
FOCUS 4. Fill in the gaps with one of the following words or word combinations. Use the appropriate tense form.

works design Certificate of Works Test free of charge operation Release Note for Shipment early orders to waive ahead of schedule to release to accelerate final inspection to certify original delivery estimate specifications defective corresponding licence reply to omit in mint condition to opt for service


1. Each invoice also shows a 10% trade discount granted for .
2. If you the first variant, and given the urgent nature of the situation with booking the transport, your is required by noon tomorrow.
3. It is understood that the and test of the machine are to take place in Russia.
4. Should the equipment prove to be in whole or in part owing to faulty material, workmanship or design, within 18 months of the date of putting it into we undertake to replace such goods .
5. Taking the shut-down of the works into account we propose either delivery or delivery in three months subject to your agreement.
6. The performance of the machine has been tested at our works and we enclose a copy of the .
7. To our regret we cannot maintain the as in calculating the estimated despatch date we have the annual summer works shut-down.
8. We can assure you that we take every possible precaution to ensure that our goods reach our customers all over the world .
9. We have pleasure in informing you that the goods against the above order are ready for your inspection at our.
10. We hereby that the equipment supplied against this order is in accordance with the description, technical conditions and given in the above contract and conforms to our highest standards.
11. We hope that this will enable you deliveries. We are sending you our in triplicate; shipping instructions will be sent to you in due course.
12. We inform you that Model NA-66 is subject to export licence control but we anticipate no difficulty in securing the .
13. We thank you for prompt attention and look forward to being of to you again.
14. We wish to inform you that we have decided the inspection of the goods against the above order and the machine for shipment on the basis of the tests performed at your works.
15. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that the goods of this consignment are of a perfected .

FOCUS 5. Fill in the gaps with prepositions/particles where

1. We have pleasure informing you that the goods the above order are ready your inspection our works.
2. reply your letter yesterdays date we inform you that we release the machine shipment the basis the tests performed your works.
3. The final inspection and tests the machine are to take place Russia the works the Customers accordance the terms order.
4. We hereby certify that the equipment supplied this order is accordance the description, technical conditions and specifications given the above contract and conforms our highest standards.
5. Should the equipment prove to be defective whole or part owing faulty material 18 months the date putting the machine operation, we undertake to replace such goods free charge.
6. The defective goods are to be returned us our request and our expense.
7. We refer your order and draw your attention the following problems.
8. We planned delivering your order 75 tons the goods 2 lorries an ex-works date set 1st September.
9. Taking the shut-down the works account we propose delivery schedule subject your agreement.
10. If you opt the first variant your reply is required noon tomorrow.
11. Your order the cycles is currently being processed and will be ready dispatch 15th November the latest.
12. We fully understand your concern regard packing and would like to assure you that the goods will reach the customers all the world mint condition.
13. The dispatch can be made our works rail Shanghai harbour onward shipment Vladivostok.
14. The freight charges works are $50 container which will be charged your account.
15. As mentioned our telephone conversation both invoices include extra charges packing seaworthy containers.
16. Please remit payment a bank transfer our account Citybank 30 days the date issue the invoices.
17. We do not anticipate any difficulty obtaining tonnage the transportation the goods Hamburg.
18. We agree your request that the delivery time should be postponed 1st December the understanding that the price the goods is to be reduced 5% $1000 unit.
19. Owing delay development some important fixtures, the Suppliers were unable to deliver the machine tool 17th May.



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