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Comprehension check. Answer the following questions to the text

Answer the following questions to the text. Do it in pairs.

1. What does the term “international criminal law” mean?

2. Why do only a tiny number of criminal cases have an international element?

3. What offences may international crime refer to?

4. What does the definition of war crime include?

5. What is piracy (slavery, genocide, etc.)?

6. Is piracy a problem of the modern society?

7. What cases does the International Criminal Tribunal solve?

8. What are the types of transnational crime you know?

9. Where do transnational crimes take place?

Use all the information you have learnt in this Unit so far to describe the distinction between genocide and crime against humanity.

Start like this:

“Genocide is sometimes grouped together with crimes against humanity……”

Work in pairs. Take turns to describe some of the facts, give your reasons of the distinction between genocide and crime against humanity.

Section C

Language study


7. Vocabulary: distinguishing meaning.

Which word in each group is the odd one out? You may need to distinguish the differences in meaning.

  treaty convention deal agreement
  court trial litigation hearing
  offence crime felony inhumane act
  to spoil to infringe to violate to damage
  human trafficking arms trafficking drug trafficking trafficker

8. Match the terms in line “A” with their English equivalents in line “B”


1. dignity a) an act of deliberately hurting someone in order to force them to tell you something
2. degradation b) soldiers, especially in organized groups
3. extermination c) someone you are fighting in a war
4. torture d) the ability to behave in a way that shows you respect yourself and stay calm, even in a very difficult situation
5. enemy e) the process of killing large numbers of people so that they no longer exist
6. troops f) to treat someone cruelly over a period of time, especially because of their religious or political beliefs
7. to persecute g) the process by which something changes to a worse condition
8. conspiracy h) to break a law or violate a right
9. infringe i) an agreement between two or more persons to do something which will involve at least one of the parties committing an offence or offences. For example, two people agree that one of them shall steal while the other waits in a car to escape after the theft. The agreement to commit the crime is itself an offence.

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