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Chapter 53
" Okay, I've got men at all of the doors, and I've found where they threw the outdoor electrical switch. As soon as my men are in position, I'll turn the lights back on, and we'll go in." Amanda quickly pulled the radio from Martha's now shaking hands. " Do you really think that's wise? We don't know where Lex is, or what the situation is up there." " Normally I'd agree with you - but I don't want my men to be shooting at shadows. Someone could get hurt." He paused, trying to get his point across with upsetting either woman unduly. " And, if Lex is hurt, it'll be easier to find her if the lights are on." Before Amanda could reply to that dark thought, two more gunshots rang out upstairs, just as the electricity came on. " Charlie? What's going on? " she practically screamed into the radio. " Charlie?!?! " Amanda handed the radio to Martha, and started towards the stairs. " That's it! I'm not spending a single second longer down here!! " Before she could reach the stairs, the trapdoor opened, blinding the two women with a bright light. Amanda had to shade her eyes from the glare, since there was only one weak bulb in the storm cellar. " Lex? " she whispered, begging in her heart for it to be true. She charged up the stairway, Martha quickly at her heels. Lex was practically bowled over by the overexcited women, finding herself almost flat on the floor. " Hey, hey! Take it easy! " she chuckled. Charlie stood in the doorway, a big grin on his face. " Damn, Lex…I've been meaning to ask you how you're able to attract the most beautiful women! " Martha got off of her knees, and took a near-leap at the lawman. " Oh, Charlie! You've always been such a sweet-talker! " She gave him a passionate kiss. Lex looked up at Amanda, who was leaning over her prone body. " I guess this means you missed me? " she asked, a devilish smile on her face. The younger woman bent down and gave her a sweet kiss. " Yeah, I guess you could say that." Amanda sat up, looking Lex's body over carefully. " Are you okay? We heard several gunshots." She ran her shaking hands across the beautiful body beneath her. The rancher sat up, wrapping her arms around the lovely blonde. " Not a scratch…how are you holding up? " Amanda enjoyed the sensation of strong arms holding her close. " Just great…now." She placed a gentle kiss on the strong neck. " But I guess I should get you out of the kitchen floor." She stood up, hauling the rancher with her. Amanda pulled Lex close, then wrapped her arms around the taller woman, squeezing tightly. " I really don't want to go through anything like that again." She tucked her head under the strong chin, exhaling with a great sigh of relief. Lex kissed the blonde head as she brought her arms protectively around the smaller woman. " C'mon…let's see if they need any help with the clean up." She began to lead Amanda towards the hallway. Charlie and Martha were already there, the housekeeper not releasing the strong grasp she had on the sheriff's hand. He stood there with a tired smile on his weathered face, watching as his men finished up their business. Amanda's eyes popped open wide - there were deputies everywhere! One was checking the back door, another was speaking to a young teenager who was seated on the stairway, and several more were leading away two men in handcuffs. One of the men was bleeding from a head injury, and he glared at Lex as he was led out the front door; the other man was complaining about a gunshot wound to his leg, and a 'excruciating' headache - he too glared at the rancher, and questioned her parentage under his breath as he was led outside. One deputy stepped up to Lex, carrying his hat in his hands. " Uh…" he looked down at his feet, " Lex, I want to apologize again for shooting at you." The big man looked like he was about to cry. Amanda stiffened, and would have probably attacked the poor man had the taller woman not tightened her hold on the blonde's shoulders. " Jeremy, I don't blame you - all you could see was a person with a gun." She gave him a devilish grin. " I'm just glad you can't shoot worth a damn! " He shook his head and smiled. " Yeah. Me too." They all looked towards the front door as a loud rumble assaulted their ears. Jeremy grinned at the rancher. " That would probably be your men - it took two of our guys with riot gear to keep them away after they finished the bridge." He was about to say more when the six muddy men stomped into the house. The man in the lead was older, with a scraggly dark beard that was liberally sprinkled with gray. The evident leader of the group, he limped up to Lex with worry in his eyes. " Miz Lexington." He looked her over carefully, seemingly not even noticing the beautiful young woman tucked up against her side. " You look like you're still in one piece…we'd heard on the radio there'd been some shooting." Finishing his careful perusal, he blushed slightly when he noticed the young blonde standing next to the rancher. Yanking his hat off of his head, the older man mumbled, " 'Scuse me…I…umm…" Lex took pity on the grizzled man and smiled. " Lester, I'd like you to meet Amanda Cauble…Amanda, this is Lester - he takes care of the boys down at the bunkhouse." The smaller woman held out a hand, giving the older man a strong handshake. " Nice to meet you, Lester. Martha has spoken highly of you." She smiled brightly, ignoring the mud liberally covering his bent form. This caused his blush to darken. " Ah, now I know you're pullin' my leg." He gave the housekeeper a wry grin. " I'm just glad y'all are alright. Me and the boys are gonna go on up to the bunkhouse and get cleaned up." He smiled at Lex, put his hat on, and shuffled towards the door. Turning, he tipped his hat at Amanda, " Real pleasure to meet you, miss. Hope we'll be seeing more of you around." He started back towards the door again, ushering the other men outside. " C'mon, ya damn fools, let's get out of these folks' way." Amanda waited until he closed the door, then burst out laughing. " He's cute." She looked up at Lex, who gave her a tired smile. She looks exhausted. Hmm…what should I do? Subtle? Yeah, why not? Turning her attention to the sheriff, she smiled. " Do you think anyone would mind if we went upstairs? " She gave the rancher a pleading look. " I really need to go sit down…my legs won't stop shaking." True… and she knew that this was the only way to get her tall friend to take a break. " Could you give me a hand up the stairs? " Lex scanned the young woman's face worriedly. " Are you okay? Should I call a doctor? " she felt a small hand pat her stomach gently. " No…I'm just tired, and more than a little shook up, I guess. I'm not used to so much excitement." Amanda looked at Charlie and Martha, who both grinned knowingly. " Well? " " Uh, yeah. You go ahead and get some rest, we'll get this all straightened up down here." He felt Martha's hand tighten around his, and the smile on the lawman's face grew. The small blonde began pulling Lex up the stairs. " Thanks, Charlie. We'll see you both in the morning." She gave a little wave, then smiled as she felt the rancher lean against her slightly. " C'mon, honey, " she whispered, " Let's get you into bed." The tall woman pulled her closer. " Now that's the best offer I've had all day." She leaned down and gave Amanda's ear a light nip. " Or at least all evening." They made their way up to the master bedroom, Lex going straight to the bed and sitting down. " Damn…I feel like I could sleep for days." She ran a hand through her tangled dark hair. Amanda knelt at her feet, gently pulling off Lex's boots. " Sounds like a plan to me." She stood up, unbuttoning the rancher's shirt, then pulling it off and touching the bandage wrapped around her ribs. " Let me go get something to…" she didn't finish, as she found herself sprawled across the tall woman's body. " I thought you were tired." A raspy whisper in her ear, then a soft nibble started across her throat. The smaller woman sat up, moving back slightly. " Well, I…umm…" she lost her train of thought as electric blue eyes captured hers. Lex ran a hand down the younger woman's cheek. " Sorry. I really shouldn't tease you like that, but you're so cute when you get flustered." Amanda leaned into the touch, turning and placing a soft kiss on the callused palm. " Yeah well, normally I don't like it when people tease me…" she gave Lex a sweet look, " but with you, it's different, somehow." She smiled, then reached down and began to unbutton the older woman's jeans. Seeing Lex raise an eyebrow, she blushed. " Now don't be getting any ideas… I just want you to be comfortable before we go to sleep." The dark woman gave her another look, but didn't argue as Amanda gently pulled the jeans off, then pulled the sheet and comforter over her prone form. Lex, fighting to keep her eyes open, watched as Amanda removed her own clothes then crawled into bed. " Damn, but you're beautiful." She mumbled, eyes closing against her will. Amanda blushed, then rolled over on her side, propping her head up with one hand. " Obviously you are so tired that your eyesight has been effected…" she brushed dark bangs off of the resting woman's forehead. " Lex? " No answer. Amanda sighed. " Sleep well, my friend." She edged over and snuggled up against the rancher, kissed the tan cheek, then joined her in sleep.