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circuses — цирки

performances — представления

PR practitioners — практики PR, «пиарщики»

recruited from journalism — были наняты из числа журналистов

highly paid PR positions — высокооплачиваемые позиции в PR

career choice — выбор профессии

historians — историки

newspapermen — газетчики

helped to stimulate — помогли стимулировать

on behalf of US — от имени США

is considered to be — считается

profession's founder — основатель профессии

origin of the term — происхождение термина

certainly — определенно, точно

two-way street — улица с двусторонним движением

to consist of — состоять из

in practice — на практике

theorist — теоретик

nephew — племянник

irrational — иррациональный

unconsious — подсознательный

human behavior — человеческое поведение

consent — согласие

applied social science — прикладная общественная наука


scientifically manage and manipulate the thinking — при помощи нау­ки управлять и манипулировать мышлением

scientifically manipulate the irrational public — манипулировать ирра­циональной аудиторией с использованием научных знаний

conscious and intelligent manipulation — сознательная и разумная ма­нипуляция

unseen mechanism — невидимый механизм

ruling power — правящая сила

tobacco industry— табачная индустрия

publicity event aimed at persuading women — публичное мероприятие, направленное на убеждение женщин

torches of liberty — факелы свободы

to equate — уравнивать, приравнивать

Exercise A. True or false

1) Most PR specialists were recruited from TV journalism.

2) Highly paid PR positions are a popular career choice for many journalists.

3) The first PR firm was established by former newspapermen.

4) The First World War stimulated the development of PR as a profession.

5) Edward Bernays is considered to be today as the founder of the PR as a profession.

6) Ivy Lee is famous for inventing the propaganda.

7) Lee worked for one-way propaganda of tobacco products.

8) Bernays was the profession's first theorist.

9) Bernay's saw public relations as an " applied social science" that uses to help clients to manage and manipulate the behaviour of the crowd.

10) Bernays wrote in Propaganda that PR is an applied social sci­ence that helps to manipulate the opinions of the masses.

11) Bernays arranged a legendary publicity event called " The Torches of Liberty" in 1929.

Exercise B. Finish the sentences:

1) Early specialists in public relations specialized in...

2) Most PR practicioners were recruited from...

3) PR historians say the first PR firm was...

4) The Publicity Bureau was established in... by...

5) Edward Bernays is considered today as the...


6) Ivy Lee was a man who...

7) Ivy Lee introduced a philosophy of...

8) In practice Ivy Lee often worked in... propaganda on behalf of clients with bad image.

9) Bernays was a... of Sigmund Freud.

10)Bernays saw PR as an... that uses psychology... and other dis­ciplines.

11) One of Bernays early clients was...

12) Photographs of what Bernays called the " Torches of Liberty Brigade" were...

Exercise C. Translate the sentences:

1) Специалисты PR специализировались в продвижении цирков, представлений и других публичных шоу.

2) Высокооплачиваемые позиции в PR являются популярным вариантом трудоустройства для журналистов.

3) Историки PR утверждают, что первой фирмой, предостав­ляющей такие услуги, было «Паблисити Бюро», основанное в 1900 году бывшими газетчиками.

4) Первым клиентом первой фирмы PR был Гарвардский уни­верситет.

5) Некоторые историки считают первым практиком PR Айви Ли (Ivy Lee), но Эдвард Бернэйз (Edward Bernays) считается ос­новоположником профессии.

6) Когда я вернулся в США, я решил, что если можно исполь­зовать пропаганду для войны, то можно определенно исполь­зовать ее для мира.

7) Бернэйз был племянником Зигмунда Фрейда и использовал его идеи об иррациональных, подсознательных мотивах по­ведения человека.

8) Бернэйз считал, что PR — это прикладная социальная наука, которая использует психологию, социологию и другие дисци­плины, чтобы научно манипулировать иррациональной ауди­торией.

9) «Те, кто манипулирует этими невидимым механизмом обще­ства, образует невидимое правительство, которое является настоящей правящей силой нашей страны».

10) В 1929 году Бернэйз устроил легендарное мероприятие, на­правленное на убеждение женщин в том, что они должны начать курить.


Exercise D. Discussion

1. Do you agree that good PR specialist should be recruited from journalism?

2. Do you agree that the modern practice of PR is 'a two-way street'?

3. Do you see think that PR is an applied social science? Do you think that it should be taught at social science departments and not at departments of journalism?

4. Do you think that PR is about manipulation of irrational masses?

" When Bernays took on Diaghilev's Ballet Russes American tour in 1915, he wrote, «I was given a job about which I knew noth­ing. In fact, I was positively uninterested in the dance.» He wasn't alone. Americans thought masculine dancers were strange, and that «dancing was not nice,» and uninteresting.

Bernays began to connect ballet to something people understood and enjoyed. «First, as a novelty in art forms, a unifying of sev­eral arts; second, its appeal to special groups; third, its direct im­pact on American life, on design and color in American products; and fourth, its personalities.»

Beginning with newspapers, Bernays developed a four-page news­letter for editorial writers, local managers and others, containing pho­tographs and stories of dancers, costumes, and composers. Articles were targeted to his four themes and audiences. For example, the «women's pages» received articles on costumes, fabric, and fashion design; the Sunday supplements received full-color photos."

(Adapted from the Museum of PR https://www.prm useunii com)

Text В Roots of PR in Ancient Times

How new is public relations? Is it an American invention? Public relations existed long before the United States. The Americans may have invented Mickey Mouse, Coca-Cola and Hollywood. But they did not invent public relations.

People has always tried to communicate. Before there were al­phabets and numerals, there were pictograms. In the caves of

primitive peoples, thousands of years ago, there were wall paint­ings. Ancient buildings such as the pyramids, early temples, and the cave paintings of Zimbabwe, have pictorial messages. People also wrote on stone, leather and papyrus.

It could also be said that the holy books of the world's reli­gions contain a form of public relations. Ancient people were try­ing to create an understanding of their faiths. This type of com­munication is older than the early examples of Greek and Roman advertisements.

Public relations techniques have been used many centuries ago. When the Greeks and Vikings travelled to explore new lands their sails were decorated with birds or animals which identified them. When an army went into battle centuries ago, it would be led by its king whose shield had his emblem. Army uniforms were used so that all the men on each side could be easily identified.

Uniforms are used by all forms of transport, from sailing ships to trains and airplanes. Corporate identity is to be seen everywhere in the world of transport. Sixty years ago London was full of bus­es painted in the different colours of different operators. This last­ed until they were all bought by London Transport, whose corpo­rate colour was red. Now the red London bus became a symbol of London. This is excellent communication because we can see and recognise. But the idea is so old that we would need to take a time machine back through thousands of years to discover where it began. Public relations is as new as civilisation.


ancient — древний invention — изобретение existed — существовали numerals — цифры pictograms — пиктограммы caves — пещеры

wall paintings — наскальные рисунки temples — храмы

pictorial messages — сообщения в картинках leather — кожа papyrus — папирус holy books — священные книги

to create an understanding of their faiths — создать понимание их ве­рований

public relations techniques — технологии PR

vikings — викинги

explore new lands — исследовать новые земли

to decorate — украшать

sails — паруса

identified them — выделяли на фоне других

battle — сражение

shield — щит

army uniforms — армейская форма

sailing ships — парусные суда

corporate identity — корпоративная идентичность

corporate colour — корпоративный цвет

to recognise — узнавать, различать

civilisation — цивилизация

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