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Мозаика 2 Вопросительные формы. Who will be at your birthday party?

Who will be at your birthday party?

How many people will there be?

Will your girlfriend be there?

Will there be a birthday cake?

Why will there be nothing to drink?

How old will you be?


Диалог 1. Беседа о доме (ответьте на вопросы, числа указывайте словами)

- How many storeys will there be?

- There will be two storeys.

- Will there be a lawn in front?

- There will be a lawn in front.

- What else will be in front of the house?

- There will be a pond in front of the house.

- How much will it cost?

- It will be one hundred and fifty thousand pounds.


Диалог 2. Прием друзей (ответьте на вопросы, числа указывайте словами)

- How many people will there be?

- There will be four people here.

- Will Martha be there?

- Martha will be here.

- Will there be anything to drink?

- There will be some drinks.


Диалог 3. Покупка дома (задайте вопросы другу, который собирается купить дом, в следующем порядке:

сколько будет этажей

сколько будет комнат

сколько будет спален

будет ли сад

сколько будет стоить этот дом)

- How many storeys will there be?

- There will be three storeys.

- How many rooms will there be?

- There will be 15 rooms.

- How many bedrooms will there be?

- There will be my bedroom and three bedrooms for guests.

- Will there be a garden?

- No, there will be a park with a swimming-pool.

- How much will it cost?

- It will cost 1 800 000 pounds.


Разговор. «День рождения Helen» (записать полностью)

- Hello, Ross. Where are you going?

- I am going to a party.

- How many people will be there?

- About ten, I guess.

- Will Helen will be there but without her boyfriend.

- Will there be any champagne?

- Of course, it will be Helen’s birthday.

- Will there be a birthday cake?

- Yes, but why are you asking?

- I am not going to take you with me.


Дополнение: Местоимения “some”, “any”

(ответьте на вопросы)

- Is there anybody from Australia in your host family.

- There is somebody from Australia.

- Is there anybody from China?

- There is nobody from China.

- Is there anybody from Russia in your host family?

- There is somebody from Brazil?

- There is nobody from Brazil.

Урок 15

Лексика 1 Предметы коллекционирования Лексика 2 Увлечения  
stamp [staemp] марка windsurfing [‘windsә: fiη ] виндсерфинг
badge [‘baed3] значок sailing [‘seiliη ] яхт-спорт
lighter [‘laitә ] зажигалка mountain skiing [‘mauntin ’ski: iη ] горнолыжный спорт
matches [‘maet∫ iz] спички roulette [ru’let] рулетка
coin [kכ in] монета fishing [fi∫ iη ] рыбалка
pen [pen] ручка cooking [kukiη ] кулинария
disc [disk] грампластинка cards [ka: dz] карты
clock [klכ k] часы knitting [‘nitiη ] вязание
handerchie [‘haeη kә t∫ if] носовой плата tourism [‘tuә rizm] туризм
key-ring [‘ki: riη ] брелок races [‘reisiz] скачки


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