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Disqualification (Shikkaku)
1. SHIKKAKU is a disqualification from the entireactual tournament with a possible suspension from competition for an additional time period. 2. A SHIKKAKU can be directly imposed, without warnings of any kind. 3. SHIKKAKU may be invoked: a) when a competitor receives the third penalty point (GENTEN SAN); b) when a competitor fails to obey the orders of the Referee, c) when a competitor comes to the competition area for a bout more than 1 minute later than the time or does not come to it at all; d) when during the weigh-in it is discovered that the competitor’s weight exceeds the upper limit set for the weight category, he has applied to participate in; e) when use of doping was detected; f) when a competitor acts maliciously, disrespectfully or commits an act which harms the prestige and honor of Kyokushin. This also includes the gestures like guts-pose (victory pose = throwing the hand or fist above) after the announcement of the victory or of awarding the WAZA-ARI, which shall be considered the breach of etiquette or demonstration of disrespect to the opponent; g) when the coach or a non-combatant member of the competitor’s delegation behave in such a way as to harm the prestige and honor of Kyokushin. 4. A public announcement of SHIKKAKU must be made.
ARTICLE 10: DEFAULT AND WITHDRAW (KIKEN) 1. KIKEN or forfeiture is the decision given, when a competitor or competitors fail to present themselves when called, are unable to continue, abandon the bout, or are withdrawn on the order of the Referee. The grounds for abandonment may include injury not ascribable to the opponent's actions. 2. The decision of KIKEN-GACHI shall be given to any competitor whose opponent does not appear for his contest. A competitor who is not at his starting place after three (3) calls during a period of one (1) minute, will forfeit the contest. 3. In the event that a competitor, during the fight, loses his contact lens and cannot immediately recover it, informing the Referee that he cannot continue competing without the contact lens, after consultation with the Judges the Referee shall give the victory to his opponent by KIKEN-GACHI. 4. If a competitor abandons the bout without any good reason he has to pay compensation in the amount fixed by the KWU Executive Committee. Exceptions to this rule are listed below: a. if upon the medical examination the Tournament Doctor decides that the competitor is not capable to continue fighting; b. if any contingencies (a misfortune in the competitor’s family and the like) occur immediately before the beginning of or during the competitions. ARTICLE 11: INJURIES AND ACCIDENTS IN COMPETITION 1. Any competitor participates in Kyokushin competitions at his own risk. KWU or the Organizers of the competitions shall not be taken responsible for any injury or illness, received by the competitor through the participation in the competitions. 2. When a competitor is injured, the Referee shall immediately halt the bout and, if needed, call the Tournament Doctor. The Referee shall call the Tournament Doctor when a competitor is injured and needs medical treatment by raising his hand and verbally call out “Doctor! ”. The Tournament Doctor is authorized to diagnose and treat injury only. When the Tournament Doctor declares the competitor unfit, the appropriate entry must be made on the competitor's monitoring card. The extent of unfitness must be made clear to Tatami Manager and scorers. 3. A competitor who is injured during a bout in progress through a prohibited act and requires medical treatment will be allowed three minutes in which to receive it. If physically able to do so, the injured competitor should be directed off the competition area for examination and treatment by the Tournament Doctor. If treatment is not completed within the time allowed, the Referee, upon the consultation with the Tournament Doctor, will decide if the competitor shall be declared unfit to fight, or whether an extension of treatment time shall be given. If extension of treatment time is given, then the bout shall be resumed after three next bouts. If there are less than three next bouts, the time will be determined by the Tatami Manager. In either case, it shall be resumed from the time point fixed at the moment of stop of the bout due to injury. 4. Where one competitor is unable to continue because of injury, where the cause of the injury is attributed to the injured competitor, he shall lose the contest. Where the cause of the injury is attributed to the uninjured competitor the uninjured competitor shall lose the contest. 5. An injured competitor who has been declared unfit to fight by the Tournament Doctor cannot fight again in that competition. 6. An injured competitor who wins a bout through disqualification due to injury is only allowed to fight on in the competition if declared fit by the tournament doctor after further examination. Any competitor who is thought by the referee panel to be feigning or exaggerating an injury due to a prohibited act or technique in order to gain a penalty or disqualification of their opponent may himself be penalized or disqualified. 7. The Judges will decide the winner on the basis of HANSOKU, GENTEN or the content of the bout as the case may be. 8. If a competitor delivered a strike to his opponent after the Referee’s order of «YAME!» («Stop!»): a) if the opponent was knocked down, got a serious injury, which became the reason for brief loss of consciousness by him, or got an injury, which could influence further development of the bout, even if he stood to his feet, the offender shall be disqualified (SHIKKAKU); b) if the opponent was knocked down, but did not lose consciousness, got a light injury, or only temporarily lost his ability to move, the offender shall be awarded the penalty point (GENTEN ICHI); c) if the opponent received a strike, but did not get serious injury, the offender shall be awarded the official warning (CHUI); d) in case the strike missed the target, the offender shall be awarded the oral warning (KEIKOKU). ARTICLE 12: CRITERIA FOR DECISION 1. The acts of a competitor in the competitive bouts (KUMITE) shall be in conformity with spirit and principals of real fight. The competitor must keep distance that allows him to defend himself from any attacks, including the attacks forbidden by the Rules and aimed to any vulnerable body zones. 2. In Kyokushin competitions etiquette must be rigorously observed. Therefore behavior of disrespect to opponent or to the refereeing officials shall not be allowed in the competition area. It shall be forbidden to express exultation because of the victory, or clamor because of decision of the Referee Panel in any manner, including taking guts-pose (victory pose). 3. The result of a bout is determined by a competitor obtaining IPPON (IPPON GACHI) or 2 WAZA-ARI in one time of the bout, which in sum give the clear victory (AWASETE IPPON GACHI), or at time-up, by the decision of the Referee Panel (HANTEI GACHI), or by disqualification imposed against a competitor (SHIKKAKU), or KIKEN, the refusal from the bout (FUSENSHO). 4. No individual bout can be declared a tie (HIKIWAKE). But a tie can be declared after the base time of the main round, the extension round, and the second extension round. After the final extension round the decision by the Referee Panel on the winner is obligatory. 5. If the bout winner is not determined by awarding the clear victory (IPPON GACHI), due to competitor’s opponent disqualification (SHIKKAKU); or due to competitor’s opponent refusal from the bout (KIKEN), then the decision will be made by a final vote of the 4 Judges and the Referee, each casting his vote. A decision (HANTEI) comes into effect, when supported by three or more votes. 6. The result of a bout is determined by a competitor obtaining a lead in points: a) the competitor who has lead of WAZA-ARI (the competitor, who has obtained both WAZA-ARI and GENTEN NI, has the score equal to zero, in this case the content of the bout will be judged) and has not obtained GENTEN NI shall be declared the winner; b) if both competitor have equal scores (no WAZA-ARI or both have WAZA-ARI), then the competitor who has obtained less official warnings by the two points shall be declared the winner (the competitor who has not obtained CHUI will win the competitor who has obtained GENTEN ICHI; the competitor who has obtained CHUI will win the competitor who has obtained GENTEN NI). 7. If after full time there are no scores, or scores are equal, the decision (HANTEI) will be made by a final vote of the four Judges and the Referee on the basis of the following additional criteria which are enumerated in order of their importance (a) ⇒ b) ⇒ c) ⇒ d)): a) Damage to opponent. Damage shall be considered an effect of a strike that though is not equal in quality to a strike estimated for WAZA-ARI point, but is close to it. b) The superiority of tactics and techniques displayed. The preference shall be given to the attacks, which are delivered clearly, reach a target, use correct hip and body motion; or to counterattacks, which are delivered upon evading the opponent’s strike that fail to reach a target. c) Attack activity. Attack activity shall appear in a greater number of strikes delivered and in the majority of the actions initiated. The preference shall be given to the competitor who initiated more attacks. Just moving forward not delivering strikes is not considered as an attack activity. d) Attitude and fighting spirit. 8. The official warning (CHUI) shall not be taken into account when the Judges deliver their decision (HANTEI) upon the expiry of the base time of a main round. But it shall be taken into account when the Judges deliver their decision after the extension round. However, independently of the CHUI, preference shall be given to the competitor, who had an advantage during the bout. 9. If tie repeats after the extension round in elimination bouts, or after the second extension round in main bouts: - in competitions in weight categories the competitor inferior to the opponent in weight by 3 kg or more shall be declared the winner; - in competitions in open category the weigh-in shall be announced, and the competitor inferior to the opponent in weight by 10 kg or more shall be declared the winner. If the winner is not determined by the weigh-in, then the competitor who received more points during TAMESHIWARI test shall be declared the winner. If the winner is not determined nor by TAMESHIWARI test results, neither by weight, then the final extension round equal to 2 minutes shall be assigned with the obligation of the Referee Panel to determine the winner (no tie possible).
ARTICLE 13: TAMESHIWARI 1. In TAMESHIWARI the competitors are competing in breaking boards of KWU approved type with four different strikes in the following sequence: 1) SEIKEN (straight fist punch); 2) SOKUTO (downward straight kick with the heel or the edge of the foot); 3) SHUTO (downward strike with the edge of the hand); 4) HIJI (downward straight strike with the elbow). 2. Each competitor will be given two attempts for each of four breaking exercises. In the first attempt the competitor can choose any number of boards for breaking, but the number shall not be less, than the minimum established by KWU. If the first attempt was not successful, the competitor will be given the second attempt, but this time he can only try to break the minimum number of boards established by KWU. The attempt shall be declared successful (SEIKO), if all boards were broken with single blow and only of the prescribed technique. 3. The minimum number of boards is: - for men – 3 boards in all of four breaking exercises; - for women – 1 board for SEIKEN, and 2 boards for SOKUTO, SHUTO, and HIJI. 4. Each board broken shall be equal to one point. 5. If the first attempt was successful (SEIKO), the sum of boards broken shall make the sum of points, received by the competitor in the breaking exercise (if 3 boards were broken in the first attempt, the competitor shall receive 3 points). 6. If the first attempt was unsuccessful (SHIPPAI), the competitor will be given the second attempt, but this time he can only try to break the minimum number of boards established by KWU. If the second attempt was successful (SEIKO), then the sum of boards broken shall make the sum of points, received by the competitor in the breaking exercise, but 0.5 point shall be deducted as penalty for the failure in the first attempt (if 3 boards were broken in the second attempt, the competitor shall receive 2.5 points). 7. If the second attempt also was unsuccessful (SHIPPAI), the competitor shall receive 0.0 points for the breaking exercise. 8. The sum of points received in all four breaking exercises shall make the final sum of points scored by a competitor. The competitor who received more points shall be declared the winner. 9. Dry boards made of Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica) of 30 x 21 cm size and thickness of 2.4 cm, that meet KWU standards and have passed the control of the Referee Commission, shall be used. If organizers cannot to prepare boards made of Japanese cedar, the boards made of any other woody species meeting KWU standards can be used with the permission of the Referee Commission. 10. TAMESHIWARI shall be held in the established place with the flat, devoid of hazard hard surface, equipped with standard blocks of KWU approved type. 11. The blocks of 45 x 15.5 cm size and thickness of 12 cm shall be made of solid materials (concrete, wood etc.). Two blocks shall be prepared for each competitor. 12. For SEIKEN and SOKUTO the blocks are placed horizontally, the shortest edges up. For SHUTO and HIJI the blocks are placed vertically, the longest edges up. The lower board shall be placed with short edges on the upper inner edges of the blocks. All other boards shall be placed on the lower board without clearances. The edges of the boards shall be aligned. 13. The blocks cannot be shifted from the established place without permission of the Referee. 14. Should the Referee Commission find it necessary, the competitors shall perform breakings with the shift by two persons clockwise after each breaking exercise. 15. When performing TAMESHIWARI, the competitors are completely forbidden to touch boards or blocks before the strike. But the competitors are allowed to order the Judges during preparation for the breaking to shift blocks or to put a towel or a kerchief on the boards to prevent the hands and legs injuries, to show boards and to change them. The towel or the kerchief is to be prepared by the competitor and be examined by the Judge. 16. When performing TAMESHIWARI, the Referee shall enter the competition area, and the Judges in the number corresponding to the number of competitors performing breaking shall stand around the competition area near the blocks. The Referee shall give orders, and the Judges shall prepare the blocks and the boards for breaking. 17. When beginning TAMESHIWARI, the announcer on duty shall call the competitors to the competition area. The competitors are called in the order of their numbers (ZEKKEN). 18. When entering the competition area the competitors will bow first towards the competition area and then towards the Presidium and then enter the contest area and stand by their blocks as ordered by the Referee. 19. When all the competitors will line up on the competition area, the Referee shall give the order of “SHOMEN-NI! ” (“Face the Presidium! ”; at this moment the Referee shall extended his right hand with extended fingers towards the Presidium), and the competitors and the Judges will face the Presidium. Then, at the Referee’s order of “REI! ” (“Bow! ”), the competitors and the Judges will bow towards the Presidium. Then the Referee gives the order of “MAWATTE! ” (“Turn! ”), and the competitors and the Judges make a half turn clockwise towards the direction opposite to the Presidium. The Referee gives the order of “REI! ”, and the competitors and the Judges bow towards the direction opposite to the Presidium. The Referee gives the order of “MAWATTE! ”, and the Judges make a half turn clockwise towards the Presidium. 20. Then the Referee calls the name of breaking exercise (SEIKEN, SOKUTO, SHUTO, HIJI), and the Judges start to prepare the boards at the orders by the competitors. When preparation is over, the Judge shall raise his right hand with fingers extended up to indicate the Referee. 21. Before each breaking exercise, when all the Judges prepared the boards, the Referee gives the orders of “KAMAETE! ” (“Prepare yourselves! ”) and “HAJIME! ” (“Start! ”). 22. Two minutes after the order of “HAJIME! ” (“Start! ”) by the Referee shall be given for each attempt. Upon the expiry of the two minutes, if the boards are not broken, the attempt shall be considered unsuccessful (SHIPPAI). If a competitor will break boards before the order of “HAJIME! ” (“Start! ”) by the Referee, the attempt shall also be considered unsuccessful (SHIPPAI). 23. Upon the attempt, the Judges shall make the competitors who performed breaking successfully (SEIKO) sit down, and the competitors shall sit first in SEIZA position, and then, after several seconds, in ANZA position. The competitors who failed to break the boards during the attempt shall keep standing. The Judges at the stations, where the competitors performed breaking successfully (SEIKO), shall show the number of boards broken using special plates or fingers to the Referee. 24. The Referee, in the order of increasing of numbers, shall name the competitors who performed breaking successfully announcing: “Number so-and-so! This much boards! SEIKO! ” (“Successful! ”). Simultaneously, the Referee extends in cutting motion by SHUTO his arm, palm downwards, upward at 45 degrees. Afterwards, the Referee, in the order of increasing of numbers, shall name the competitors who failed to break the boards: “Number so-and-so! SHIPPAI! (“Unsuccessful! ”). Simultaneously, the Referee extends in cutting motion by SHUTO his arm, palm downwards, downward at 45 degrees. When the competitor on the station is called, and the number of boards broken by him announced, the Judge is to drop the plate (or fingers). 25. Upon the completion of the announcement at the Referee’s order the Judges, serving the competitors who failed to break boards, start preparing the boards for the second attempt, placing the minimum number of boards on the blocks. 26. Upon the completion of second attempt, the Referee shall rouse all competitors and announce the next breaking exercise. 27. Upon the completion of all breaking exercises the Referee shall give the competitors the orders to make the bows towards the Presidium and to the opposite direction and then order everybody to exit the competition area.
ARTICLE 14: OFFICIAL PROTEST 1. No one may protest about a judgment to the members of the Referee Panel. 2. If a Refereeing procedure appears to contravene the rules, the President of the National Federation or its official representative is the only one allowed to make a protest. 3. The protest will take the form of a written report submitted immediately after the bout in which the protest was generated. The protest must give the names of the competitors, the Judges officiating, and the precise details of what is being protested. No general claims about overall standards will be accepted as a legitimate protest. The burden of proving the validity of the protest lies with the complainant. The sole exception is when the protest concerns an administrative malfunction. In case of an administrative malfunction during a match in progress, the Coach can notify the Tatami Manager directly. In turn, the Tatami Manager will notify the Referee. 4. The protest must be submitted to a representative of the Appeals Jury. In due course the Appeals Jury will review the circumstances leading to the protested decision. Having considered all the facts available, they will produce a report, and shall be empowered to take such action as may be called for. The decision shall be taken by the Appeals Jury before the start of the next bout of the winner. 5. Any protest concerning application of the rules must be made in accordance with the complaints procedure defined by the KWU Executive Committee. It must be submitted in writing and signed by the official representative of the team or competitor(s). 6. The complainant must deposit a Protest Fee as agreed by the KWU Executive Committee, and this, together with the protest must be lodged with a representative of the Appeals Jury. 7. Ensuing matches or bouts will not be delayed, even if an official protest is being prepared. It is the responsibility of the Match Supervisor, to ensure that the match has been conducted in accordance with the Rules of Competition.