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Мозаика 2 Вопросительные формы. Is it a painting by Picasso?

Is it a painting by Picasso?

What is shown in the picture?

Is it a man or a woman?

What style is this picture painted in?

Where are Picasso’s pictures exhibited?

Are his paintings done in oil or water-colousr?


Диалог 1. Интервью с писателем (ответьте на вопросы)

- How do you do? I am a correspondent from “Time” magazine. I am going to write an article about you.

- How do you do?

- Are you known more as a detective writer or as a novelist?

- I am known more as a detective writer.

- What type of literature are you interested in?

- I am interested in detective stories.

- What countries are your books published in?

- My books are published in the USA.

- Thank you very much for the interview.


Диалог 2. На экзамене по литературе (ответьте на вопросы)

- Who is the book written by?

- His book is written by Shakespeare.

- What style is this book written by?

- This book is written in a tragic style.

- What problems are described in this book: political, economic, human problems or the problems of love.

- The problems of love are described in this book. (“Romeo and Juliet”)


Диалог 3. «Что это за книга?» (задайте вопросы)

- Who is this book written by?

- This book was written by Leo Tolstoy.

- What is the style of this book?

- It is a novel.

- What problems are described in it?

- The problems of love are described in this book.

- What characters are described in it?

- A married woman and a young man are described in this book.

- What book is this?

- It is the novel “Anna Karenina”.


Разговор. Беседа о книге (записать полностью)

- Hello, Jane. What are you doing?

- Hi, Irene. I am reading a book.

- Who is the author?

- It is written by Robert Ludlum.

- What sort of book is it?

- It is a detective book.

- What is the title of the book?

- Oh sorry, Irene. My cake is burning in the kitchen. Bye for now.


Дополнение: Страдательные причастия (ответьте на вопросы)

- What is this?

- This is a tower built by Eiffel.

- What is this?

- This is a book written by Shaw.

- What is this?

- This is a character created by Disney.


Урок 11

Лексика 1 Картинная галерея Лексика 2 Жанры живописи
gallery [gaelә ri] галерея still life [stil’laif] натюрморт  
canvas [‘kaenvә z] холст landscape [‘laendskeip] пейзаж  
painting [‘peintiη ] картина portrait [pכ: trit] портрет  
visitor [‘viziә t] посетитель icon [‘aikә n] икона  
penci [‘pensә l] карандаш poster [‘pכ stә ] плакат  
colours [k٨ lә z] краски caricature [‘kaerikә juә ] карикатура  
quide [‘gaid] экскурсовод sketch [sket∫ ] кабросок  
frame [‘freim] рама collage [kכ ’la: 3] коллаж  
brush [‘bru∫ ] кисть drawing [‘drכ: iη ] рисунок  
casel [‘i: zә l] мольберт        



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