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Chapter 42

She was lying on her back in a field of wildflowers, the sun soaking into her body. Filled with a contented peace, she was enjoying the gentle fragrance of the flowers around her as a warm breeze passed through her hair. Knowing she should get up, her body rebelled, embracing the warmth of the quiet spring day with decadent pleasure.

Lex took a deep breath, inhaling another lungful of the sweet smell of flowers. Opening her eyes, she was somewhat surprised that she was indoors, and even more surprised to find herself in bed. But I could swear that I smelt flowers. Her brow creased in confusion, and then she noticed the source of the delightful smell. A tousled blonde head was tucked comfortably against her shoulder, directly under her chin. Gotta compliment Martha on her choice of shampoo for the guest room, Lex smirked. That dream was nice, but reality is so much better. She didn't want to disturb Amanda, but her body demanded that she get up. The rancher carefully rolled the smaller woman off of her, which got her a small sigh in return. She was finally able to maneuver herself into a sitting position, and was charmed when Amanda rolled back over and snuggled into her pillow. Lex eased herself off of the bed, biting her lower lip to stifle a groan. Getting too old to play all day in the rain, Lexington, she admonished herself, making her way slowly into the bathroom.

Mmm…something smells tasty. Amanda woke up, concerned to see that she was lying in the big bed alone, and hugging Lex's pillow? She turned her eyes towards the bedside table, which had a large tray sitting on it. " So that's where that wonderful smell is coming from, " she mumbled, taking another deep breath, closing her eyes in bliss.

" Gee…thanks." Lex drawled, stepping out of the bathroom.

Amanda blushed, and pulled the pillow over her head. " Oh, lord…" she giggled. " I can't believe you heard that."

The tall woman walked over to the bed and sat down. " Good morning to you, too." She grinned.

One green eye peeked out from under the pillow. " Morning." Amanda grumbled, the sat up. " How are you feeling? " She reached towards the older woman. " You look a lot better this morning."

Lex accepted the small hand, pulling it to her lips for a little kiss. " Must be the company I'm keeping."

Amanda blushed to the roots of her hair. " Umm…" she pointed to the tray, " isn't that breakfast? " trying desperately to change the subject.

Lex raised an eyebrow, but relented. " Yeah…Martha must have just brought it up a few minutes ago…the food is still steaming." She grinned when the younger woman blushed again.

" Oh, God…she was in here when we were asleep? " Amanda stuttered.

The older woman winked at her. " Yep. And now she probably realizes that I didn't need any extra blankets last night." Ooh…bad, Lexington, very bad. But she's just so damn cute when she blushes!

To her surprise, the blonde grinned. " That's funny…neither did I." She crawled over to Lex, wrapping her arms around the older woman's neck. " Good morning." Amanda whispered, leaning in and planting a sensuous kiss on Lex's mouth.

The rancher moaned and deepened the kiss almost instantly. Lex put her hands on the small of Amanda's back, pulling her closer, melding their bodies together.

Amanda leaned into the taller woman, burying her hands in the thick dark hair. She gasped when Lex finally broke away, her heart pounding so hard she just knew the dark woman could hear it.

" Goo…" Lex had to clear her throat before she could continue. " Good morning." She pulled back a small bit. " Certainly makes waking up worthwhile."

Amanda giggled, then leaned forward until her forehead was on Lex's chest. " Oh yeah…I think I've just become a morning person."

Lex chuckled, and pulled the smaller woman close. Nibbling the nearest ear, she whispered suggestively, " I'm more of a night person, myself." She felt Amanda tremble. " You cold? " she teased, squeezing the small body a little tighter.

" Umm…" the blonde stammered, " Nnn..no….as a matter of fact, I'm pretty darn warm right now." She tilted her head back, as the older woman worked her way down the slim neck. " Ahh…oh…" she couldn't seem to put together a coherent thought, with Lex taking tender bites of her throat. " Oh, God…" she whispered, running her hands down the strong back. Amanda found that she couldn't sit up any longer, so she fell back gracelessly to the bed.

Lex followed her, never giving up on her quest to know every inch of the young blonde's throat. " So sweet…" she mumbled, then turned on her side to get more comfortable. The tall woman's ribs complained, and she let out a pained gasp.

Amanda pushed her back to get a look at her companion's face. " Lex? What's the matter? " she could see the pain in those blue depths, and she grasped the paled face with gentle hands.

Lex felt herself guided onto her back against the bed. " Sorry…guess I turned wrong or something." She mumbled, " Just give me a minute to catch my breath." Closing her eyes, she concentrated on trying to will the pain away.

Brushing her hands slowly across the strained face, Amanda leaned down and kissed Lex on the forehead. " Shh…just lie still for a little while. Let me go get Martha." She started to get off of the bed, but found her arm grasped.

" No." The barely heard plea slipped through Lex's lips before she could stop it. " Stay." She muttered. " Please." So faint, the younger woman sensed it more than heard it.

" Okay, I'll stay." Amanda positioned herself with Lex's head in her lap, gently stroking the older woman's face and running her hands through the dark hair. " Shh…" she continued her soothing motions, trying to keep the rancher calm.

A quiet knock at the door made Amanda look up. " Come in." she offered quietly. Lex's eyes were closed, and she finally had a peaceful look on her face.

Martha came into the room slowly, apprehensive as to what she would find. Hope I'm not interrupting anything. " What's going on, sweetheart? " She saw the look on the young blonde's face, and Lex apparently asleep in her lap. " How's Lexie this morning? " She looks pale… The housekeeper walked over to the bed, and could now see tears forming in the young woman's eyes.

" Umm…she was doing pretty good earlier." She flushed at the double meaning. " I mean, she was feeling better than she was last night." Amanda looked down at the still face in her lap.

Martha sat gently on the edge of the bed, placing a light hand under Amanda's chin, forcing the younger woman to look at her. " And…? "

Amanda looked into those caring brown eyes, her own tears threatening to spill. " We were…uh…just…" she bit her lower lip, " she turned wrong, and I think her ribs moved, or something." Her hands kept up their gentle tracing, although they were shaking somewhat.

" Oh honey…" the older woman wiped a stray tear from Amanda's cheek. " Everything's going to be just fine." She looked down at Lex, who now looked completely relaxed in sleep. " Darn fool kid…" Martha smiled. " Why don't you come downstairs with me, and we'll let Lexie get some rest? "

" No, I can't." Amanda shook her head. " I promised her I would stay with her, and I don't want Lex to wake up alone."

Martha was about to argue with her, when she heard the phone downstairs ringing. She reached over to the bedside table and plucked the cordless phone off of the base. " Walter's residence, Martha speaking." She listened for a moment, and her face lost some of its color.

Amanda reached a hand over and touched her lightly on the arm. " Martha? "

The housekeeper shook her head, still listening. " Are you sure, Charlie? " her voice was strong, but she sounded a little nervous. " No, I appreciate you calling. I'll let Lexie know." She listened for a minute or so more, and took a deep breath. " Yes, we'll be just fine. The boys should be back by late this evening, hopefully." Martha looked down at the sleeping rancher's peaceful face. " Yes, we will, Charlie. Thank you." She hung up the phone with a shaky hand.

" What was that all about, Martha? " Amanda noticed the slight tremble to the older woman's actions. " Was that the sheriff? " she gave the chubby arm a gentle squeeze.

" Yes sweetheart, that was Sheriff Bristol. He wanted us to know that they haven't been able to find those thieves yet…they lost their trail earlier this morning." She looked down again at Lex.

Amanda's brows knit in confusion. " Well, that's rotten luck and all, but why do you look so upset? I mean, he's going to keep looking, isn't he? And they weren't able to get away with anything, right? "

Martha swallowed hard. " The last trail they found was headed in the direction of the ranch house." Her voice shook a little bit. " And, unfortunately, there's been a big ruckus in town, and Charlie had to send some of his men back…so he and one deputy are the only ones still searching."

" But…" Amanda shook her head, " These men have guns, and they're running around loose! " She stopped a moment, when a thought suddenly occurred to her. " What if they realized that Lex was the one who sabotaged their truck? Do you think they would be stupid enough to come up here? "

" I don't know, honey. That's why Charlie wanted me to tell Lexie…he said she's more capable of defending this house than most of his deputies are." Martha gave her a rueful grin. " He tried for several years to get Lexie to join his department…said she was stronger, smarter, and a heck of a lot better shot than those college boys that work for him." She reached down and brushed the tangled bangs from the sleeping woman's face. " Let's let her get some rest, and I'll tell her about Charlie's phone call when she wakes up." She was about to stand up when the ominous rumble of thunder caught her attention. " That's just dandy. Just what we need, more rain! " Martha stood up and then spotted the untouched tray. " Ahem." She mock glared at Amanda. " Honey, next time you two get involved in something, eat your breakfast first."

The younger woman closed her eyes in embarrassment. " Oh, God…."

Martha walked to the doorway, then turned back. " Might as well get started on it…breakfast, I mean. You can feed Lexie when she wakes up." She grinned, and sauntered out the door.

Amanda scowled down at the sleeping rancher. " You are in so much trouble when you wake up! " she kissed Lex softly on the lips, then eased out from under her. " She's not going to let us live this one down, and you made me face her alone." She whispered in Lex's ear, as she covered the injured woman with a blanket. " And I think we're about to run into some more trouble, so you had better get to feeling better, pronto! "

Another deep chord of thunder rattled the windows, punctuating her observation.


Chapter 43

Martha spent the remainder of the morning busying herself with housework, smiling from time to time over her parting shot when leaving the master bedroom. She had just finished dusting the sitting room, and was making her way back towards the kitchen, chuckling to herself. Oh, the look on Amanda's face…absolutely priceless! I really should be ashamed of myself! She was almost back to the kitchen when there was a knock on the back door. Now who could that be? The housekeeper grabbed the nearest weapon, in this case a mop out of the utility room, and went to the back door, peeking through the curtains that covered the small glass windows in the door. Ah. " Charlie! Get yourself in here before you catch your death! " she swung open the door, pulling the tall man inside.

" Thanks, Martha…I just wanted to stop by and give you a report…" he removed his drenched hat, shaking it outside before closing the door, then followed the heavyset woman into the kitchen.

She placed the mop in a corner, daring him to say anything. " Let me fix you something to eat, " as she bustled towards the stove.

Charlie Bristol had been coming out to the ranch long enough to know when to keep his mouth shut. " That would be great, Martha.Thanks." He took off his coat, sat his hat in a nearby chair, and then dropped down into a seat. " Damn…it's been a long night. Did Lex make it back okay? "

Martha began cooking, turning ever so often to talk. " I guess you could say that. She got shot, but it just grazed her side…She's upstairs now sleeping." She tried to sound nonchalant, but the lawman could hear the tremble in her voice.

Charlie got up from his seat and walked over to the stove, gently wrapping his arms around the trembling woman. " Shh…it's okay, sweetheart. Let it out…" he whispered in her ear.

Martha spun around, tucking her head into the tall man's chest, sobbing quietly. " Damn it, Charlie…I could have lost her! " she felt his arms wrap tightly around her, as she let days of stress break free.

The quiet lawman just stood there, loaning his strength to a woman who rarely needed any. She's the strongest woman I know…yet she lets only me see this side of her. God, I want to take care of her for the rest of our lives. He bent his head down, placing a tender kiss on her graying head. " I know, honey…she'll be fine. Our Lex can handle just about anything." Oops…that kinda slipped out. He always thought of the young rancher as his adopted daughter, and he knew she was the child Martha never had. Oh well… not like she doesn't know how I feel, right?

Martha enjoyed the embrace for a few more moments then stepped back, wiping her eyes with the edge of her apron. " Thanks Charlie…I guess I musta needed that." She gave him a light kiss on the chin, then turned back to her cooking. " So…any luck in finding those thieves? We had to practically sit on Lexie to keep her home last night."

Charlie moved back to the table and sat down. " Not really. Seems they broke up into two different groups, and went in opposite directions. Joseph went after one group, and I'm looking for the other." He waited until Martha turned around to face him. " One group may be coming this way…that's why I'm here." Spoken quietly, not wanting to upset the woman he loved.

" I was a little afraid of something like that. Amanda told me what Lexie had done to them…they'd have to be totally stupid not to figure out who did it." She carried a plate of food over to the table and sat it down in front of the sheriff. " Do you think they'd really come after her? " She grabbed the carafe of coffee and brought it to the table, along with two mugs.

" I'm not sure…part of me thinks they'll just try to get transportation out of here…but I don't think they know that the bridge is out." He began dutifully spearing the food, speaking in between bites. " What bothers me most is the fact that they are so good at hiding…they could be right outside and I may never find them." He was one of the best trackers in the area. As a teenager, Charlie would hire himself out to out-of-town hunters, making his spare money helping them find game, instead of working at the local Dairy Queen or lumber yard, like some of his friends. And for these thieves to have the skill to elude him, it made him justifiably nervous.

Martha sat down, looking into her coffee mug. " I'm afraid." She whispered.

" Honey, I'm not gonna rest until I catch these bastards! And you can take that to the bank! " he reached over and grasped her hand. " No matter how long it takes…I will not let them hurt you! "

The housekeeper looked at him with sad eyes. " I'm not afraid for me, but for Lexie. She's so stubborn…I don't want anything to happen to her. This week has nearly killed me! " There…I finally got it out… I don't know how much more I can take.

" This week? What else has happened, Martha? " he asked, forgetting his food and scooting his chair closer to hers.

Martha sighed. " Friday night, she was down by the creek checking the fence, when she saw a car get washed from the bridge…damn fool child could have drowned, jumping in like she did." She smiled. " But she did bring us a blessing in disguise…" Not expected, but certainly welcome.

" Good God! I thought you raised her with more brains than that! I knew that the bridge was washed out, but…" Charlie squeezed the hand in his. " What kind of blessing are you talking about? Who did she pull from the creek? "

" You know Jacob and Anna Leigh Cauble, right? Well, their grand-daughter Amanda was in the car that was knocked into the creek…she's such a sweet girl, too."

Charlie knew that look. Uh-oh…she's got that Martha Matchmaker face on again… " Really? I've never met her, but old Jacob talks about her all the time, and she sounds like a wonderful person." Tread lightly, Charles…don't want to encourage her too much…she was so disappointed after that 'Linda' thing a few years back. " Is she still here? "

" Oh yes…she's upstairs right now, taking care of Lexie." She smiled fondly.

The sheriff's eyebrows rose at that statement. " Taking care of Lex? You've got to be kidding me! We are talking about the same person, right? Tall, dark, and brooding? The Lex I know wouldn't allow that! " he laughed.

Martha squeezed his hand again. " You'd be surprised what Lexie has allowed that young thing to do… she even lets her win arguments! I never thought I'd see the day when that would happen! " she laughed, then got serious again. " I just hope Lexie will stay in bed for a day or so, to get her strength back…she's been so tired lately, and this last little adventure has about worn her out."

" I don't know if that will be possible, Martha. If my suspicions are right, half of that group of thieves could be on their way to the house as we speak…and they could be looking for trouble." He said, looking her directly in the eye.

" They're headed here? Are you going to leave us some protection? " A voice from the kitchen door asked.

Both people at the table looked up. A young blonde woman was standing in the doorway, looking somewhat disheveled in the maroon oversized sweats she was wearing, with a very concerned look on her face. She walked into the room and sat down at the table next to Martha.

" Amanda honey, what are you doing downstairs? " Martha asked, getting up to grab another coffee cup from the cabinet.

The young woman smiled. " I can't stay long, I just came downstairs to get Lex something to eat." She gave the housekeeper a sneaky grin. " I made her promise to stay in bed today." She blushed slightly, remembering what the rancher had told her. ' Only if you keep me company…I tend to get bored, otherwise. ' This had been said with a diabolical smile, which had sent shivers of excitement up and down Amanda's spine.

Charlie had looked at the young woman with a tired smile. " Miss Cauble, I really wish I could stay here and personally guarantee your safety, but the truth is I can't even justify keeping a man on this case."

" Please, call me Amanda." She looked at him closely. " And who says you can't stay on the case? " she looked somewhat confused.

The sheriff shook his head sadly. " City politics, Miss…" he saw her frown and amended, " Amanda. The county commissioners don't much care for Lex…she really hacked them off a few years ago, and the bast…err…excuse me, old coots haven't gotten over it yet."

Amanda was shocked. " And, because of their hurt feelings, they won't allow you to help? That's absolutely ridiculous! " she slapped her hand down hard on the table.

Martha stopped working on the tray for Lex and walked over to stand behind the upset young woman. " Yes, it is, sweetheart." She looked at the lawman. " Charlie, don't lose your job over this…I'm sure Lexie can handle things just fine."

He smiled. " It just so happens my vacation starts today. And Joseph just happened to get 'sick' last night. He said he owed Lex a favor, and he'll keep looking for as long as he needs to." He stood up, picking his hat off of the extra chair. " Martha, if you wouldn't mind, we'll keep in touch with you on the radio - channel six."

The housekeeper handed the sheriff two thermos's full of coffee. " I'll carry the portable with me. Now you be careful out there…we've got a date next Saturday night, and I hate to be stood up! " she gave him a gentle kiss on the cheek.

Charlie blushed, but smiled. " You know I'd never stand you up, sweetheart." He gestured with a thermos. " Thanks for the coffee…I'll keep in touch." The lawman stepped out of the kitchen with a happy grin on his face.

Martha looked over at Amanda, who was smiling knowingly. " Now don't you look at me like that - we've been friends for years! " she shook a pudgy finger at the now giggling blonde.

Amanda covered her mouth with her hand. " I didn't say a word." She shook her head solemnly. The housekeeper walked over and swatted her on the arm, then turned around and moved back towards the counter. " Hey! It's not my fault your boyfriend is so cute." She giggled again when Martha actually blushed. Heh. Paybacks!

The housekeeper rolled her eyes. " I guess I deserved that." She finished her work on the breakfast tray. " How is Lexie feeling? " Martha opened the refrigerator and poured a glass of orange juice.

" Much better, I think. She's only running a slight fever this afternoon, and her coloring is almost back to normal." Amanda stood up and checked out the tray. " Fruit wedges? Can you actually get her to eat something that's good for her? "

Martha shook her head. " Not usually, but you tell her she had better finish every bite, or I'll come upstairs and feed it to her personally! " she handed the tray to the younger woman and turned her towards the doorway. " Good luck, honey. You're gonna need it! " she laughed, as Amanda left the kitchen.

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