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I. Learn the pronunciation

To be content (with), insuperable, barrier, scheme, sincerity, preliminary, solicitor, vaccination, premature, twopence, to alienate, perambulator, capacious, manuscript, suspense, repellent, irrevocable, luxury, triviality.

II. Learn the following words and word-combinations in situations from the text of the play:

to pretend to be smb else – –притворяться кем-то ещё (другим человеком), разыгрывать из себя кого-то другого
to have an opportunity of doing smth –иметь (благоприятную) возможность/ удобный случай что-либо сделать
to give a satisfactory explanation –давать приемлемое объяснение
to offer an explanation (to smb) –представить объяснение (в свое оправдание) кому-либо
to be content with smth (an explanation) –остаться довольным чем-либо (объяснением)
to make a (preliminary) inquiry, to make inquiries about smb/smth – наводить (предварительные) справки о ком-либо/чем-либо
a solicitor – – стряпчий, адвокат
a family solicitor – – поверенный в делах семьи
to have a (large) fortune – –иметь состояние (богатство)
to have no fortune – –не иметь состояния (богатства)
attractive – –привлекательный
to be attractive – –быть привлекательным
to have solid qualities – –иметь солидные/надежные/прочные/ основательные качества/черты/достоинства
to be out of the question (it is out of the question) –об этом не может быть и речи
to approve of smth (smb’s moral character) одобрять что-либо (чей-то моральный облик)
to be (un)truthful – –быть (не)честным
under an assumed name – –под вымышленным именем
to give one’s consent (to smth) – –дать своё согласие (на что-либо)
to marry without (smb’s) consent –вступить в брак без (чьего-либо) согласия
to consent to smth – –согласиться на что-либо
to inspire confidence – –внушать доверие
to come of age – –достичь совершеннолетия
a will – –(здесь) завещание
according to the terms of smb’s/the will –по условию (чьего-либо) завещания
(to be) a matter of vital importance –(быть) жизненно важным вопросом/делом
(to be) in charge of smb/smth (a perambulator) –отвечать за кого-либо/что-либо, нести ответственность за (коляску с ребенком)
fiction – –беллетристика, художественная литература
a work of fiction – –литературное произведение
a manuscript – –рукопись
to examine – –рассматривать, исследовать
to depend on smth – –зависеть от чего-либо
to be christened /to be named after one’s father –быть крещеным/названным в честь отца


III. Write out the following words with the minimal linguistic context. Supply their transcription and Russian equivalents and learn them.

Nouns Adjectives Adverbial Verbs
hesitation respectability premature phrase to last
property perambulator irrevocable in alarm to occur
affection muffin mercenary   to place
triviality barrier cultivated   to obtain
repentance   calculating    
suspense   accurate    
sincerity   punctual    


IV. Interpret, paraphrase or explain:

1. You Christian names are still an insuperable barrier.

2. All communication between yourself and my daughter must cease immediately.

3. Few girls of the present day have any solid qualities, any qualities that last and improve with time.

4. The two weak points in our age are its want of principle and its want of profile.

5. There are distinct social possibilities in your profile.

6. I don’t care a twopence about social possibilities.

7. Untruthful! My nephew Algernon? Impossible. He is an Oxonian.

8. He obtained admission to my house by means of false pretence of being my brother.

9. He succeeded in the course of the afternoon in alienating the affections of my only ward.

10. The suspense is terrible. I hope it will last.

11. Every luxury that money could buy…had been lavished on you by your fond and doting parents.

12. We were never even on speaking terms.

V. On what is the humorous effect based in the sentences below? Explain how it works:

1. Lady Bracknell: What did he die of? Algernon: Bunbury? Oh, he was quite exploded. Lady Bracknell: Exploded! Was he the victim of a revolutionary outrage? I was not aware that Mr. Bunbury was interested in social legislation.

2. Lady Bracknell: You seem to be displaying signs of triviality. Jack: On the contrary, Aunt Augusta, I’ve realized for the first time in my life the vital Importance of Being Earnest.

VI. Answer the following questions:

1. How did the reconciliation come about?

2. What insuperable barrier remained before the two young couples could be reunited?

3. Why did Algernon have to get rid of his invalid friend Bunbury in the end?

1. How did he do it?

4. What brought Lady Bracknell to Jack’s house?

5. What was Lady Bracknell’s first reaction to Algernon’s engagement to Cecily? Why did it change so dramatically? Follow its progress from surprise and disapproval to enthusiastic acceptance.

6. What was Lady Bracknell’s idea of an attractive young woman? Do you agree?

7. How do Lady Bracknell’s views on marriage betray dual morality of the upper classes?

8. What kind of conversation would take place between a parent and someone who wishes to marry their son or daughter in our time? Would it be different from those given in the play?

9. How did Algernon’s behaviour affect Jack’s decision concerning Cecily’s engagement (to Algernon)?

10. Why was it impossible for Cecily to marry without Jack’s consent there and then?

11. How did Miss Prism help to find Jack’s family?

VII. Do the following assignment:

What do you know about Oxford University? Name some famous Oxonians. What is the other oldest university in the UK? Members of what classes went to Oxford in O. Wilde’s time? What did an Oxford degree indicate about the social status of its holder? How did the university admission policy change in the twentieth century?

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