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Chapter 16. Lex and Thunder rode hard for about thirty minutes, until she could feel the great beast begin to tire

Lex and Thunder rode hard for about thirty minutes, until she could feel the great beast begin to tire. Old boy, I'm gonna have to get you out more often. She also felt the need to slow down due to the complaints she was getting from her own body as well. Not the smartest thing you could have done, Lexington. They had ridden through the winter rye fields, and then through the stand of trees she and Amanda had walked through last night. She pulled the horse to a stop before they got to the road, not wanting to risk injuring either one of them in the mud.

Looking at the felled tree and halfway flipped jeep, Lex was surprised that they weren't both seriously injured. The jeep itself was leaning precariously on three wheels, the top of the tree sitting almost on top of it. Whoa…that was a close one! She reined the horse back towards the creek - Might as well see that in the daylight, too.

The old bridge was not in as bad of shape as Lex as previously feared. Only the middle section was gone, so it probably would not take that long to repair. She looked downstream, and saw the tail of the little Mustang sticking up out of the water. Hmm… an idea began to form in her mind… She turned Thunder around and headed back towards the house. Got some planning to do…

" ….and then she hands me this piece of paper and says, 'Happy Birthday, Martha.' I tell you, I was never so surprised in my life. She even had me pick out everything to decorate it with. It sure was a big change from that little room in the back." The older woman wiped her eyes. She had just told Amanda how Lex had surprised her with the deed to her little cottage, where they were now sitting drinking coffee. Martha thought it was the best place to wait for the rancher, since they could sit in her living room and look out the huge picture window and see the main house and barn.

Amanda and Martha had spent the afternoon getting to know each other better. She had told the older woman about her grandparents, and some of her more favorite stories from her childhood, including the summer they found her car. Which sparked a small burst of tears when she realized that it was probably miles downstream by now. Martha had related several humorous stories about Lex, and how hard it was to raise a girl on a ranch full of men. She also told of the sad young girl who never fit in at home or at school, and how she slowly closed herself off from the pain of being different, and the loneliness of running a ranch.

" My grandmother said that Lex was about the sweetest person she had ever met. How did she get involved in the historical society? " Amanda had been wondering about this since her talk with Anna Leigh last night.

Martha laughed. " Actually, Lex did it mostly out of spite, at least at first." At Amanda's confused look, she continued. " Hubert had been really nasty towards all of us here at the ranch, and he decided he was going to become a big real estate developer. So, he had picked out the old Taylor house, and he was going to buy it and level it to the ground…wanted to turn it into a shopping center or some such nonsense. Anyway, Lex had gone into town to get the cast taken off her arm, "

" What?? " Amanda gasped.

" Oh, she broke it instead of one of the horses…" she pushed her hair out of her eyes. " Where was I? Yes. She was coming out of the doctor's office and nearly tripped over your grandmother, who was hanging up a sign in the window. She was chairing a meeting of the historical society that evening to discuss the historical significance of Loren Taylor's old house. Lex read the sign, and asked Mrs. Cauble about the meeting. Then after she had gone to the meeting, she decided that it was important from a historical standpoint, not just an excuse to get back at her brother. And now she tries to help out whenever they need her. I think Mrs. Cauble uses her as 'muscle' to keep some of the more vindictive dissenters from harassing the ladies of the society, but I think Lex actually enjoys it." She smiled. " You should see her in her boots and jeans at one of their little tea parties. I don't know who has more fun, Lexie or the ladies. It's really a sight to behold. She's even hosted a couple out here, trying to get me interested."

Amanda giggled at the mental picture of Lex's dark good looks in a dainty tea party setting. She could just see the ladies with their fancy dresses and pearls, and Lex with her denim jeans and flannel shirt. " Oh, I bet that's a riot! " she laughed. " My grandmother has invited me to their meetings before, but I was afraid I'd be the only one there under sixty! " she laughed again. " Wish I would have taken her up on the invite… maybe I would have met you and Lex sooner."

The older woman smiled. " I don't know. Sometimes things are just meant to happen a certain way." She looked through the window. " And I think we should get back to the main house. Lexie just took Thunder back into the barn…she'll be a while brushing him down." She stood and took her coffee cup into the kitchen, Amanda hot on her heels.

Lex walked out of the barn and looked at the house. I've got a load of explaining to do when I walk through that door… It had been over two hours since she stormed out of the house, and now the tall rancher was…nervous. What do I say to her? She continued walking, berating herself for her childish actions. Running out of the house like my tail was on fire… real adult, Lexington. Martha would probably swat her with a spoon, and Amanda…. Oh, boy… I can't believe I just took off like that… She slowly opened the back door and stepped inside. Hearing voices coming from the kitchen, Lex took a deep breath and slunk in.

Martha and Amanda were sitting at the table drinking coffee, and looked up when they heard bootsteps in the hall. " Did you have a good ride, dear? " Martha asked, standing up and going over to the stove. " I kept your plate warm, just in case." She turned and looked at Lex, who had the most confused look on her face. I do so love keeping her off balance. " Now you go upstairs and get some dry clothes on, and I'll have your lunch ready." When the younger woman opened her mouth to argue, Martha put her foot down. " Don't argue with me, Lexington Marie…you've spent way too much time out in the elements the past couple of days, and I don't want you adding pneumonia to your other ills." She shook a chubby finger in her direction. " Now git! "

Lex looked over at Amanda, who had her hand over her mouth, stifling a giggle. She quirked a sardonic brow the young woman's way, then turned and left the kitchen.

" Oh, Martha…you are absolutely vicious! " the small blonde laughed, unable to hold back her mirth. " The look on her face…"

Martha smiled and resumed her seat at the table. " She really is like an overgrown child, sometimes. I know she was expecting to get yelled at, so…" she shook her head. " She's already whipped herself about storming off, and I know her brother can be such an ass…" she picked the carafe from the center of the table and refills their mugs. " She was always tougher on herself than I ever had to be."

Minutes later they heard Lex's footsteps on the stairs. Martha stood up, walked over to the stove, and pulled out a plate piled high with food. She sat it at the empty space at the table just as the tall woman walked in. " Sit down and eat…don't let your lunch get cold." As the rancher silently took her place, Martha stopped and placed a gentle kiss on the top of her head. " Now I expect you to eat every bite of that, young lady! " she patted her shoulder and moved towards the doorway. " I've got some chores to do, so I'll see the two of you later." She walked out the doorway, humming to herself.

Lex pushed the food around on her plate. " I'm sorry for running out like that earlier." She glanced up at the young woman beside her. " I just needed to get out for a while, and I wanted to check the fence down by the creek to see if my patch job held up."

Amanda smiled. Martha was right. She is like an overgrown kid - cute. " That's okay. Martha and I really had a good chat…she really is a wonderful person." She looked at Lex's plate. " But she might come back and throw a fit if you don't eat your lunch…" she smiled. " So how's the fence? "

Lex took a bite of food and nodded. " The fence is fine. And the bridge looks like only the middle is gone, so it shouldn't be too hard to fix. 'Course I'll have to check the supports and make sure they weren't knocked loose." She continued to eat. I hope she doesn't ask about her car. I've got to get Martha to help keep her occupied while…

" How are your ribs? All that riding couldn't have made them feel any better." Amanda questioned, knowing that the rancher had probably pushed herself to the limit today.

" Hmm? " Lex was knocked out of her musings when the young blonde laid a gentle hand on her arm. " Ribs? " she swallowed another bite. " Oh. Ribs. Right." She smiled. " A little sore, but not too bad."

A light squeeze on her arm. " So, what do you have planned for the rest of the afternoon? " Amanda took a sip of her coffee. " Is there something I can help with? "

Lex finished her lunch, not even realizing she had been hungry until she had begun to eat. " Well, " she leaned back in her chair, " I thought we'd take it easy for the rest of the day." She interlocked her hands and laid them on her stomach. " It's too muddy to do anything outside, and there's not much else to do. Besides, we've got a large collection of movies in the den…and I just recently finished wiring the surround sound system. Been wanting to try it out." She stood up and carried her dishes to the sink.

" Sounds like a plan to me." Amanda took her cup and sat it in the sink as well.

Lex looked around, then ran hot water in the sink. She looked to the younger woman and grinned. " Shhh…" she placed a finger to her lips, " I just gotta tweak Martha somehow." She stuck her hands in the now soapy water.

Amanda bumped her with a hip. " Scoot over…I'll rinse and dry. No sense in you having all the fun! "

They made quick work of the dishes, and had just put them away when Martha came into the room. " What are you two up to? " she asked, as both younger women spun around and looked extremely guilty.

Amanda hid the dishtowel on the counter behind her back. " Who? Us? "

Lex smirked. " Nothing, Martha. We were going to go into the den and watch movies…you interested? " She walked towards the housekeeper, trying to keep her away from the sink.

Martha reached up and checked her forehead. " What's the matter? Are you not feeling well? " She never takes the day off. I wonder why?

The tall woman grabbed her hand and held it in her own. " I'm fine. It's just too nasty to do any work outside, and I thought Amanda would enjoy the break." She pulled the older woman into a surprise hug. " You care to join us? "

Martha returned the hug. She sure is touchy-feely lately… Not that I'm complaining. " No thank you, honey. If you're going to relax today, I think I'll go over to my place and get some things done, if it's alright with you? "

Lex stepped back. " Martha, you don't have to ask me if you want to do something - you know that."

The heavier woman smiled. " I know you say that, dear…but you run this ranch, and I respect that."

Lex thought about that. " Not exactly."

The graying head snapped up. " What do you mean by that? "

Lex motioned for Amanda to follow her out of the kitchen. " You're the one that runs this house, Martha…I just work the ranch." She stepped out behind the small blonde before Martha could say another word. Just as they reached the entry to the den they heard, " Lexington Marie Walters!!! I'm gonna take my spoon to your backside!!! "

They looked at each other and smiled. Lex led Amanda into the den. One corner had a massive fireplace. What is it with these folks and fireplaces? A huge entertainment center with a big screen TV took up an entire wall. There was a large comfortable looking leather sofa, with a heavy oak coffee table in front of it, and leather plush chairs on either side of the sofa. Lex pointed Amanda to another wall, where a bookcase full of videotapes and CD's awaited her perusal. " Go on…pick us out something to watch. I'll go beg Martha's forgiveness, and nab some sodas and popcorn."

Amanda wandered to the bookcase, in awe at the selection of videos. Comedy or drama? She smiled when she saw that the movies were grouped alphabetically, except some that were grouped by series. Mel Brooks? She has the entire collection of Mel Brooks?? She laughed. Indiana Jones, Die Hard, Star Trek…someone's an action junkie… She continued to browse through the titles, looking for something lighthearted. Sleepless in Seattle? While You Were Sleeping? Hmmm….. Ah! A Fish Called Wanda… I love that movie!! She pulled the tape from it's allocated spot, and sat it on the coffee table.

Lex walked into the room with a tray loaded with goodies. " Hope you like butter on your popcorn." She sat the tray on the coffee table. " Did you find something to your liking? " She noticed the tape on the table and picked it up. " Ah…that's one of my favorites." She took the tape and crossed the room to the entertainment center, placing the tape in the VCR. She grabbed the remote control from atop the TV and sat down on the sofa next to Amanda. " I figure we could just set the bowl between us and share, " she looked at the younger woman uncertainly. " I brought some extra bowls if you'd rather…"

Amanda scooted closer to her and grinned. " Nah…why dirty up more dishes? Unless you think we can get away with washing these too? "

Lex shook her head. " Uh-uh…I'm lucky to have escaped the kitchen with my rear intact as it is! " she mock shivered.

Amanda barely bit back a giggle. " Was she really angry? "

The older woman leaned back and propped her sock feet on the coffee table. " Nah…but she did threaten." Using the remote, she turned on the TV and surround speakers. She looked over at Amanda. " Might as well take your shoes off and get comfortable."

The smaller woman grinned and complied. She put her feet up next to Lex's, and then settled back to enjoy the movie.

A couple of hours later, Martha went in search of the two. There was no sound coming from the den, and the only light was that of the fireplace. Peeking inside the door, she saw Lex slumped back against the sofa sound asleep, her feet propped on the coffee table. Well, at least she wasn't wearing boots this time. But the biggest surprise was her companion. Amanda was curled up against the rancher asleep, her head pillowed on a broad shoulder, and her arm wrapped tightly around the dark woman's waist. Lex had her arm gently over Amanda's shoulders, her head leaning up against the blonde's. Martha smiled, and tiptoed back to the kitchen to begin dinner.

Amanda woke a little time later, somewhat disoriented. She was warm and quite comfortable, at least until she realized where she was. Amanda thought about getting up, but when she glanced at the still sleeping woman next to her, she didn't have the heart to disturb her. She looks so tired. The young woman was still studying her companion when she felt the arm around her tighten.

Blue eyes blinked open, looking for the moment as confused as she herself had been upon wakening. Lex quickly removed her arm. " Ummm…I'm sorry about that…" she struggled to sit up. " I didn't mean…" she looked a little panicky.

Amanda smiled, and gently patted her stomach. " Don't worry about it - I kinda climbed all over you like you were my own personal mattress." She sat up and stretched. " That was a good nap, though."

Lex cautiously stretched as well. " Yeah, it was. Guess I was still pretty tired from last night."

Amanda looked at the clock on the wall. " Me too. It's early evening, don'tcha think? "

Lex looked at her, puzzled. " Yeah, I guess so. Why? "

" Well, if it's okay with you, I'd like to call my grandparents and see how they're doing."

The older woman stood up and smiled. " You don't have to ask permission to use the phone." She held out a hand. " C'mon. I'll let you use the phone in the office so you'll have some privacy."

Amanda accepted the hand and allowed herself to be pulled up. " Thanks."

Lex escorted the younger woman into the office and around the desk. " Siddown. Just push a button for an outgoing line. We have three lines coming in, but the computer is hooked up to the third." She turned to leave. " Take all the time you need. I'll be in the kitchen harassing Martha." She winked and walked out the door.

Amanda's eyes followed the dark woman out the door as she picked up the phone to call out.

The phone rang twice, and her grandfather answered. " Hello? "

" Grandpa Jake? How are you feeling? "

A deep chuckle. " Just great, Peanut. We just got back from the movies about twenty minutes ago." He noticed the happy lilt in her voice. " How are you doing, sweetheart? "

Amanda let out a happy breath. " I'm doing much better today, Grandpa. I helped Lex feed the horses, and then we took hay to the cattle." She paused, thinking about earlier today. " After lunch we sat down and watched a movie."

He laughed. " Sounds like you've had a busy day."

" Well, not really. I'm trying to keep Lex from overdoing it because of her broken ribs." Oops! Now how do I explain that?

Jacob cursed. " Broken ribs? " Anna Leigh came into the room. " What's the matter, sweetheart? Is that Mandy? " she grabbed another phone. " Mandy? Is everything okay? "

Amanda hid her face in her hand. Time to bite the bullet, I guess. " I'm fine. Lex broke a couple of ribs yesterday."

Anna Leigh sighed. " Is she all right? "

" She's sore today, but I think she'll be okay."

" Peanut, how did her ribs get broken? Was she in an accident? " her grandfather asked.

Amanda rubbed her eyes. " Okay, I'll tell you, but you've got to promise to stay calm, okay? "

Both Jacob and Anna Leigh complied. " Okay, sweetheart, go ahead and tell us." Anna Leigh said, taking the cordless phone and perching on the arm of the chair Jacob was sitting in, grasping his hand.

" You remember when I told you I was on my way to Lex's yesterday, because of an appointment sheet Rick gave me? " she asked them.

" Yes… And I'm still pretty hacked off at the little turd." Anna Leigh grumbled.

" Okay… well, anyway, I followed his directions, and finally found the road to Lex's place. I was crossing the old wooden bridge, when a tree came out of nowhere and crashed right into the bridge! " she paused here, unsure if she wanted to go on.

" Go ahead, Peanut… I know it's hard.." her grandfather encouraged.

" Umm… the bridge broke in half, and my car fell into the creek." Silence. " I must have hit my head, because the next thing I remember is being tied on Lex's back, and she's pulling us across the creek." She only heard breathing from the other end of the phone, so she continued on. " From what I understand, once we were about halfway across the creek, Lex was hit by some debris, which slammed into her chest, and gave her a nasty gash."

Jacob finally spoke up. " Are you okay? Why didn't you tell us this last night, Peanut? "

" I'm fine…I didn't want you to worry….and I have to admit, I was kinda woozy last night."

Anna Leigh sighed. " Mandy, please don't feel that you have to cushion us from things…I'm just very glad you're alright." She paused. " And Lexington really means a lot to me as well…I'm glad she'll be alright."

" Thanks, Gramma…she means a lot to me too…" Amanda feels tears tickling her eyes. " She's very special to me…" She had to tell someone how she was feeling…her grandparents knew she was gay, and had always been very supportive of her. " I only met her yesterday, yet I feel like we've been together forever…Is something wrong with me? "

Jacob chuckled. " Honey, I felt the same way the first time I saw your grandmother. She became my whole world the first time our eyes met…" he kissed the hand he was holding.

Anna Leigh joined in. " That's true, sweetheart. I felt as if we were destined to meet. My mother once said, 'Two old souls meeting again for the first time…' Is this what you felt when you met Lexington? "

Amanda had to tell the truth. " I feel more complete around her, Gramma."

Anna Leigh laughed. " I understand completely, dear. Does she know how you feel? "

" Oh, good Lord, no! I'd probably scare her out of ten years! " Amanda gasped.

" I don't think so, sweetheart." Anna Leigh answered.

Amanda was at a loss. " What do you mean by that? "

Jacob, who had been silent so far, chuckled. " Oh, Peanut… I keep forgetting you haven't lived here…Lexington certainly shook up the town gossips a couple of years ago… But I think you should ask her about it." He gave her a minute to think about that. " Let me put it this way…I don't think anything you could say would shock her."

Anna Leigh took over. " True…the poor girl has been through a lot in the past couple of years…Do you care for her, honey? "

Amanda choked back a sob. " More than I thought possible, Gramma. She's become such a deep part of me in such a short amount of time…"

Her grandmother clucked. " Now you listen to me…I think she's a wonderful person, but she has a tendency not to think that way…"

Jacob spoke up. " Is there anything we can bring to you, Peanut? I'm sure we could find a way to get it across that damn creek."

Amanda laughed out loud. " No, Grandpa Jake…Lex and Martha have made sure I have everything I need. But thanks for asking. I guess I'll let you go now…"

Both grandparents laughed. " Okay, sweetheart, but let us know if you need anything, okay? " Anna Leigh asked. " Give us a call again tomorrow. We'll just be goofing off around the house."

Amanda smiled. " Okay… I love you both… I'll talk to you tomorrow…Goodnight." She hung up the phone, somewhat relieved that she had told them the truth about her accident. They took that well. Guess since I'm still alive and kicking it doesn't sound so bad.

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