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Text A Definitions of Public Relations

Unit 1 What is PR?

Text В 'My Friends And Family Still Aren't Sure Exactly What I Do'

Public relations as a profession was established less than a hun­dred years ago. At the same time during it's relatively brief histo­ry people always tried to give definitions to public relations. The earliest definitions emphasized the roles of press relations and publicity because these were the most important fields from which modern public relations grew.


Later in the twentieth century as public relations was recognized and used by more organizations, definitions began to include:

the need for research before actions, careful planning and eval­uation of results;

a systematic process, not a one-time activity;

multiple publics;

its role as an important function of management;

public participation as an important tool;

the need for long-term projects.


In 1988 (nineteen eighty eight) the Assembly of the Public Relations Society of America made an attempt to solve this prob­lem. It officially adopted a definition of public relations which has become very popular and widely used; «Public relations helps an organization and its publics adapt mutually to each other.»


In this definition, the functions of research, planning, commu­nications, dialogue and evaluation are mentioned. Key words are «organization» rather than the «company» or «business», and «pub­lics» which means that all organizations have multiple publics with which they have to work.


British Institute of Public Relations (IPR) has the following def­inition of PR:



'Public relations is the planned and sustained effort to establish

and maintain goodwill and understanding between an organisation and its publics.' By words it is 'the planned and sustained effort' it means that PR activity is organised as a campaign or programme and is a. continuous systematic activity. Its purpose is 'to establish and maintain mutual understanding' — that is, to make sure that the organisation is understood by others. This mutual understand­ing is made between an organisation and its publics.


relatively — относительно

brief— короткий, непродолжительный

definitions — определения

emphasized— придавали большое значение, акцентировали внима­ние на...

press relations — связи с прессой, медиа-рилейшнз

publicity — известность, слава

to recognize — зд. признавать

began to include — начали включать в себя

actions — действия

careful planning — тщательное планирование

evaluation of results — оценка результатов

one-time activity — разовая деятельность

multiple publics — множество аудиторий

public participation— участие аудитории (общественности)

tool — инструмент

long-term — продолжительный

made an attempt — сделала попытку

to adopt — зд. принимать

widely used — широко используется

adapt — адаптироваться, подстраиваться

mutually — совместно, взаимообразно

research — исследование

to mention — упоминать

кеу words — ключевые слова (понятия)

planned and sustained effort — запланированные и непрерывные, про­должительные действия (усилия)

to establish — устанавливать

to maintain — поддерживать

goodwill — доброжелательность

campaign— кампания

purpose — цель

Exercise A. Answer the following questions:

1) When did public relations become a profession?

2) What did early definitions of PR emphasize?

3) Why did the definitions of PR started to change?

4) What did the new definitions of PR include?

5)What is said about public participation?

6) What type of meeting of PR professionals was being held in 1988?

7) What organization organized the Assembly of PR profession­als?

8) What is the definition of PR by IPR?

9) What is said about mutual understanding in the definition by british PR professionals?

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