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Vocabulary. printed media— печатные СМИ

printed media — печатные СМИ

employee relations — отношения с работниками

have made a long way — проделали большой путь

charity — благотворительность

out of date — устаревший

readers' opinions — мнения читателей

criticism — критика

management pulpit — трибуна руководства

staff forum — дискуссионный форум работников

PR medium of two-way communication — средство двусторонней связи

bonuses — бонусы (премии)

contests — соревнования, конкурсы

training schemes — схемы повышение квалификации

house style — корпоративный стиль

other mattersзд. другие темы

increase productivity — увеличить производительность

enthusiastically — с энтузиазмом

proudly — с гордостью

efficiently — эффективно

Questions to the text:

1. What is the role of printed media in the employee communica­tions?

2. What was the idea of the house journal in the 19th century?

3. What was the evolution of the house journal in the 20th century?

4. What does employee communications explain?

5. Why are workers opinions important?

6. What effect can good employee communications have?

7. Why would people work better when the employees communi­cations are good?


Exercise A. True or false:

1. House journal is an example of printed media.

2. House journals were considered to be some form of charity in the 19th century.

3. House journal is a one-way form of communications.

4. Modern employee newspaper must be independent.

5. House journal should publish criticism of the organization.

6. House journal plays a role of a management pulpit.

7. Employee communications explains training schemes and pen­sions.

8. An objective of employee communications is to make the work­er feel that their voice is important.

9. Good employee communications can increase productivity.

10. People don't work better when they understand what theie com­pany is doing and why.

Exercise B. Finish the sentences:

1. Printed media play an important role in...

2. Employee communications have made a long way from...

3. The idea that a house journal is a one-way form of communi­cation is...

4. In the 19th century the management was telling employees...

5. The modern employee newspaper must be...

6. Employee communications does not only explain company pol­icy, 'it also explains...

7. Finally, an important objective of employee communications is

8. Productivity is not only about people working harder but work­ing...

9. People work better when they...

Exercise C. Translate into English: Л. Печатные издания, такие как корпоративные журналы, игра­ют большую роль в отношениях с работниками.

2. Общение с работниками проделало большой путь относитель­но 19 века, когда корпоративные издания рассматривались, как вид благотворительности.

3. Корпоративное издание больше не является односторонним видом общения.


4. Корпоративные издания (house media) не только разъясняют политику руководства.

5. В корпоративных изданиях разъясняются вопросы премий, конкурсов (соревнований) и возможностей повышения квали­фикации.

6. Хорошие отношения с работниками могут увеличить произ­водительность.

7. Производительность зависит от того, работают ли работни­ки с энтузиазмом, с гордостью.

8. Люди работают лучше, когда они понимают, чем компания занимается и почему.

Exercise D. Discussion

1. What forms of employee communications do you know?

2. How do you understand that house newspaper or journal should be a staff forum and not a management pulpit? Think of ex­amples.

3. Do you think that workers have good ideas on advertising, house style, etc?


Any one organisation will use only those methods which suit it best. Much depends on the nature of the organisation, its kind and range of workplaces.

•House journals;


•Videotapes and closed circuit TV;

•Radio station;

•Ideas box;

• Induction literature (For new staff, the story of the organisation, how it works, and the family tree of management and functions can be told in an introductory booklet.);

• Visits by management;

• Staff events (Parties, anniversary dinners, picnics and sports tournaments— which include families and friends);

•Exhibitions and displays.



The famous example of employee relations improvement was United Biscuits, who had the problem of job satisfaction among factory staff, mostly immigrants, in noisy factories where conversation was difficult or impossible. The solution was to have a large number of loudspeakers at points where the radio could be heard, above the noise of the machinery, by very small groups of workers. The radio programmes were produced by the company's own radio station and included news bulletins, sports results, record requests and personal messages. The company had nine factories in London, Manchester and Glasgow, hundreds of miles apart, and the programmes were relayed by British Telecom landlines. Today, local radio programmes have replaced the company station.

Adapted from www.wikipedia.com

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