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Playing area



The playing area includes the playing court and the free zone. It shall be 1.1, D1a, D1b rectangular and symmetrical.




The playing court is a rectangle measuring 18 x 9 m, surrounded by a free zone which is a minimum of 3 m wide on all sides.

The free playing space is the space above the playing area which is free from any obstructions. The free playing space shall measure a minimum of 7 m in height from the playing surface.

For FIVB, World and Official Competitions, the free zone shall measure a minimum of 5 m from the side lines and 8 m from the end lines. The free playing space shall measure a minimum of 12.5 m in height from the playing surface.


1.2.1 The surface must be flat, horizontal and uniform. It must not present any danger of injury to the players. It is forbidden to play on rough or slippery surfaces.

For FIVB, World and Official Competitions, only a wooden or synthetic surface is allowed. Any surface must be previously approved by the FIVB.

1.2.2 On indoor courts the surface of the playing court must be of a light colour.

For FIVB, World and Official Competitions, white colours are 1.1, 1.3 required for the lines. Other colours, different from each other, are required for the playing court and the free zone.


1.2.3 On outdoor courts a slope of 5 mm per metre is allowed for drainage. 1.3 Court lines made of solid materials are forbidden.


1.3.1 All lines are 5 cm wide. They must be of a light colour which is different from the colour of the floor and from any other lines.

1.3.2 Boundary lines

Two side lines and two end lines mark the playing court. Both side lines and end lines are drawn inside the dimensions of the playing court.

1.3.3 Centre line

The axis of the centre line divides the playing court into two equal courts measuring 9 x 9 m each; however the entire width of the line is considered to belong to both courts equally. This line extends beneath the net from side line to side line.

1.3.4 Attack line

On each court, an attack line, whose rear edge is drawn 3 m back from the axis of the centre line, marks the front zone.

D2 1.2.2 1.1 D2 1.3.3, 1.4.1 D2

For FIVB, World and Official Competitions, the attack line is extended by the addition of broken lines from the side lines, with five 15 cm short lines 5 cm wide, drawn 20 cm from each other to a total length of 1.75 m. The " coach's restriction line" (a broken line which extends from the attack line to the end line of the court, parallel to the side line and 1.75 metres from it) is composed of 15 cm short lines drawn 20 cm apart to mark the limit of the coach's area of operation.




1.4.1 Front zone

On each court the front zone is limited by the axis of the centre line and the rear edge of the attack line.

The front zone is considered to extend beyond the side lines to the end of the free zone.

1.4.2 Service zone

The service zone is a 9 m wide area behind each end line.

It is laterally limited by two short lines, each 15 cm long, drawn 20 cm behind the end line as an extension of the side lines. Both short lines are included in the width of the service zone.

D1b, D2,, D2 1.3.3, 1.3.4,, 1.1, 1.3.2 1.3.2, 12, D1b 1.1

In depth, the service zone extends to the end of the free zone.

1.4.3 Substitution zone

The substitution zone is limited by the extension of both attack lines up to the scorer's table.

1.4.4 Libero Replacement zone

The Libero Replacement zone is part of the free zone on the side of the team benches, limited by the extension of the attack line up to the end line.

1.4.5 Warm-up area

For FIVB, World and Official Competitions, the warm-up areas, sized approximately 3 x 3 m, are located in both of the bench- side corners, outside the free zone.

1.4.6 Penalty area

A penalty area, sized approximately 1 x 1 m and equipped with two chairs, is located in the control area, outside the prolongation of each end line. They may be limited by a 5 cm wide red line.


The minimum temperature shall not be below 10° C (50° F).

D3 1.3.3 1.1, 1.3.2, 2.1.1

For FIVB, World and Official Competitions, the maximum temperature shall not be higher than 25° C (77° F) and the minimum not lower than 16° C (61° F).


For FIVB, World and Official Competitions, the lighting on the playing area should be 1000 to 1500 lux measured at 1 m above the surface of the playing area.

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