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Урок 19

Лексика 1 Детали лица Лексика 2 Черты характера
hair [heә ] волосы curly [‘kә: li] курчавый
face [feis] лицо straight [streit] прямой
eyebrows [ai’brauz] брови Roman [‘rכ umә n] римский
eyelashes [ailae∫ iz] ресницы snub [sn٨ b] курносый
eye [ai] глаз round [‘raund] круглый
nose [nכ uz] нос oval [‘כ uvә l] овальный
ear [iә ] ухо double [‘d٨ bә l] двойной
cheek [t∫ i: k] щека dimpled [‘dimpә ld] с ямочкой
moustache [mә ’sta: ∫ ] усы Greek [gri: k] греческий
mouth [mauθ ] рот long [lכ η ] длинный
chin [t∫ in] подбородок square [skwea] квадратный
beard [biә d] борода strong-featured [strכ η ’fi: t∫ ә d] жестко очерченный



Конструкция “to have got” (иметь) в Present Simple

I have got a cat I have not got a cat Have I got a cat?
He has got a cat He has not got a cat Has he got a cat?
She has got a cat She has not got a cat Has she got a cat?
It has got a cat It has not got a cat Has it got a cat?
They have got a cat They have not got a cat Have they got a cat?
We have got a cat We have not got a cat Have we got a cat?
You have got a cat You have not got a cat Have you got a cat?


Мозаика 1 Утвердительные и отрицательные формы

Ronald has got beautiful black eyes.

He’s got a Roman nose.

He’s got a nice dimpled chin.

But he is very unhappy.

He has got no hair.

Unfortunately he is absolutely bald.


Мозаика 2 Вопросительные формы

Does aunt Susan love children?

Has she got any children of her own?

How many children has she got?

What problems has she got with them?

Are her children quiet and patient?


Диалог 1. В полицейском участке (ответьте на вопросы)

- What is your name?

- …

- Have you got any relatives in the UK?

- …

- How many children have you got?

- …

- We advise you to go to the Embassy. It is at Kensington Palace Gardens.


Диалог 2. Составление робота (ответьте на вопросы)

- What kind of face has he got?


- What type of hair has he got?

- …

- What type of eyes has he got?

- …

- Is his mouth big or small?

- …


Диалог 3. Загадка про кинозвезду (задайте вопросы в следующем порядке:

1. мужчина это или женщина?

2. какие у нее волосы?

3. какие у нее глаза?

4. какой у нее нос?

5. какой у нее рот?)

- Is it a…?

- It’s a woman.

- What type of…?

- She’s got beautiful, short, blond hair.

- What type of…?

- She’s got large eyes with long eyelashes.

- What kind of…?

- She’s got a small snub nose.

- What kind of…?

- She’s got a beautiful big mouth.

- Who is this?

- She is Marilyn Monroe.


Разговор. Беседа с покупателями (записать полностью)

- Have you got any geese?

- No, madam. But we’ve got some fresh white bread.

- No, I need some meat. Have you got any beef.

- No, madam. But I can offer you some very tasty cookies.

- Have you got a chicken then?

- I am sorry, madam. We haven’t.

- In that case, what have you got?

- Bread, madam. It’s a bakery.

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