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Chapter 8. The duo slogged through the mud in silence, each lost in her own thoughts

The duo slogged through the mud in silence, each lost in her own thoughts. Lex was moving slower and slower, in deference to the sharp stabbing pain in her chest, definitely something broken in there, as she found it harder and harder to breathe normally. She spared a glance at her companion. Amanda was moving fairly well, although she kept tripping over the heavy coat she had wrapped around her body.

The taller woman didn't realize it, but Amanda was keeping a close eye on her as well. The young woman noticed her rescuer was finding it more difficult to breathe with every step she took, and that her pace continued to slow by the minute. This is ridiculous! We both know she'll never make it much farther this way, but she's too stubborn to ask for help. I gotta do something! Amanda purposely stumbled and then stopped.

Lex stopped as well, looking at her with concern. " What's the matter? Is your head getting worse? " She managed to ask, drawing a shallow breath.

Amanda grinned inwardly. Gotcha! " Look. I hate to bother you, but do you think I could kinda hold onto you? It seems like I'm having a little bit of a balance problem." She looked up at the older woman innocently.

Lex frowned slightly. She had a feeling that the little blonde was not being completely honest, but was too tired and hurting too badly to call her on it. " Sure, " she agreed, gingerly raising one arm and draping it around Amanda's shoulders.

The younger woman eased her way under Lex's arm, wrapping one arm gently around the tall woman's waist. Amanda giggled.

" What? " Lex asked, not seeing anything particularly funny about their situation.

Amanda peeked up from her position under Lex's arm. " You are really tall, " she laughed. " I feel like a little kid next to you."

Lex smiled down at her. " Well, " she drawled, " In that coat, you kinda look like one, too." Without realizing it, Lex began to lean more on the smaller woman.

Amanda felt the pressure, and smiled inwardly. There's more than one way to skin a cat. With her head so close to the older woman, she could hear Lex struggling for every breath. That doesn't sound good at all… hope we have some way to get her to a doctor once we're back to her house.

The open field was thankfully carpeted with some sort of grass, Amanda noticed. It was too dark for her to see much, but it was still more pleasant than the nasty mud they had waded through on the main road. Amanda estimated that over two hours had passed since she had fallen into the raging creek, and if the sun had been shining, it would be close to dusk by now. Her head still ached, although it was more like a dull throb now. She frequently cast her gaze at the tall woman whose weight she continued to support, amazed that Lex hadn't completely collapsed by now. Through the infrequent flashes of lightning, she was able to see just how exhausted her companion had become. Something was nagging at the back of her mind, though. What was she doing out in this weather? And just how did she get hurt? Guess I could just ask. Amanda cleared her throat. " Lex? " she felt the older woman flinch slightly.

Damn. Almost dozed off there, Lex chastised herself. " Yeah? " she asked, bringing her attention back to the conversation at hand.

Amanda tightened her grip slightly, trying to comfort the dark woman. " You haven't told me why you were out in this nasty weather - or do you usually hang around raging creeks waiting to rescue women who happen to float by? " She felt Lex stifle a laugh.

" No, not usually." Lex was thankful for the distraction. " I was repairing a break in the fence when I saw that tree smash into the bridge." She gave a slight shrug. " Then, when I saw your car fall in, I really didn't even think…" She looked down at the young woman snuggled close. " Right place, right time, I guess. "

Amanda looked up in surprise. " You jumped into a creek feeling the way you do? " her voice raised incredulously.

Lex shook her head. " No. I was okay, then. A little tired from chopping up a tree and digging a few post holes, but okay." She glanced away from the younger woman's gaze.

" Okay, then…. what happened? And don't try and tell me you're okay…" she tightened her grip. " You're about to fall over, I can tell." Amanda wasn't real sure where this sudden protective streak for a virtual stranger came from, but at this point, she really didn't give a damn.

Lex looked down at the grass they were walking through. " Ah, well…" another squeeze from her companion. " When I was pulling us back across the creek, right before you came to, I kinda got hit by some sort of debris." She suddenly stopped, because the arm that was wrapped around her pulled her back.

" Debris? What kind of debris? Where did it hit you? " Lightning flashed, giving Lex a clear view of the deep concern etched on the face across from her.

Trying to change the subject, Lex turned to start walking again. She must have twisted wrong, because she collapsed to her knees in pain. " Damn…" she exhaled, trying to get past the black spots swimming in her vision.

Amanda had followed her to the ground. " Lex!! " she exclaimed in a shaky voice. " What's wrong? "

The older woman was leaning forward, her left arm wrapped tightly around her chest, her face hidden by the hat pulled low. " Just give me a minute, " she gasped, trying to remain conscious.

Amanda gently eased Lex onto her back. " Here… just lie back for a few minutes and catch your breath." She pulled the battered hat off of the dark woman's head.

Lex tried in vain to get back up. " No, I'm alright. We're almost to the house." But she couldn't seem to gather the energy needed to defy the small blonde.

Amanda tried another tactic. " Well, if we're that close, then a short break can't hurt now, can it? " She looked up and tried to see the house in the distance. Unfortunately, between the oncoming darkness and the still driving rain, she could barely see a few feet in front of them. " Look, if you'll just point me in the right direction, I'll go and get some help." She glanced back down at Lex, whose eyes were now closed. " Lex? " She gently touched the older woman's face. " Hey." Gratified to see the woman's eyes slowly open.

" Sorry." Lex whispered. " Guess I musta moved the wrong way." She took a cautious breath.

" Please - let me go and get some help." Amanda pleaded.

" Can't." Lex stated. " Only person at the house is Martha. My brother and the ranch hands are in town for the big rodeo and livestock show this weekend." She attempted a smile. " Thought I could handle things until they got back on Sunday."

Amanda smiled back at her. " I'm sure you could have, if you weren't playing hero for me."

Lex choked back a laugh. " Yeah, right. I should have been paying closer attention." She reached up with her right hand. " Wanna give me a hand up? I'm really getting tired of this damn rain."

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