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III. Reading of consonants

Letters Position Pronunciation Examples Exceptions
c Before e, i, y [ s ] Cell, decide  
Before o, a, u, consonants and at the end of a word [ k ] Cap, come, direct  
g Before e, i, y [ dʒ ] Page, gin, gypsy Get [ get ], give [ giv ], girl [ g3: l ]
Before o, a, u, consonants and at the end of a word [ g ]   Game, big, green
In some French words [ ʒ ] Beige  
s Between vowels, after and before voiced consonant sounds and vowels [ z ] Please, ties, pens  
In all other cases [ s ] Sit, student, lists  
x Before consonant sounds and at the end of a word [ ks ] Text, six  
Before stressed vowels [ gz ] Exam, exact  
At the beginning of a word [ z ] xerox  

Exercise 32. Write down the phonetic symbol and practice reading the words.

[ ] city, ice, pencil, peace, piece, scene, certainly, century, celebrate, circle, cycle;


[ ] cup, code, cool, crack, cute, concert, complete, carrot, copy, case, Coca-Cola;


[ ] stern, sip, site, sorry, seem, steamer, absorb, soap, soup, standard, mistake, maps;


[ ] cans, toys, bags, words, flies, eyes, please, season, disaster, misery, invisible;

[ ] cage, gym, ginger, giant, gentleman, magic, giraffe, imagine, geography, sponge;

g [ ] glad, goal, guilt, dig, girl, gate, glory, pregnant, ignore, greedy, group, fag, gamer;

[ ] beige, garage, massage;

[ ] fax, six, sex, exercise, mixer, fix, fox, text, pretext, explain, reflex, reflexive;

x [ ] exotic, example, exemplar, exalt, exact, exactly, exist, existing, exam;

[ ] xerox, xylophone, xylograph.


Exercise 33. Read and transcribe the words.

Cell, start, scar, bridge, give, exist, big, ask, must, reason, imagine, next, practice, Greek, xerox, bees, list, exemplar, gown, civil, easy, same, cutting, exam, busy, beige, ox, certain, coast, age, garden, visit, says, xylose, style, icy, exactly, fox, send, explosion.


Exercise 34. Read the text. Find the words with the letters c, s, g, x. Explain their pronunciation.

Why do women live longer than men?

Women generally live about six years longer than men. Evidence suggests that boys are the weaker sex at birth, which means that more die in infancy. Also women do not have as much heart disease as men. In terms of lifestyle, men smoke more than women and thus more die of smoking-related diseases. They drink more and are more aggressive in behaviour, particularly when driving cars, so they are more likely to die in accidents. Also, they generally have more dangerous occupations, such as building work.

Historically, women died in childbirth and men in wars. Hence nuns and philosophers often lived to great ages. Now, childbearing is less risky and there are fewer wars. The country with the highest life expectancy is Japan, where the average age for men is 76 and for women 82.


Exercise 35. Read the words and transcribe them.

Fancy, engineer, glue, decide, newspaper, massage, fuss, sex, waste, grand, prodigy, xylophone, precisely, get, flag, desks, pass, oxen, haste, energy, swim, except, icy, gown, xerox, grew, score, capacity, care, garage.



Letter combination Position Pronunciation Examples
sh   [ ʃ ] She, shine
ch   [ tʃ ] Chess, chalk
Mostly in words of Greek or Latin origin [ k ] Christmas, cholera Exception: machine [mə 'ʃ i: n]
tch   [ tʃ ] Watch, catch
ck   [ k ] Black, clock
th At the beginning of notional words and at the end of words [ θ ] Thick, myth
At the beginning of pronouns, functional words and between vowels   [ ð ]   This, the, bathe
ng At the end of words [ ŋ ] Long, strong
In the middle of words [ ŋ g ] English
nk   [ ŋ k ] Bank, thank
wh At the beginning of a word before vowels (except o) [ w ] What, why
Before o [ h ] Who, whose
wr At the beginning of a word [ r ] Write, wrong
wa Before final consonant (except r) [ wɒ ] Want, wash
Before r [ wɔ: ] Warm, warn
wor Before consonants in stressed syllables [ w3: ] Work, world
ph   [ f ] Photo, phone
kn At the beginning of a word [ n ] Knee, knife


Exercise 36. Write down the phonetic symbol and practice reading the words.

ck [ ] kick, luck, sick, sock, lock, pick, picky, stick, clock, crack;

sh [ ] ship, sheep, shop, shift, show, shiver, fish, wish, slash, English;

nk [ ] think, drink, bank, rank, sunk, uncle, ankle, thanks, sink – sank - sunk;

[ ] song, sing – sang – sung, long, bang, fang, young, morning, evening, spring, living,;


[ ] finger, language, English, younger, longer, cringle;

ph [ ] telephone, phase, phrase, physics, pharmacy, photo, photograph, nymph, typhoon;

[ ] chick, cheek, chop, cherry, chain, reach, teach, peach;


[ ] Christmas, cholera, Christ, chord, chorus;

kn [ ] know, knew, known, knee, kneel, knife, knives, knock;

tch [ ] catch, matcher, fetch, watch, stretch;

wr [ ] write, wrote, wrist, wry, wrong;

[ ] thick, thought, throat, thing, thorn, theme, both, birth;


[ ] these, those, rather, other, weather, brother, either;

[ ] why, where, when, wheat, wheel, while;


[ ] who, whose, whole, wholly, whom;

wa [ ] water, was, want, wand, watch, wander, warrior;

wa [ ] war, warm, ward, toward, warn, warning;

wor [ ] word, world, work, worse, worst, worm, worth.


Exercise 37. Read and transcribe the words.

Match, reach, pick, sting, neither, sheep, thank, feather, much, photo, theory, English, worship, these, uncle, wrongly, waddle, whose, where, worker, shine, mingle, known, wry, Dutch, lock, why, another, that, charge, physiology, single, waft, sink, knelt, worse, stink, warning.


Exercise 38. Read the following sentences paying attention to [ θ ], [ ð ] sounds.

1. There is the eight thirty train on Thursday. – Oh, that’s fine!

2. I asked Smith to throw everything away.

3. His wise thought is very important for my curious theme.

4. This is a strange thing to think about that theory.

5. Don’t give it another thought.

6. Who gave him these clothes? – I think Thomas did.

7. Whose are these things? – These are their things.

8. Take them out and clean them.

9. Does the noise bother them?

10. A thousand of thanks to you for that wise thought.

11. The seventh guest was late and the third one was very thirsty.

12. This was a stupid thing to meet them there and to tell them the truth.


Exercise 39. Read the following sentences. Underline the words with consonant combinations and transcribe them.

1. Did the children have lunch? 2. Which watch do you think I should buy? 3. Why do you eat so much cholesterol? 4. What channels does your teacher watch? 5. Philippe knows the truth. - You must be joking! 6. Be careful! Wasps and bees have stings. 7. She didn’t like the theme. The work would be very hard to do. Besides, it is worthless. 8. Do you grow wheat here? 9. The hotel was horrible! There was no hot water, and they didn’t have warm clothes. 10. Don’t even think about it! I won’t leave money at that bank. 11. Whose brother is this strong man? 12. Living in a small town is boring, isn’t it?




Letter combination Position Pronunciation Examples Exceptions
qu At the beginning of a word before a vowel [ kw ] queen, quick Queue [ kju: ] - очередь
qua At the beginning of a word [ kwɔ: / kwɒ ] quarter, quality  
que At the end of a word [ k ] technique, unique  
gh At the end of words [ f ] rough  
Usually before letter t [ - ] Light, flight  
gn At the end of words [ n ] Sign  
gu At the beginning of a word [ g ] Guess  
mb At the end of a word [ m ] Bomb  
bt At the end of a word [ t ] Doubt, debt  
rh At the beginning of a word [ r ] Rhyme, rhythm  
al Before a consonant [ ɔ: ] Walk, hall  
a Before s / f [ a: ] Class, pass, after  
ps At the beginning of a word [ s ] Psalm, psychology  
tion / sion At the end of a word [ ʃ (ə)n ] / [ ʒ (ə)n ] Translation, invasion question
sure At the end of a word in unstressed syllables [ ʒ ə ] Pleasure, measure Pressure [ ‘preʃ ə ]
ture At the end of a word in unstressed syllables [ tʃ ə ] Lecture, culture  

Exercise 40. Write down the phonetic symbol and read the words.

rh [ ] rhapsody, rhetoric, rhythm, rhyme, rhombus;

qu [ ] quickly, question, queen, quite, quiet, quote, quotation, quit, quiz;

qua [ ] quarter, quarrel, quality, quarts, quantity, squash;

que [ ] technique, unique, antique, picturesque, cheque;

[ ] rough, tough, cough, laugh;


[ ] high, higher, right, night, fight, light, eight, weight, daughter, thought;

gu [ ] guess, guest, guide, guilt, guilty, guise, guy, guarantee;

gn [ ] sign, design, designer, foreign, deign, feign, campaign;

al [ ] all, call, tall, wall, mall, hall, ball, talk, walk, chalk, stalk, false;

a +s / f [ ] ask, task, past, pass, grass, last, fast, after;

mb [ ] bomb, bomber, tomb, comb, thumb, limb, lamb, climb, climber;

bt [ ] doubt, undoubtedly, debt;

ps [ ] psalm, pseudonym, psychology, psychologist, psychic, psychiatrist;

tion/sion [ ] institution, evolution, promotion, devotion, caution, precaution, motion, occupation, celebration, preparation, question, explosion, vision, division, invasion, mission;

sure [ ] treasure, pleasure, measure, leisure;

ture [ ] picture, mixture, fracture, future, nature, departure.

Exercise 41. Read and transcribe the words.

Intention, quarrel, tomb, psychic, bright, decision, guinea, departure, measure, call, antique, quit, class, division, feature, enough, rhyme, qualification, hall, ask, rapture, undoubtedly, technique, debt, psychiatrist, pollution, guard, climb, question, ball, nature, unique, debts, invasion, comb, psychology, e qual, tall, ambition, treasure, climber, bright.


Exercise 42. Read the following sentences and transcribe the words with the consonant combinations (part II).

1. The rhythm of this song is unique. 2. What’s your favourite leisure activity? – I prefer going for walks. - But why are you asking? 3. What kind of mixture is there in your glass? 4. My granny collects antique furniture. 5. The last night was calm and quiet. 6. Be careful! You are passing an ancient tomb. 7. The picture on that wall is something extraordinary. 8. The decision is made and we all know it’s right. 9. Our lecture is over. Does anybody have any questions? 10. I’ve always been interested in psychology. 11. How much does the cargo weigh? – The quantity of kilos doesn’t matter, the contents are important. 12. It’s a rhetoric question, isn’t it?


Exercise 43. Read the text. Explain the reading of the letters and letter combinations in bold.


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