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Text В PR Manager and the Management

By F. Jefkins

How the can PR manager and Management cooperate: PR manager and management should cooperate in the follow­ing manner:

— The PR manager should be a competent professional prac­titioner so that he or she is respected by management as an ex­pert in the field.

— The PR manager should know everyone and be known by everyone, so that information can be received at all times from all sections of the organisation.

— The PR manager should create external lines of commu­nication, so that he or she has the image of a reliable source of material for journalists.

— The PR manager must keep top management well prepared for interviews, speeches and public occasions.

(e) Management must keep the PR manager fully informed — in advance and by direct contact — which means that the PR man­ager must have access to management.

PR manager needs to be positioned so that he or she is re­sponsible to top management and serves all departments of the organisation.






























Public Relation Director     Marketing Director      
  Marketing Manager.  
  Sales Director      
      Sales Manager  
  PR Manager    
        Export Director      
    Export Sales Manager  
  PR consultancy    
  —> Production Director      
  The media     Production Manager  
    Personnel Director      
    Personnel Manager  
    Finance Director    

Management must be able and willing to communicate, and the PR manager may have to arrange rehearsals before press re­ceptions, and rehearsals before TV interviews.


in the following manner — в следующем порядке

competent — компетентный

practitioner — практик, профессионал

respected — уважаемый

expert in the field — эксперт в своей области

external lines of communication — внешние линии коммуникации

reliable source of material for journalists — надежный источник мате­риалов для журналистов

public occasions — публичные мероприятия

in advance — заблаговременно

by direct contact — непосредственно

must have access to management — должна иметь доступ к менедж­менту

is responsible to top management — отвечает топ-менеджменту (выс­шему руководству)

must be able and willing to communicate — должен иметь возможность

и желание общаться arrange rehearsals — организовывать репетиции press receptions — мероприятия с участием прессы

Exercise A. True or false:

1. The PR manager should not cooperate with the management.
The impulse must come from the PR manager.

2. The PR manager should be respected by management as an ex­
pert in the field.

3. The PR manager should not be known by everyone but only by top management.

4. The PR manager should be a reliable source of material for jour­nalists.

5. Management must respect PR manager and keep him or her ful­ly informed.

6. PR manager has to serve all departments of the organization and be responsible to top management.

7. Management should arrange rehearsals for PR receptions.

8. Management must be willing to communicate with the journal­ists from Internet media.

9. PR manager may have to arrange rehearsals before press recep­tions.

Exercise B. Translate into English

1. Руководство компании должно сотрудничать со специали­стом по связям с общественностью.


2. Менеджер по PR должен быть известен каждому и знать всех.

3. Специалист по паблик рилейшнз должен создать внешние потоки информации и быть надежным источником инфор­мации для журналистов.

4. Специалист по паблик рилейшнз должен подготавливать ру­ководство к интервью и публичным мероприятиям.

5. Руководство должно заранее и напрямую информировать специалиста по PR.

6. Менеджер по PR должен иметь прямой доступ к руковод­ству.

7. Менеджер по PR должен нести ответственность перед выс­шим руководством, а работать на все подразделения органи­зации.

8. Руководство должно хотеть общаться со специалистом по


Exercise С. Discussion

1. Do you agree that PR manager should have direct access to top management? Why is it important?

2. Why do you think PR manager should serve all departments?

3. Is it possible that everyone in the company will know PR man­ager?

_________ Lesson 6. PR ACTIVITIES

Text A The PR Department's Activities

Text В Tasks and Objectives of House Journals

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