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II. Reading of vowel combinations

Letter combination Pronunciation Examples Exceptions
ai / ay / ey [ ei ] Spain, day, grey  
ei / ie / ee [ i: ] receive, field, see friend [ frend ]
ea [ i: ] lead, meat great [ greit ], break [ breik ], steak [ steik ]
[ e ] bread, ready
eer / ear [ iə ] engineer, near wear [ weə ], bear [ beə ]
air [ eə ] air, chair  
au / aw [ ɔ: ] because, awful aunt [a: nt], laugh [ la: f ]
eu / ew [ ju: ] neutral, few europe ['jʊ ə rə p]
oo [ ʊ ] book, wood blood [ blʌ d ], flood [ flʌ d ]
[ u: ] moon, too
oi / oy [ ɔ i ] point, boy  
oor [ʊ ə ] poor, moor door [dɔ: ], floor [ flɔ: ]
our [ ɔ: ] your, course  
[ aʊ ə ] our, flour  
ou [ aʊ ] ground, count  
[ ʌ ] double, young  
ow [ aʊ ] brown, now, how  
[ ə ʊ ] flow, window  


Exercise 25. Write down the phonetic symbols and practice reading the words.

ai / ay / ey [ ] main, pain, fail, aid, vain, train, saint, bay, nay, say, grey, they, obey;

ei [ ] receive, receiver, receipt, conceive, bein, ceil, ceiling, seize;

ie [ ] field, bield, wield, grief, grieve, kief, niece, mien, lief, believe;

ee [ ] fee, feet, meet, beef, bee, sleeve, fleet, greed, street;

eu / ew [ ] few, new, knew, stew, neutral, Europe;

au / aw [ ] August, cause, Paul, autumn, pause, saw, awful, crawl, laugh;

[ ] good, wood, foot, blood, book, took;


[ ] moon, stool, food, flood, soon, hoot, broom;

oi / oy [ ] join, loin, foil, joy, coin, voice, rejoice;

air [ ] air, chair, fair, hair, pair;

oor [ ] boor, moor, poor;

eer, ear [ ] beer, cheer, queer, sheer, dear, clear;

[ ] pleasant, health, spread, wealth, bread, breath, weapon, dreamt, great;


[ ] read, lead, weak, breathe, sea, dream, please, ease, weak, disease, steak;

[ ] out, loud, bout, account, foul, house, blouse, round, around;


[ ] touch, cousin, rough, tough;

[ ] our, flour, sour, sour cream;


[ ] your, four, source, course, pour, tour;

[ ] cow, owl, row, fowl, allow, town, gown, frown;


[ ] flow, yellow, blow, grow, row, rainbow, widow, willow, window.


Exercise 26. Read and transcribe the words.

Cook, bee, mean, wool, street, pea, obtain, chair, applaud, soon, May, awful, health, spoon, seat, fault, stood, follow, blood, air, aunt, news, coin, food, seize, tree, great, allow, leader, mew, grain, zoo, fee, Europe, defeat, boot, power, grieve, hook, steel, brain, found.


Exercise 28. Read the text. Find the words with vowel combinations and transcribe them.

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