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Chapter 45

Amanda stood on the balcony, leaning on the railing and enjoying the break in the rainfall. Heavy clouds still filled the late-afternoon sky, but the lightning had stopped, and there was only an occasional rumble of thunder shattering the still silence.

Lex had been sleeping for several hours after Amanda had managed to wake her and get the still-tired woman out of the tub.

Amanda had stepped into the bathroom over an hour after the older woman had begun soaking in the tub. She had become concerned when Lex had been in there so long, without so much as a peep from her. When she saw the rancher sound asleep among the bubbles, she couldn't help but smile. Just like Sleeping Beauty… she marveled, as she stepped to the side of the tub. Well, it worked for Prince Charming. The small blonde leaned over and placed a gentle kiss on the lips of the sleeping woman, who almost slipped under the water in surprise.

They had a brief argument over the re-bandaging of Lex's wound (which Amanda had won), and then the young blonde had forced the rancher to take some medication that Martha had brought upstairs to combat infection. The housekeeper and the smaller woman had made a good team, practically browbeating poor Lex into submission. They got the injured woman settled, and Martha left soon after Lex fell back asleep - admonishing the young blonde to get some rest as well.

But Amanda was too full of energy to sleep, so she called her grandmother to assure the older woman that she was doing fine.

" Hello." Anna Leigh's soft but strong voice answered the phone.

" Gramma? How are you? How's Grandpa? " Amanda felt tears burn her eyes for no reason.

The older woman chuckled. " We're fine, Mandy…how are you? I was a little concerned when we didn't hear from you last night, but Jacob said that you were probably worn out from your horseback ride."

Amanda choked back a sob. " It was a long day, that's for sure." She sniffed, trying to get her emotions under control.

Anna Leigh heard the soft sound, and became instantly alert. " What happened? You and Lexington didn't have a fight, did you? I know she can be a little abrupt sometimes, but she really is a dear girl."

" No, no…nothing like that. We just ran into some trouble when we were out riding yesterday. We stumbled onto some thieves, and…" Here, she lost it. Amanda began crying uncontrollably, scaring the older woman half to death.

" Mandy honey…calm down." She paused, gathering her thoughts. " That does it. We're driving out there right now, I don't care if I have to swim across that damnable creek! " Anna Leigh raised her voice, something that Amanda had not ever heard before.

" NO! " Amanda said sharply, then softened her tone. " No, Gramma, I'm okay. It's just been a bad week, that's all. And with Lex getting hurt like that, I guess I'm just a little on edge."

" Hurt? Was she thrown from her horse or something? " Anna Leigh guessed.

" Ummm…no." Amanda hedged, knowing her grandmother would probably lose it for sure if she knew what had happened. But she had never lied to the older woman, and was not about to start now. " She was shot." Then she added, " But it only grazed her - it's just that her ribs are acting up, and…" she didn't get any farther.

" SHOT?!? " Anna Leigh practically yelled through the phone, " Are you okay, sweetheart? Dear God, is she okay? Do we need to send a doctor out there? " She stopped her questions when the phone was taken away from her.

" Peanut? What's going on? Your grandmother is white as a sheet. Are you okay? Did I hear her correctly, was someone shot? " Jacob Cauble's deep voice took over the phone, causing a wave of relief to wash over the young woman.

" Grandpa? " Amanda felt her anxiety drop away immediately. " I'm fine. Lex got a little hurt, but she's okay now."

Jacob sighed. " A little hurt? If she was shot, that's more than a little hurt, Peanut. Do you want to talk about it? "

Amanda ran her hand through her hair. " Yeah, actually I would. Got a few minutes? Maybe get Gramma on the other phone? " she had to talk to someone about this…her emotions were too strong.

" Sweetheart, we have all the time in the world for you…" Anna Leigh spoke from the other phone. " Talk to us."

Amanda wiped the tears from her eyes, and told her grandparents everything. The wonderful ride, finding the thieves, the frightening ride back to the clearing after she had alerted Martha and the sheriff, the hiding in the thick bushes waiting for Lex to return. And finally, she told them of her feelings when she found that the older woman had been shot, and of the fear she had of losing something that was quickly becoming quite special.

Jacob and Anna Leigh had been very supportive, talking the young woman through her bouts of tears and laughter. She told of meeting Sheriff Bristol, and of her finally being able to catch the unflappable Martha off guard. And she told them how deep her feelings were becoming for the dark rancher, and of her hopes for a long-term relationship with the tall woman.

Amanda was so wrapped up in her thoughts that she didn't hear when another person joined her on the balcony. Strong arms wrapped themselves around her waist as large hands rested lightly on her stomach.

" Penny for your thoughts." A deep voice whispered in her ear, with gentle lips nipping at the soft lobe.

" Mmmm…" she leaned back into the warm body behind her, covering the hands on her abdomen with her own. " Just daydreaming."

" About anything in particular? " Lex whispered, nibbling a path down the smooth neck.

Amanda leaned her head to one side, giving the dark woman better access. " Uh…" her knees were beginning to weaken. " Hmmm? " she turned around, wrapping her arms around the tall woman's neck.

Lex took this opportunity to blaze a fiery trail down the younger woman's throat, feeling small hands clench in her hair. The body that she was holding trembled. " Cold? " she murmured, a slight smile on her face as she continued her assault.

" N…n…no." Amanda breathed. " It just…ahhh…" she released a deep breath. " C…can we take this inside? I seem to be having trouble standing."

Lex halted her exploration of the soft throat under her lips, leaning back just enough to look into slightly glazed green eyes. " Really? " she gave the young woman a sexy smile. " Think you're coming down with something? "

" Could be." Amanda unlocked her hands from the silky dark hair and grasped the large hands that were settled on her waist. " Maybe you should tuck me into bed." She pulled the older woman back inside.

Lex followed, her legs feeling suddenly weak. Must be contagious. " Sounds serious." She whispered, trying the keep the playful banter alive, allowing the young blonde to seat her on the edge of the bed.

Amanda slowly unbuttoned Lex's nightshirt, pushing the rancher gently onto her back. " Oh, yeah…I'm going to need lots of special attention…" she pulled her own shirt off. " Think you can handle it? " She watched as the blue eyes darkened. " Let me demonstrate." Amanda leaned down, covering the mouth under hers with a searing kiss.

When they finally broke apart, Lex pulled in a shuddering breath. " Let me see what I can do." She murmured, letting her hands explore the supple young body with tender caresses. Taking special care, she slid her callused hands across the dips and curves, mapping out her intentions with gentle desire.

Amanda felt a burning fire course through her veins as the older woman memorized her body by touch, stopping at different points to leave a heated kiss, or a gentle nip. Oh...it was never like this before, which was her last conscious thought before she rode out a wave of ecstasy, as bright lights assaulted her closed eyelids.

Much later, Amanda awoke with a strong body wrapped around hers. A dark head was pillowed on her stomach, and two long arms were stretched protectively across her body. She unconsciously ran a hand though the disheveled dark hair, while her other hand was softly clasped around a tan arm. I don't know what got into me…but I don't think Lex is going to complain. She smiled in remembrance. So intense…but I don't think I've ever felt so…loved before. She sighed. That's what this is, I think… Looking down fondly at the sleeping woman in her arms. No…I know that's what this is… She felt a strong surge of emotion hit her deeply. I wonder how Lex feels about it?

The object of her affection stirred, tightening her hold slightly. Lex nuzzled the smooth skin under her cheek, opening one blue eye and focusing on the shining green eyes above her. She reached up with one hand to wipe the single tear that trickled down Amanda's cheek. " What's wrong? " she asked, attempting to sit up.

The young woman held her down gently with an arm. " Nothing…I'm just being stupid." She sniffed, trying to get her roiling emotions under control.

Lex kissed the flat abdomen. " Are you regretting…" her voice broke.

" Oh God, no!! " Amanda guided the rancher's face upward until they were inches apart. Placing a trembling kiss on Lex's lips, she whispered, " No regrets - I'm just a little overwhelmed." Another gentle kiss. " Okay, a lot overwhelmed. I've never felt anything like this before." She touched her forehead to Lex's.

The older woman smiled, tears forming in her eyes as well. " I never thought I'd feel anything like this…ever." She swallowed hard, bringing a large hand to cup Amanda's cheek, wiping away another stray tear with her thumb. " I…" she paused, trying to find words to express the incredible feelings coursing through her body. Unable to find any, Lex gave Amanda a soft kiss, who promptly deepened it, understanding the unspoken words and adding her own.

Their bodies were able to articulate what their voices couldn't. Amanda pulled back far enough to gaze into blue eyes, which had deepened almost to indigo. Swearing that she could see directly into the other woman's soul, Amanda matched her intensity, eyes sparkling with unshed tears. " I love you." Three words, spoken so softly, she barely heard them leave her mouth.

But Lex heard them. Her eyes widened and she stopped breathing. Then those blue eyes closed, silent tears tracking over her chiseled features. She opened her mouth to speak, but was unable to utter a sound. Finally taking a large gulp of air, Lex opened her eyes again.

Amanda placed concerned hands on the older woman's face, searching her eyes intently. " Lex? " she whispered, her heart aching. " Honey, what's the matter? " the young woman used her thumbs to brush the tears from Lex's face. " Please, talk to me." She could feel the rancher beginning to tremble, still not able to speak.

Lex pulled Amanda tightly to her, burying her face in the tangled blonde hair. " No one has ever said that to me before." She rasped, her throat thick with emotion. " And, " she pulled back until she could look the smaller woman directly in the eyes, " Just so there's not confusion…" she placed a soft kiss on Amanda's lips, " I love you, too." She pulled the smaller woman into her arms, and then rolled over to lean back against the headboard.

Amanda snuggled happily into the strong arms, content to just sit and absorb the warm feeling that was bubbling up between the two of them. Even the now loud rumbling of thunder couldn't ruin the euphoria that she was feeling. She felt a soft kiss on the top of her head, and the arms holding her tightened.

" I hate to disturb you, " the familiar deep voice rumbled in her ear, " But if we don't get downstairs pretty soon, Martha's gonna come looking for us."

The small blonde took a small bite out of the conveniently located nearby shoulder. " And this would be a bad thing? " She nibbled her way over to the tan throat. " Would it bother you - her seeing us like this? "

Lex laughed, " Hell, no! I just didn't want you to get embarrassed, that's all."

" Well, I don't think she's going to pick on me much, at least for a little while anyway. We sorta called a truce this morning." Amanda smiled under the dark woman's chin.

Lex pulled the young woman's chin up, so she could see her eyes. " Truce? Did you two have an argument? " she asked, concerned. Please, no…I thought they liked each other.

" No…nothing like that." An impish grin, " I caught her in the kitchen with her boyfriend."

Lex laughed. " Charlie was here? "

" Yeah, early this morning." Amanda went on to explain everything that he had told Martha and her, and how he refused to stop looking until the thieves were caught.

The rancher released a heavy sigh. " Damn, I was afraid of something like that." She kissed the top of Amanda's head. " C'mon…let's get cleaned up and go downstairs. I'm starving."

Amanda climbed off of Lex with a regretful sigh. " And I thought that noise was thunder - I didn't know it was your stomach growling." She smirked at the older woman, " Wanna conserve some water? " she held her hand out to Lex, who took it immediately.

" Sure." Lex allowed the smaller woman to pull her off of the bed and lead her into the bathroom. " Although I don't know how much we'll conserve. This could take a while." She laughed, following the cute blonde.

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mylektsii.su - Ìîè Ëåêöèè - 2015-2025 ãîä. (0.009 ñåê.)Âñå ìàòåðèàëû ïðåäñòàâëåííûå íà ñàéòå èñêëþ÷èòåëüíî ñ öåëüþ îçíàêîìëåíèÿ ÷èòàòåëÿìè è íå ïðåñëåäóþò êîììåð÷åñêèõ öåëåé èëè íàðóøåíèå àâòîðñêèõ ïðàâ Ïîæàëîâàòüñÿ íà ìàòåðèàë