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Conducting a discussion of the papers given


Conducting a discussion involved the following functions of the chair:

opening a discussion;

inviting the audience to contribute; provoking arguments; stimulating the discussion;

directing or reordering the discussion;

keeping things moving;

insisting on relevance (bringing the discussion back to the point);

recognizing when agreement is impossible; stopping the argument.



Вопрос question
задать вопрос to ask a question
ответить на вопрос to answer (to respond to) a question
Вопрос (проблема): problem (question; matter):
неотложный рассматриваемый своевременный urgent (pressing) under discussion; in question timely
комментировать обсуждать отклонить поднять разъяснять рассматривать решить вопрос to comment on to discuss to reject to raise to select to clarify to consider to solve a problem



Дискуссия: discussion:
неофициальная обстоятельная общая плодотворная informal detailed general fruitful
предоставить время и место для неофициальной дискуссии to provide time and space for informal discussion
дискуссия в узком кругу по широкому кругу вопросов специалистов (по определенному вопросу) private wide-ranging   panel discussion
лицо, поддерживающее ход дискуссии animator of a discussion
предмет дискуссии subject of a discussion
результат/цель дискуссии outcome/purpose (aim) of a discussion
вызвать закрыть направлять начать (открыть) отложить приостановить прервать проводить дискуссию to provoke to close to direct to initiate (to open) to postpone (to adjourn) to suspend to interrupt to hold discussion
объявить дискуссию открытой to declare the discussion open
отводить время на дискуссию to allow time for discussion
приступить к дискуссии to proceed to (to take up, to come to) a discussion
Мнение: opinion:
особое dissenting
обмен мнениями exchange of opinions
выразить свое мнение to voice one’s opinion
разделить чье-л. мнение to share smb’s opinion
по моему мнени in my opinion
мотивировка motivation
мотивировать to motivate
предложение motion
внести (выдвинуть) отклонить принять предложение to make (to propose, to move, to bring forward) to reject to adopt (to carry) a motion
регламент time-limit
нарушить регламент придерживаться регламента установить регламент to break to keep to (within) to set up (to fix) the time-limit


тема: subject; topic:
основная basic
тема (предмет) дискуссии subject (topic) of the discussion
точка зрения: point of view; viewpoint; views:
личная personal
высказать точку зрения to give one’s point of view

Opening a discussion.


After the papers on the agenda are given the chair declares the discussion open. This is what he/she usually says:


Now I would like to open thediscussion. Please feel free to ask questions and make comments. I hope that by the end of the discussion we will achieve an understanding of several important questions.


Now let us proceed to the discussion. I would like everyone to be brief and keep to the point. Please identify yourselves before asking your questions.


Now we are going to discuss the papers presented. I wish you a useful exchange of ideas and opinions. The first thing we have to discuss is ….


Ex. 1. The audience has just heard papers on the following subjects:


1. Carbon Dioxide and the World Climate.

2. Possible Consequences of Global Warming.

3. Ozone Holes.

4. Methods of Nuclear Waste disposal.


You are chair of this session. How would you open a discussion on one or all of these subjects? Use the phrases given above.


Inviting the audience to contribute; provoking arguments;

stimulating the discussion.


Ex. 2. Imagine you are chairing a session during paper discussion on one of the subjects suggested in exercise 1. Act out the following situations: The discussion is not very active. The audience needs encouragement. Stimulate the discussion; address Drs. A., B., C., etc. personally. Use some of the phrases suggested below:

Is there any discussion?

Are there any questions to Dr. A.?

Any questions to Professor B.?

Does anyone have questions?

Any questions or comments?

Would anyone else like to speak?

Are there any more comments on Dr. Smith’s presentation?

Dr. C., perhaps you’d like to start the discussion by telling us your views on the problem of …

Dr. D., what do you think about the question?

Perhaps you have something you would like to add, Dr. E.?

Dr. F., perhaps you could answer this question?

Is there anyone who would like to answer this question in more detail?

I wonder if you’d like to comment, Professor G.?

That’s interesting but I think Dr. H. may have a different point of view.


Keeping things moving.


Ex. 3. Study some phrases that may be used to direct a discussion.


Perhaps we could move on to the next point under discussion.

Perhaps we could now turn our attention to the question of ….

I really think we ought to move on to the next point (to the problem of …).

And now we proceed to the next/last question (point) ….

I think we should now consider ….


Ex. 4. Respond to the following situations: The discussion of one problem is over. Introduce a new topic into the discussion. Mention the point discussed and pass over to another one. Use the phrases just presented.


Insisting on relevance

(bringing the discussion back to the point)


Ex. 5. To prevent the audience from wandering away from the subject under discussion the chair may use the following phrases:


That’s very interesting, but I don’t think it’s really to the point.

It seems to me this isn’t really to the point (this isn’t really relevant).

That’s completely irrelevant (off the point), I am afraid. (may sound rude)

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