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Chapter 10. Martha led them down the hallway and into the master bedroom
Martha led them down the hallway and into the master bedroom. Amanda couldn't help but glance around in awe. The room was huge - a large rock fireplace took up one entire corner, a cheerful fire already blazing with two comfortable stuffed chairs in front of it. On the side wall opposite the door stood a huge bay window, complete with padded windowseat. The front wall had beautiful french doors, which opened up to what looked like a balcony. But the thing that most caught Amanda's attention was the enormous king-sized bed that almost took up a quarter of the room on its own. Four poster oak with a massive carved headboard, Amanda thought that an entire family could sleep on it. Lex noticed where the younger woman's attention was. " It was my mother's." She explained softly. " Dad had it made for her as a wedding present." She bit back a groan when her two 'nurses' gently placed her on the object in question. The dark woman laid back and closed her eyes. Martha noticed the stains on Lex's shirt for the first time. " What happened here? " she asked Amanda, who had sat down on the edge of the bed by Lex's feet. " I'm not real sure, " she started, her eyes taking in the exhausted woman. " I was driving across this beautiful wooden bridge, when all of a sudden something hit it, and sent my car crashing into the creek. I must have hit my head, because the next thing I remember is she's got me tied to her back, and is using a rope to pull us both out." Her hand touched the damp denim leg next to her. " She told me she had gotten hit by 'some debris', but I never did find out exactly what that was." The housekeeper rolled her eyes. " Some things never change." She looked down at the dark woman, who was obviously asleep. " Let's get you some dry clothes, and you can help me with her." She walked over to a large oak dresser, which by design must have been made by the same person who made the bed. Opening the bottom drawer, the older woman pulled out a pair of maroon sweat pants with matching sweatshirt, a Texas A & M logo on each. " Here… go hop in the shower and then put these on. Lexie hasn't worn these since high school, but never could seem to get rid of them. Just leave your wet clothes on the floor by the shower, I'll get 'em washed up for you." Amanda was about to protest when the housekeeper shook her finger at her. " Now, don't you be giving me any lip - that's my job around here." She gently shoved the blonde towards the bathroom. " Hurry up… I'll probably need all the help I can get with little Lexie. She hates when I fuss over her." This with a wink and a smile. Amanda returned the smile as she walked into the bathroom. " I'll be right back." She closed the door and then turned around. Good grief! It's almost as big as my bedroom at home! The young woman walked past the large dressing area complete with a huge gray marble counter with two separate sinks, one at each end. Opening another door, she found the bathing area; a huge jacuzzi tub in one corner, and a very large free standing clear glass shower. Another door showed her a comfortably sized lavatory. She opened the shower door, noticing a built in bench and two different nozzles, one on either side of the shower. A whole team could shower in here, she mused. Turning on the water, Amanda quickly removed her still-dripping clothing and piled them as neatly as possible by the door. Stepping into the steaming water, Amanda couldn't help but moan. Aaah, bliss! Never thought standing under more water would feel so good! She quickly finished her shower, hoping to get another chance to use this wonderful contraption again. Having two sprays hitting from two directions was great! She dried off hurriedly then slipped into the sweats. Wow, she was pretty good sized even in high school! Amanda ran a comb through her hair, not bothering to dry it. Walking back into the bedroom, Amanda spotted the housekeeper trying to pull Lex's jeans off. " Oh, honey. Am I ever glad to see you." The older woman wiped her brow with the back of her hand. " I'm having the darndest time with these blasted jeans. They normally fit like a second skin, and now that they're wet, well…" she shook her graying head. " Lexie was trying to help, but it got to hurtin' her so bad that she passed out." Amanda stepped towards the bed. " Well, between the two of us, we should be able to handle it." She grabbed the bottom of the jeans. " I'll pull from here, and you try to work them from her hips." Martha nodded. It took the two of them over five minutes to rid the unconscious woman of her jeans. During that time, Lex never stirred. Martha was brushing the drying hair off her forehead while she and Amanda caught their breath. " Well, that was fun." She muttered, taking another deep breath. " Now, I guess we go for what's left of this shirt! " She gently began peeling the shirt up, and stopped. It was stuck to Lex's skin - and she was afraid of the damage she would find. " Amanda, honey, could you go and bring me a few warm washcloths from the bathroom? " she noticed that the younger woman was looking frighteningly pale, and was worried that she was about to faint. Amanda looked up gratefully. " Sure." She rushed out of the bedroom to do the older woman's bidding. A few moments later, Amanda returned to the bedroom with a couple of damp washcloths. What she saw made her gasp, and she nearly dropped her cargo. Martha had removed Lex's shirt and was looking at the damage with a clinical air. She had draped a quilt over the unconscious woman's legs, and kept the shirt draped across her breasts. She looked up as Amanda came over and handed her a washcloth. " Thanks, honey. It looks a lot worse than it actually is, I believe." The large gash started just below her breasts, and edged down her ribcage as well. " Just scraped up a little, but I think she's got a couple of busted ribs too." Martha reported while cleaning the injury. She pointed to the other washcloth that Amanda was still holding. " Why don't you wash her face and arms while I go get something to put on this? " She stood up and left the room. " I'll be right back." She called out as she went downstairs. Amanda sat for a moment looking down at her rescuer. " Why do I feel such a strong connection to you? Have we ever met? " she smiled quietly. " No… I don't think I'd forget meeting you, although I feel as if I've known you forever." She patiently wiped the older woman's face, not realizing she was speaking aloud. The housekeeper crept back into the room, smiling as she noticed the tender care the young woman was giving Lex. Ah, she's a sweet one, that girl. I wonder what business she had that brought her to us. Out loud she said, " I told you I wouldn't be long, " she stepped over to the bed. Martha had a jar of something, as well as some strips of cloth in her hands. " I didn't have enough gauze, so I cut up an old sheet instead." She traded the stained shirt for a towel, and began to gently dab the cream onto the still bleeding scrape. Once all the injury was covered to her satisfaction, she motioned Amanda forward. " Could you climb up on the bed on her other side, and help me sit her up? " She waited until the younger woman complied. " Now, let's lift her forward, slowly now." The dark woman moaned softly, but didn't waken. Amanda sat behind her, holding her upright while the housekeeper wrapped the strips of sheet around her. " This should keep things in place a little better, anyway." She said, using safety pins to finish the job. They slowly laid Lex back against the pillows, Martha covering her completely with the quilt from her legs, making certain she wasn't lying flat, in case of internal bleeding. Amanda eased herself off the bed, and walked over to the housekeeper. " You act like you've done this before." She commented, awed at how calm the woman stayed. Martha laughed. " Oh, goodness, yes. That little mite was always coming home with some sort of scrape or bruise." She eyed the small blonde carefully, and then grasped her arm. " Now, you come on in the bathroom, and I'll check out that bump on your head." She began to lead the younger woman out of the bedroom. " Oh, " Amanda reached up to touch the spot. " I'd forgotten all about it." She followed dutifully. " It hardly hurts at all, now." She said, as Martha motioned for her to sit on the dressing table. Amanda complied, feeling like a small child. Martha looked her in the eye and smiled. " Don't worry, honey, " she assured her, " This won't hurt." Amanda smiled back. " I know, I trust you." The housekeeper gently used a cleanser on the small gash, put some of the same cream on it that she had used for Lex, and then covered it with a large Band-Aid. " That should keep it from getting infected." Martha reached behind her and grabbed a bottle and glass. She poured out two white tablets from the bottle, and filled the glass up with water. " Here." She handed the girl the tablets and water. " These should help with your headache." Amanda snickered, but took the offered pills and glass. After she drank the water, she jumped down from the counter and laughed. " I feel like a little kid playing dress up in her clothes." She pulled the material away from herself, showing how baggy they were. Martha chuckled. " Don't feel too bad, dear. You look just fine." She went into the bathing area and returned with the wet clothes. " Now I'll just go take care of these and Lexie's wet things." Amanda put out a hand. " No, really. I can take care of those, just point me towards the laundry room." Martha moved around her. " No, honey. I'll take care of this. You just go lie down and rest." When the young woman began to argue again, Martha placed a hand on her shoulder. " You could help me by keeping an eye on Lexie. Watch to see if she develops a fever. I'll just get these started and bring you both something to eat." Amanda acquiesced. " Okay, I'll do that. But shouldn't we get her to a doctor? " Martha shook her head. " That bridge that you came over on is the only way on or off this ranch. And until this weather lets up, they can't even bring a helicopter in." Amanda froze. " You mean, we're trapped here? What if she's hurt worse than you think? What can we do? What…" her babbling was stopped by a gentle hand on her shoulder. " It's going to be okay. Yes, it's true it's just the three of us here for now, but we've got more than enough supplies, and we do have a telephone. So we can always call a doctor for advice if we need it. So don't you worry." Martha gathered up the rest of the wet clothes and headed for the door. " It would be easier to keep an eye on her if you laid down beside her. It's a big bed." She walked out the door, with a confused Amanda staring after her. She watched the housekeeper leave, then switched her attention to the bed. She's right, that thing's huge. And I am worn out - maybe I'll just lie down for a few minutes. She walked over to the other side of the bed and lay down. Oooh… I could be in serious trouble here - this is waay too comfortable. Amanda rolled over onto her side and gazed at the still form next to her. She seems to be looking better already, she mused, noticing the returning color to the sleeping woman's face. Moments later, Amanda joined Lex in sleep.