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Language study
Vocabulary 6. Match each term on the left with its explanation on the right. Try and memorize the meanings of the terms.
7. Make up as many word-combinations as you can (lines A and B). Use them in sentences of your own. Do it as in the model: 3 - g Model: impose: The terms of the contract were effectively imposed rather than agreed.
8. Complete the following table as in the model: number1. Translate the words into Ukrainian.
9. Read through the abstract concerning the foreign ships which exercise the Right of Innocent Passage and express your opinion on the situation: 1.
10. Match Ukrainian key-terms in line A with their English equivalents in line B as in the model: 1-c
11. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian.
1. A brief discussion of the burning problems of the day followed. 2. The sensitivity of the results of the discussion was not taken into account. 3. The considerations involved in listing the limitations and some of the steps that had been taken to overcome those limitations were reviewed. 4. Some of the problems encountered in the maritime law practices and the ways of overcoming them are being constantly discussed. 5. Numerous amendments to the existing laws have been adopted dealing with the problem. 6. A rapid procedure was required which could be used to assess the results of the discussion. 7. Investigations have been concluded indicating that a new law is needed to ensure its safety. 8. A new data was available regarding the innocent sea water passage.
12. Translate the sentences into English using the key- terms given in the unit.
В основу дотримання порядку на міжнародних морських лініях закладено концепцію визначення національності судна і, як наслідок, визначення юрисдикції національного прапора над морським судном. Саме державний прапор визначає впровадження правил і не тільки тих, що є суттєвими для законодавства певної країни, але й тих, що важливі для міжнародного законодавства. Судно, яке іде без прапора, не буде мати тих привілеїв (переваг) та прав, що надаються згідно з існуючим на морських лініях режимом. Кожна держава повинна відпрацювати умови, необхідні для визначення національності судна, його реєстрації на певній території, як і право іти під прапором своєї держави (стаття 5 від 1958 року Угоди Використання Морського Простору та стаття 91 Угоди 1982 року). Визначення національності судна буде залежати від прапора, під яким воно іде. Стаття 91 також визначає те, що має бути пряме співвідношення між державою і прапором. Стаття 5 Угоди Використання Морського Простору 1958 року додає до цього вимогу того, що кожна держава повинна ефективно впроваджувати юрисдикцію та контроль в адміністративних, технічних, та соціальних справах щодо суден, які ідуть під державним прапором. Така вимога з’являється у статті 94 Угоди 1982 року.
Grammar 13. Learning grammar theory bits about Sentence – Adverbs (certainly, normally, fairly) and their functions will help you to express your opinion: An adverb is often defined as a word that modifies a verb (“She speaks well), an adjective (“She’s really informative”) or another adverb (“She does it fairly well”). “Sentence – adverbs modify a whole clause or sentence rather than a word and express the speaker’s attitude to what he or she is saying, instead of saying, for example, “ I am sorry to inform you that we cannot accept your offer”, you can say: “Unfortunately, we cannot accept it”. Many words can be used as sentence-adverbs to express the speaker’s attitude. The sentences below show some of the most common ones. He is too aggressive. C learly, he’snot right for the job. We made them a much better offer, but, oddly, they were not interested. Regrettably, they have decided to break the contract. Other common sentence – adverbs are:
Some sentence adverbs are often used together with “enough”: Most adverbs used as sentence-adverbs can also be used as adverbs of manner, depending on the context: Sadly, he will never be able to win the case. (“Sadly” modifies the whole sentence and expresses the speaker’s feelings.) He looked at the lawyer sadly but hopefully. (“Sadly” modifies the verb “looked”). The sentence-adverb actually signals that the speaker wants to add information to something that has been said: We were not able to acquire any new customers. Actually, we lost some good ones. I have been working here at this company for ages. Since I left Oxford, actually.