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АвтомобилиАстрономияБиологияГеографияДом и садДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеталлургияМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРелигияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияТуризмФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника


Спряжение глагола to be в Past Simple

I was I was not (wasn't) Was I?
He was He was not (wasn't) Was he?
She was She was not (wasn't) Was she?
It was It was not (wasn't) Was it?
We were We were not (weren't) Were we?
You were You were not (weren't) Were you?
They were They were not (weren't) Were they?


Мозаика 1. Утвердительные и отрицательные формы

We were born in the USA.

But our parents were not Americans.

My grandfather and grandmother were French.

My aunt was born in 1929.

She was born in Great Britain.

But she was not British by nationality.

Мозаика 2. Вопросительные формы

Where was John’s uncle born?

Was he born in Australia?

Was he industrious was John’s aunt?

Was she a beautiful woman?

What nationality was this woman?


Диалог 1. На приеме у астролога (ответьте на вопросы о себе)

- What month were you born?

- I was born in (September).

- What year were you born?

- I was born in (1979).

Диалог 2. Кто был мой дедушка? (ответьте на вопросы)

- Where was my grandfather from?

- Your grandfather was from Russia.

- What kind of person was he?

- He was kind.

- What nationality was he?

- He was Russian.


Диалог 3. Две знаменитости (загадка) (задайте вопросы)

- Was it a man or a woman?

- He was a man/

- Where was he born?

- He was born in 1769.

- When was he born?

- He was born in France.

- What kind of person was he?

- He was very clever, very ambitious, emotional and cruel. (Napoleon)


- Was it a man or a woman?

- It was a woman.

- When was she born?

- She wad born in the 1st century B.C.

- When was she born?

- She was born in Egypt.

- What kind of person was she?

- She was very clever, beautiful and cruel.

- Who was she? (Cleopatra)


Разговор. Беседа о родственниках (записать полностью)

- Who is this?

- This is my aunt. She is French.

- Where was she born?

- She was born in Spain like her father.

- And who was her father?

- Oh, her father was my grandfather and he was Greek.

- Was your grandmother Greek too?

- No, she was not. She was born in Italy.

- But what nationality was your grandmother?

- She was German.

- I am sorry I am so stupid but why is your aunt French?



Дополнение. Количественные числительные

thirteen – 13 twenty – 20 forty-six – 46 one hundred – 100 three hundred and four – 304 three thousand and five – 3005 six thousand one hundred – 6100 seven thousand six hundred and ten - 7610



5+3 = eight 10-7 = three 18: 2 = nine 12+4 = sixteen 90: 9 = ten 3x5 = fifteen 37-23 = fourteen 120: 4 = thirty 43x2 = eighty-six 65+32 = ninety-seven 69-27 = forty-two 75: 3 = twenty-five 95-77 = eighteen 67+86 = one hundred and fifty-three 24x100 = two thous and four hundred


Урок 3

Лексика 1 Профессии Лексика 2 Внешние черты
journalist [‘d33: nә list] журналист strong [strכ η ] сильный
painter [pe’intә ] художник weak [wi: k] слабый
writer [raitә ] писатель beautiful [bju: tiful] красивый
ballet-dancer [‘baeleida: nsә ] балерина short [∫ כ: t] низкий
musician [mju: z’i∫ n] музыкант tall [tכ: l] высокий
carpenter [‘ka: pә ntә ] столяр big [big] большой
doctor [dכ ktә ] врач plump [pl٨ mp] полный
engineer [end3i’niә ] инженер small [smכ: l] маленький
plumber [pl’٨ mә ] водопроводчик    
chemist [k’emist] химик    
driver [dr’avә ] шофер    
astronomer [ae’strכ nә mә ] астроном    


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