-water-moderated and -cooled power reactor)CAP capital accumulation provision (UCRP)CAP Civil Air PatrolCAP combat air patrolCAP computer application profileCAP continuous audit programCAP corrective action planCAP cost allocation procedureCAP criteria air pollutantCAPA critical aquifer protection areaCAPCE corrective action plan cost estimatesCAPE Civilian Application Programs Engineering (NTIS number)CAPE computer-aided pattern engineeringCAPS Cassini plasma spectrometerCAR concept assessment reportCAR configuration acceptance reviewCAR contract administrator representativeCAR control advisory releaseCAR corrective action reportingCARB California Air Resources BoardCARC containment air recirculation and coolingCARD Citizens Against Radioactive DumpingCARE cataloging and rapid entry processCARLA computer-assisted retrieval at Los AlamosCARS coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy/scatteringCARS containment atmosphere recirculation systemCART cloud and radiation testbedCAS casual (employee status)CAS Center for Automotive SafetyCAS central alarm station/systemCAS Chemical Abstract ServiceCAS collision avoidance systemCAS combined anode stirrerCAS condition assessment survey (DOE)CAS Consultant and Affiliate Services (now AIS)CAS containment assessment planCAS control alarm stationCAS cost accounting standardsCAS criticality alarm systemC.A.S. Chemical Abstract Service RegistryCASA Center Against Sexual AssaultCASA (computer testbed wide-area network)CASAC Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CAA)CASB Cost Accounting Standards BoardCASC Coalition for Academic Supercomputer CentersCASE computer-aided software engineeringCASS Computer-Assisted Surveillance SystemCASSI Chemical Abstracts Service Source IndexCAST Centro de Asistancia y Servicios Technologicos (Juarez, Mexico)CAST Chinese Academy of Space TechnologyCAST Committee of Advisors on Science & Technology (President's)CAT categoryCAT change agent teamCAT chemical addition tankCAT compact audio technologyCAT compliance assessment teamCAT computer-aided trainingCAT computerized axial tomographyCAT concatenateCAT conditionally accepted tagCAT crack arrest temperatureCAT cryogenic accelerator technologyCATG capital assets task groupCATS computer-assisted tracking systemCATS corrective action tracking systemCATV community antenna television (cable)CAU carbon absorption unitCAU command arithmetic unitCAV constant angular velocityCAW cooler, air, chilled waterCAYG clean as you go CB - CC CB cataclysmic binaryCB chlorobromo-methaneCB circulation blowerCB citizens' band (radio)CB conduction bandCB containment breachCB continuous bubblerCB control/containment buildingCB cost/benefit analysisC& B compensation and benefitsCBA collective bargaining agreementCBA cost-benefit analysisCBB control budget baseCBC circulating bed combusterCBD Commerce Business DailyC/BD chemical/biological (weapons) defenseCBED convergent beam electron attractionCBERS China-Brazil Earth Resources SatelliteCBI compliance biomonitoring inspection (CWA)CBI confidential business informationCBI crossbar interfaceCBM capacitive beam monitorCBM confidence-building measuresCBNM Central Bureau of Nuclear MeasurementsCBO Congressional Budget OfficeCBOD carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demandCBR California bearing ratioCBR commercial breeder reactorCBR constant bit rateCBRS Coastal Barrier Resources SystemCBS central budgeting systemCBS crossbar switchCBT computer-based trainingCBW chemical and biological weapons/warfareCC (carbon) copyCC charge controlCC common causeCC component checkCC component coolingCC construction componentCC copiesCC core componentCC cost centerCC coupled channelCC cryogenic calorimeterC& C Consultation and Cooperation AgreementCCA contamination control areaCCAA Canadian Clean Air ActCCAFS Cape Canaveral Air Force StationC-CAP coast watch change analysis programCC& AT cross-cutting and advanced technologiesCCB Configuration Control BoardCCB control budget baseC3 command, control, and communicationC3I command, control, communication, and intelligenceCCCP (Russian initialism for former U.S.S.R.)CCD charge-coupled deviceCCD Conference of the Committee on DisarmamentCCDF complementary cumulative distribution functionCCEA conventional combustion environmental assessmentCCF Central Computing FacilityCCF common-cause failureCCF communications control fieldCCFL countercurrent flow limitationCCHW Citizens Clearinghouse for Hazardous WastesCCIC California Casualty Insurance CompanyCCID Confidential Chemicals Identification SystemCCIO contract counterintelligence officerCCIRN coordinating committee for intercontinental research networksCCISCMO Community Counterintelligence and Security Countermeasures OfficeCCITT Comité Consultatif International Té lé phonique et Té lé graphiqueCCL coupled-cavity linacCCL Commerce Control ListCCL commodity control listCCLA Concerned Citizens of Los AlamosCCLC carrier common line chargeCCLFISH (CCL design code)CCMS Committee on the Challenges of a Modern Society (NATO)CCNB Concerned Citizen for the Nuclear BreederCCNS Concerned Citizens for Nuclear SafetyCCP composite correction plan (CWA)CCP cost change proposalCCR California Code of RegulationsCCR Center for Communications ResearchCCR central control roomCCR commitment, concurrence, and redundancyCCRC construction candidates review committeeCCRHS central control room habitability systemCCR Center for Communications Research (IDA)CCS castable ceramic systemCCS common channel signaling (telecom.)CCS component cooling systemCCS condensate cleanup systemCCS containment cooling systemCCS contamination control stationCCS cost closing statementCCS cryogenic cooling systemCCT clean coal technologyCCTB cryogenic component testbedCCTF Cylindrical Core Test Facility (Japan)CCTP Clean Coal Technology ProgramCCTV closed-circuit televisionCCU communications control unitCCW component cooling waterCCW constituent concentrations in wastesCCW counterclockwiseCCWE constituent concentrations waste extract CD - CE CD change directory (command)CD civil defenseCD civil emergency preparedness training (attendance code)CD climatological dataCD Committee/Conference on DisarmamentCD collector, dustCD collision detectionCD compact diskCD conceptual designCD consent decreeCD containment depressurizationCD control drawingCD cooldownCD cost distributionC& D charge and discharge (fuel/target)CDA Copper Development AssociationCDAC Construction Development Advisory CommitteeCDAS Control and Data Acquisition SystemCDB consolidated databaseCDBF chlorinated dibenzofuransCDC Centers for Disease Control (Public Health Service)CDC classified document controlCDC communicable disease centerCDC Control Data CorporationCDC cryogenic distillation column(s)CDD chlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxinCDDI copper distributed data interfaceCDDO Construction Department (JCI)CDDR cost and delivery data reportCDDS controlled documents distribution systemCDE Chemical Defence Establishment (U.K.)CDE Common Desktop EnvironmentCDEV control panel deviceCDF core damage frequencyCDH Colorado Department of HealthCDI chronic daily intakeCD-I compact disk-interactiveCDL commercial driver's licenseCDM climatological dispersion modelCDM code division multiplexing (telecom.)CDMA code division multiple access (Qualcomm mobile phone standard)CDMQC climatological dispersion model with calibration and source contributionCDO Construction Development/Design OfficeCDPD cellular digital packet data (commun.)CDR concept definition reportCDR conceptual design reportCDR critical design reviewCD-R compact disk-recordableCD-ROM compact disk read-only memory (also CD/ROM)CD-ROM XA CD-ROM extended architecture (IBM) (also CD-ROM/XA)CDS charged droplet scrubberCDS command disable scheduleCDS compliance data system (CAA)CDS component disassembly stationCDS conceptual design studyCDS condensate demineralization subsystemCDT Center for Defense TradeCDT Conventional Defense TechnologyCDU capacitive/capacitor discharge unitCDU Christian Democratic UnionCDV capacitance discharge vaporizationCDV Central Drawings VaultCDW charge-density waveCDW collision damage waiverCE capital equipmentCE categorical exclusionCE chemical energyCE chief engineerCE civil emergency (attendance code)CE Combustion Engineering (also C-E)CE compromising emanationsCE Corps of Engineers (U.S. Army)CE cost effectivenessCE cubicle exhaustCEA Comissariat á l'É nergie Atomique (France)CEA cost-effectiveness analysisCEAM Center for Exposure Assessment ModelingCEARP Comprehensive Environmental Assessment & Response ProgramCEARP Continuing Education & Recognition ProgramCEAT community emergency action teamCEAT contractor evidence audit teamCEARC Canadian Environmental Assessment Research CouncilCEB chemical element balanceCEBAF see TJNAFCEBS Capital Equipment Budget SystemCEC California Energy CommissionCEC cation exchange capacityCEC cooperative enforcement agreementCEC control element assemblyCED CERCLA Enforcement Division (EPA)CED control element driveCED Criminal Enforcement Division (EPA)CEDR Comprehensive Epidemiologic Data ResourceCEDE committed effective dose equivalentCEE Center for Environmental Education, Inc.CEGA Combustion Engineering/General AtomicsCEHIC Center for Environmental Health & Injury Control, Centers for Disease ControlCEI compliance evaluation inspection (CAA)CEL carbon equilibrium loopCEL channel effluent limitCELRF Canadian Environmental Law Research FoundationCELS coded explosive logic systemCEM Center for ElectromagneticsCEM channel electron multiplierCEM computational electromagneticsCEM continuous emission monitoring (CAA)CEM cost estimating managerCEMF counter electromotive forceCEM-UT Center for Electromagnetics at the University of TexasCEN Centre d'É tudes Nuclé aires (France)CEN cervical intraepithelial neoplasiaCENC Community Environmental Health ConcernsCENRTC capital equipment not related to constructionCENTAR Code for Extended Nonlinear Transient Analysis of Extraterrestrial ReactorsCEO chief executive officerCEOI communications electronic operating instructionCEP capital equipment projectCEP circular error probabilityCEP containment evaluation panelCEP continuing education programCEP Controls for Environmental Pollution, Inc.CEP Council on Economic PrioritiesCEPEX Central Equatorial Pacific ExperimentCEPOD catalyzed electrochemical plutonium oxide dissolution/dissolverCEPOD catalytic enhanced plastic decontaminationCEPP Chemical Emergency Preparedness ProgramCEPT Conference of European Postal and Telecommunications AdministrationsCEQ Council on Environmental QualityCER complete engineering releaseCERC Convex Engineering Research ComplexCERCLA Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability ActCERCLIS Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Information System (EPA)CERES clouds and Earth's radiant energy systemCERI Center for Environmental Research InformationCERMET ceramic and metalCERN Formerly the European Center for Nuclear Research, now known as the European Laboratory for Particle PhysicsCERN Centre Europé enne pour la Recherche Nuclé aireCERP comprehensive environmental restoration programCERT computer emergency response teamCESC centrifugal electroslag castingCET critical experiment tankCETEC Center for Extraterrestrial Engineering & ConstructionCETS connector environmental test standCEU continuing education unit(s)CEUSP Consolidated Edison Uranium Solidification Program CF - CH CF cable, fuzing or firingCF calibration factorCF charcoal filterCF compliance findingCF confinement factorCF Conservation FoundationCF containment failureCF continuous flowCFA cognizant federal agencyCFA continuous flow analysisCFA control facilities areaCFA crossed field amplifierCFC chlorofluorocarbonCFC Combined Federal Campaign (charities)CFC constant-flow coolingCFD computational fluid dynamicsCFD constant fraction discriminatorCFE chlorotrifluoroethyleneCFE Conventional Forces in Europe (agreement)CFL consequence of failure levelCFM chlorofluormethane(s)CFM cubic feet per minuteCFM containment failure modeCFPAS Ceramic Filled Polymer Armor SystemCFR Code of Federal RegulationsCFR commercial fast reactorCFR condensate filter demineralizerCFR cooperative fuel researchCFRD confidential formerly restricted dataCFRL continuous flow recirculating loopCFRV crash-fire-rescue vehicleCFTF central filter test facilityCFS central file systemCFS Common File SystemCFT californium target(s)CFT consequence of failure type(s)CFT core flood tankCFT Cray FORTRAN CompilerCFTLIB Cray FORTRAN (I/O) LibraryCFV call for votesCG center of gravityCG change guideCG character generatorCG classification guideCG combustion gasCG compilation guideCG concentration guideCG conjugate gradientCG controls groupCGA color graphics adapterCGA Compressed Gas AssociationCGI combustible gas indicatorCGI common gateway interfaceCGI composite graphics interfaceCGI computer-generated imageryCGI computer graphics interfaceCGL Comprehensive General Liability (policy)CGL computer graphics laboratoryCGM computer graphics metafileCGMP comprehensive generic monitoring planCGRO Compton Gamma-Ray ObservatoryCGS Canadian Geologic SurveyCGS color graphics adapter (IBM)CGS common graphics systemCGS conjugate gradient squaredCGWIC China Great Wall Industry CorporationCH Calico HillsCH component handlingCH contact handling/handledCHAOS circular high acceptance (magnetic) orbit spectrometer (TRIUMF)CHAMMP Computer Hardware, Advanced Mathematics, and Model PhysicsCHAMP Community Health Air Monitoring ProgramCHAP Compton high-altitude pulseCHDBR Calico Hills demonstration breakout roomChelyabinsk-70 (site, All-Russian Institute of Technical Physics)CHEMLL chemical and low-level (waste)CHEMTREC Chemical Transportation Emergency CenterCHESS Community Health & Environmental Surveillance SystemCHF critical heat fluxCHGS Center for Human Genome StudiesCHIP chemical hazard information profileCHLW commercial high-level wasteCHM Chemistry Division, 8/82­?? /?? CHM Chinese Hamster Ovary (Health Division cell replication)CHMR Center for Hazardous MaterialsCHO chemical hygiene officerCHP chemical hygiene planCHR confinement heat removalCHRP common hardware reference platform (Power PC)CHRS confinement heat removal systemCH-TRU contract-handled transuranic wasteCHW chilled waterCHX (mammalian fibroblast cells with unstable chromosomes) CI - CL CI cast iron (pipe)CI chemical injectionCI compression ignitionCI computer interfaceCI confidence intervalCI construction inspectorCI containment integrity/isolationCI control instrumentationCI corrosion inhibitorC.I. confidence interval (statistics)C/I classification/identificationCIA Central Intelligence AgencyCIA containment isolation actuationCIAC computer incident advisory capabilityCIAM Central Institute of Aviation MotorsCIAQ Council on Indoor Air QualityCIBL convective internal boundary layerCIC compensated ion chamberCIC Computing Information CenterCIC Computing, Information & Communications Division, 10/93­CICA Competition in Contracting ActCICIS Chemicals in Commerce Information SystemCID charge-injected deviceCID combined immunological deficiencyCIDRS cascade impactor data reduction systemCIE Commission International de l'EclairageCIF Consolidated Incineration Facility (SRL)CIF Consolidated Incinerator FacilityCIIN corporate integrated information networkCIIIK (United States of America; Russian abbreviation)CIK crypto-ignition keyCIL component integration labCIL computer inoperative limitsCIL critical items listCIM Computer-Integrated ManufacturingCIM computer input microfilmCIMD Coalition to Increase Minority DegreesCIMI Committee on Integrity & Management ImprovementCIMS Coalition for Intelligent Manufacturing SystemsCINC Commander in ChiefCIO Central Imagery Office (intelligence)CIO Community Involvement and Outreach OfficeCIP cast iron pipeCIP cataloging-in-publicationCIP cold isostatic pressingCIP continuation in partCIPA California Information Practices ActCIPP contexts, input, processes & productsCIPSO common Internet protocol security optionCIRRPC Committee on Interagency Radiation Research & Policy CoordinationCIS chemical information/injection systemCIS Commonwealth of Independent StatesCIS Computational and Information SciencesCIS containment isolation systemCISA Center for International Security AffairsCISC complex instruction set computerCISE Computer Information Science and Engineering (NSF)CISR Center for Iron and Steel ResearchCIT communications improvement team (EIT)CITES Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and FloraCITF Cold Integrated Test FacilityCITIS contractor integrated technical information serviceCIX commercial Internet exchangeCJ crane, jibCJE critical job elementCJO chief judicial officerCKVA complex Kohn variation principleCL centerlineCL closed loopCL collaboratorCL confidence levelCL court leave (attendance code)CL-20 (polycyclic nitramine)CLAMS Common Los Alamos Mathematical SoftwareCLAMDOC CLAMS online documentationCLASS Classification Office, 9/79­1/81CLASS composite lightweight affordable spacecraft structureCLC capacity-limiting constituentsCLC Computing Learning CenterCLEANS clinical laboratory for evaluation and assessment of toxic substancesCLEER Center for Legislative Energy & Environmental ResearchCLEO Classified Energy On-line (database)CLEVER clinical laboratory for evaluation and validation of epidemiologic researchCLF Conservation Law FoundationCLFMI Chain Link Fence Manufacturers InstituteCLGP cannon-launched guided projectileClHC trimsolCLI command line interpreterCLIPS chemical list index & processing systemCLISE chloride-ion-specific electrodeCLMP connectionless-mode network protocolCLNP connectionless network protocol (OSI)CLP contract laboratory program (EPA)CLS characteristic loss spectroscopyCLS classified logistic shipmentCLS Chemistry and Laser Sciences DivisionCLSP Center for Law & Social PolicyCLV ceiling limit valueCLV constant linear velocity CM - CO CM cementationCM Chemistry and Metallurgy Division, 4/44­10/45CM circuit masterCM Configuration ManagementCM core meltCM corrective measureCM crane maintenanceCM crane, monorailCM crisis management (crisis manager)CMA charring material ablationCMA Chemical Manufacturers AssociationCMAA Crane Manufacturer's Association of AmericaCM-2 Connection Machine 2 (Thinking Machines Corporation)CM-5 Connection Machine 5CMB chemical mass balanceCMB Chemistry-Metallurgy " Baker" Division, 9/56­8/82CMB Configuration Management BranchCMC computer-mediated conversationCMCA cruise missile carrier aircraftCME comprehensive (ground water) monitoring evaluationCME coronal mass ejectionCMEP critical mass energy projectCMF Chemistry­Metallurgy " Fowler" Division, 9/56­1/71CMF compressed-magnetic fieldCMI corrective measures implementationCMIP Capability Maintenance and Improvements ProjectCMIP common management information protocolCMIS common management information servicesCMIS computer management and information science (DoD)CML current-mode logicCMM computerized measuring machineCMM coordinate measuring machineCMOS complementary metal oxide semiconductorCMOT CMIS over TCP/IPCMP certified meeting professionalCMP Configuration

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