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Chapter 11

Opening her eyes, Lex was somewhat disoriented at first. Glancing up, she realized that she was at home and in her own bed. Yeah, now I remember. The stairs… her mind was still a little fuzzy after that. She heard soft breathing next to her, so she slowly turned her head towards the sound - Amanda was sound asleep on the pillow next to hers, with her right hand tucked under her cheek, and her left hand… holding my arm? Sure enough, the small blonde had a gentle grip on Lex's forearm, as if she were afraid Lex would leave. Before the older woman could disengage her arm, Martha walked in carrying a large silver tray laden with food.

" Well, hello there! " she said brightly, " How are you feeling, honey? " She sat the tray on a nearby table, and then walked over to the bed. Sitting gently next to her 'patient', Martha casually used her hand to brush the hair off of Lex's forehead, also using the motion to check for fever.

" I'm fine, Martha. Don't worry so much." The younger woman said, slowly pulling herself into a sitting position.

" Oh, sure. You were so 'fine' that we had to undress you, and you probably don't even remember it! " The housekeeper exclaimed with a frown.

Lex sighed. " I think I was more tired than actually hurt." She smiled. " Honestly, I feel much better now." She tried to peek around the heavier woman. " Is that food I smell? "

Martha laughed. " Oh, Lexie… you're gonna be the death of me yet."

Amanda was awakened by the sound of voices. She opened her eyes, and what she saw made her smile. " Hey…" she sat up and rubbed her eyes. " Didn't mean to drop off like that." A timid smile to the housekeeper. " How long was I asleep? " She looked outside, but it was still dark and raining.

The short heavyset woman got up and then sat the tray on the middle of the bed. " Only a couple of hours."

" A COUPLE OF HOURS?? Oh, no! " Amanda moved to get off the bed, but Lex grabbed her arm.

" What's the matter? " she asked, as the younger woman looked horrified.

" My grandparents - I really need to let them know I'm okay." She was almost in tears. " They'll be worried sick…" Especially with this weather…We're all a little paranoid about car accidents, now…

Martha halted her babbling with a wave of her hand. " Now hold on there, honey." She picked up the cordless phone that was stationed on Lex's bedside table. " Here… last time I checked, the lines were just fine."

Amanda took the phone with a grateful smile. " Thanks - I'm sorry, I don't usually fall apart this easily." She dialed her grandparents number, and after three rings it picked up.

" Hello? " An older woman's voice, though strong, answered.

Amanda smiled into the phone. Just hearing her grandmother's voice was soothing. " Gramma? It's me, Amanda."

" Mandy, sweetheart, are you okay? We were getting a little worried. You're usually home before now." The older woman asked, concern coloring her voice. In the background, she could hear her grandfather's deep voice. Anna Leigh covered the mouthpiece with her hand and spoke to him. " Yes, Jacob, it's Mandy. I will, sweetheart." Then to Amanda, " Where are you, dear? "

The little blonde grimaced. What to tell her without lying, or causing her needless worry. " Well, it's like this. I went out for an appointment today."

Anna Leigh interrupted her. " You went out in this awful weather? "

" Yes, Gramma. Rick gave me the appointment sheet…"

The older woman was livid. " That pompous ass! I'd fire him if I could find a replacement for his worthless hide." She hinted. " So where are you now? You're not still out somewhere in the rain, are you dear? "

Amanda laughed. " Gramma! I've told you I'm not qualified to be an office manager just yet. And no, I'm not out in the rain. I'm…uh… kinda stuck at a friend's house." She looked over at Lex and Martha with an apologetic grin.

" Where? Are you okay? You didn't get the car stuck, did you? " her grandmother questioned.

Amanda blanched. She had been so worried about Lex, and so disoriented after bumping her head, she had forgotten completely about the car. " Oh… um… Well, yes, Gramma, the car is stuck, " in a creek, she mused to herself.

Anna Leigh sighed in relief. " Well, dear, don't you worry. Jacob will be the first to say that you're much more important than some old car. Besides, we'll just wait until it dries up some and have Randy down at the garage take care of it." She said calmly, hearing the upset in her granddaughter's voice.

Tears began to fill Amanda's eyes. It'll probably take a lot of drying out, " I know, Gramma. I guess I'm just a little tired."

" That's perfectly okay, sweetheart. When will you be home? Do we need to send a cab for you? " Since his leg cast had just been recently removed, Jacob still had not been cleared to drive, which frustrated him to no end, and his wife refused to leave him at home alone, afraid that he would need something and try to drive anyway. And she certainly didn't want to get him out in this weather. Anna Leigh could tell that the young woman wasn't telling the entire truth, she sounded far too upset for the car just to be stuck in the mud.

" Well, Gramma, that's kinda hard to say…I guess you could say I'm stranded." Her voice began to tremble.

" Stranded? What exactly do you mean by that? Are you sure you're okay? " Anna Leigh was beginning to get upset as well.

" Uh, well…" Amanda looked frantic. She covered the mouthpiece with her hand and whispered to the women looking on. " 'Help! I don't know what to say, and I don't want them to worry! " her hands began to shake.

Lex pulled the phone out of her nerveless fingers. " Hello? This is Lexington Walters." She paused, listening to the woman on the other end of the line. " Yes ma'am, that's right, Mrs. Cauble. I've been on the Historical Committee with you."

Here Amanda's jaw dropped. Lexington? Historical Committee? MY Grandmother? She knows MY Grandmother?

Lex smiled as she let Anna Leigh speak. " Yes ma'am. Amanda is here at the ranch with me, but I'm afraid she'll be stuck here for a while…. Excuse me? " She chuckled, " No, nothing like that. Seems our old bridge was washed out, and your lovely granddaughter got stuck on this side of the creek." She mischievously raised an eyebrow at Amanda.

She thinks I'm lovely? Oh, this is getting more bizarre by the moment. Amanda closed her eyes shyly when Lex smirked at her.

" No, ma'am, it'll be just fine. It's just Martha and me out here right now, so she'll be good company. The boys are staying at our house in town, so if ya'll need anything, just give them a call. You still have both numbers, right? " Lex saw the incredulous look cross Amanda's face. " Yes ma'am, I will. Oh, I think Amanda has calmed down now… yes ma'am. Nice to talk to you again, too. Goodbye." She handed the phone over to a very curious Amanda, who gave her a look that said, You'd better tell me later about all of this!

" Hi, again, Gramma. I'm sorry I fell apart like that. Guess being stuck out in the rain today wore me out."

Anna Leigh laughed. " Don't apologize - I'd probably be the same way." Now she became serious. " At least we won't worry about you any… Lexington is one of the sweetest people I have ever met. She helped me get the old Taylor house declared a historical landmark last year. She's a good person, no matter what others might say." Fearing that she'd said too much, Anna Leigh stopped. Rumors abounded about the Walters girl - some said she was unnatural, running the ranch when she had an older brother perfectly capable of it. And the fact that she never dated in high school, and wasn't married now, spoke volumes as far as the town's gossips were concerned. Not to mention that unfortunate wild streak she had a few years ago.

Amanda paused. What others might say? Well, if her grandmother said she was a good person, that's all that mattered to her. " I know, Gramma… she practically took me in today." This with a smile towards the dark haired woman, who smiled back. " I'll give you a call in the morning to see how you're both doing, okay? "

" Why don't you make it tomorrow evening? Your grandfather and I have a few errands to run tomorrow - he has his physical therapy, then we thought we'd take in an early movie." Anna Leigh didn't want her granddaughter to think she had to be with them every minute of every day. The girl was so sweet, but she really needed to get out more and meet people her own age. Maybe this was the perfect opportunity. " And you try and get some rest… you sound tired, sweetie."

Amanda grinned. " I will. Don't go out if it's still raining too hard, please? " She paused. " I love you, Gramma. Please give Grandpa Jake a big hug and kiss from me."

Anna Leigh chuckled. She treats me more like a child, than a capable woman. She's too sweet. " I promise we'll stay home if it's too bad…we love you too, dearest." She hung up the phone and sighed. I hope you and Lexington get along well…she is so much like her mother - so lonely, but refusing to admit it. Then she stood up and walked over to Jacob, embracing him tightly. " Let's go to bed, love." Arm in arm, they retired upstairs.

Amanda turned off the phone and handed it back to Lex. " Thanks. I feel much better now." She gently slapped the older woman's arm.

" Ow! What was that for? " Lex questioned, as Martha looked on and laughed.

" You didn't tell me you knew my grandmother! " Amanda accused indignantly.

Lex smiled. " I didn't know either, until I recognized her voice on the telephone." She looked at the small blonde. " You didn't tell me you were Jacob and Anna Leigh Cauble's granddaughter."

Amanda laughed. " Okay, you got me there. It's soo weird that you know my grandparents, and yet we've never met." she reached for the tray and grabbed a bowl of chili. " Mmm…" she mumbled with a mouthful, " Dis is fantastic! "

Lex grabbed her own bowl and nodded. " Oh, yeah. Martha makes the best chili I've ever eaten." She looked over at the housekeeper who was bringing over a large, button down cotton nightshirt.

" Put that down and put this on - I don't want you to catch cold." She grumbled, somewhat embarrassed by the high praise.

" Why? Isn't quilt wearing fashionable this year? " Lex teased, putting down her bowl and allowing the older woman to help her dress. " Well, I must say this will be easier to eat in, that's for sure." She picked up her bowl and began to eat again, ignoring the snort of laughter from the small woman on the bed beside her.

Martha shook her head. " Sometimes…" she sighed. " I'll remember that when you say you have nothing to wear… I'll just drag out your quilt." She turned to leave. " After you girls finish that tray, give me a buzz, and I'll come back to clean it up. I've got some laundry to finish in the meantime." She walked out, still shaking her head and smiling.

Amanda looked over at Lex. " Do you think she would be too awfully mad if I took the tray downstairs? I don't want her to be waiting on me hand and foot. I'm not an invalid." This said between mouthfuls of chili and still-warm bread. " Although if I stay here too long, I'll weigh too much to get down the stairs."

Lex laughed, then stopped and wrapped one arm around her chest. " Ouch! Don't make me laugh too much…" she smiled at the young girl. " Nah. She'll fuss about it, but she never gets mad." She finished her bowl and sat it down. " I've been trying for years to stop her from fussing about me, and nothing has worked yet. I even offered her the chance to retire, and travel." A mock horrified look. " I thought she was gonna break every spoon she had on my backside." A shake of her head. " I've never heard so much yelling in my life. So now, I let her fuss. It seems to make her happy…"

Amanda finished up her bowl and placed it on the tray as well. " Let me take this downstairs before she makes another trip." She got up off the bed and reached for the tray. A loud snort of laughter stopped her. " What? " she asked, perplexed by the older woman's mirth.

" Heh… sorry… " Lex was trying, without much success, to control her laughter. " It's just you…you…" she wrapped both arms gingerly around her aching chest.

" Me, me…What? " Amanda was beginning to get a little angry.

" You look so cute in my old sweats! " she laid back on the bed, tears beginning to run from her eyes. " Ow! "

Amanda rolled her eyes. " Serves you right, making fun of me…I don't look that bad, do I? " she sat the tray down and walked into the bathroom where a full-length mirror stood.

" Oh, jeez! " Amanda exclaimed, looking into the mirror. The clothes had to be at least three sizes too big. She grinned. Then she giggled. As she walked back out into the bedroom, Lex had finally calmed down, but when Amanda walked in giggling, she couldn't help it.

" Bwahahahaha!! Ouch! " she laughed out loud, holding her chest in pain. " Ow! " she continued to laugh.

Amanda was laughing as well, and she staggered over to the bed and sat down next to Lex. " Hahahahaha… shhhhhh… you're just gonna hurt yourself worse." She placed her hand on the older woman's shoulder, trying to calm her down. " Shhhh…" she finally stopped laughing, and Lex wore down as well.

Gasping for breath, Lex closed her eyes. " Damn…that hurt, but felt really good." She took a semi-deep breath and opened her eyes. " Thanks."

" For what? " The blonde asked in confusion.

" For being such a good sport and not smacking me when I started laughing… I wasn't really making fun of you, you know."

Amanda smiled. " I know. And besides, I do look like a little kid in these things. But they're really comfortable." She walked around to the other side of the bed and grabbed the tray. " Now I'm going to try and take this tray downstairs, again." She started to walk away, then turned back towards Lex. " You didn't hurt yourself laughing, did you? Should I ask Martha to come up and check your bandage? "

Lex waved her hand. " Nah, just a little sore, really. I'm fine."

Amanda was skeptical, but kept quiet. " Okay, then I'll run this downstairs. Why don't you try and get some more rest? I'll be back in a little bit." She picked up the tray and started out the door before Lex could say another word.

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mylektsii.su - Ìîè Ëåêöèè - 2015-2025 ãîä. (0.01 ñåê.)Âñå ìàòåðèàëû ïðåäñòàâëåííûå íà ñàéòå èñêëþ÷èòåëüíî ñ öåëüþ îçíàêîìëåíèÿ ÷èòàòåëÿìè è íå ïðåñëåäóþò êîììåð÷åñêèõ öåëåé èëè íàðóøåíèå àâòîðñêèõ ïðàâ Ïîæàëîâàòüñÿ íà ìàòåðèàë