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Action; beyond reasonable doubt;allegation; comply; references;adjudicated; efficiency;competition; assigned; lodged; opinion; deliberated
1. The court handed down (офіційно оголосити) its _________. 2. In economic analysis, ____________ comes in several forms, each sometimes defined by the degree of power companies have to change market prices by changing their output. 3. If you join the club, you must __________ with its rules. 4. She _________ an application with several employment agencies. 5. He brought legal _______ against his neighbor. 6. The future relations of the two countries could now be _________ on with a hope of settlement. 7. He was __________ a bankrupt yesterday by Mr. Spring Rice. 8. Their ___________ that she had taken the money proved to be false. 9. The court _________ counsel to the defendant. 10. Nothing more powerfully promotes the ________ of labour than an abundance of fertile land. 11. ______________ is the standard required by the prosecution in most criminal cases and means that the proposition presented by the government must be proven to the extent that there is no doubt in the mind of a reasonable person that the defendant is guilty. 12. The statement contains several ________ to the new labour code. B: Fill in the appropriate proposition or adverb where necessary. 1. Do it … John's sake. 2. He was found guilty … reasonable doubt. 3. I can't cope … such a pile of work … this weekend. 4. A leading citizen has been asked to adjudicate … the disagreement …. the city council and the workers. 5. She made no references … her opponents. 6. Allegations …fraud were made … him. 7. He promised to comply fully … my requests. 8. An experienced detective was assigned … the case. 9. I should seriously consider … which department of the law I was to attach myself. 10. They submitted their report … the parliamentary committee. 11. Many good men have dissented … the opinion … the Church. 7. Decide if the following statements are true or false. Correct those, which are false. Use the text and your own knowledge. 1. The judicial branch of the EU consists of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) and the Court of First Instance. 2. Together they interpret and apply the treaties and the law of the UNO. 3. The ECJ mainly deals with cases taken by individuals and companies directly before the EU's courts. 4.The Court of First Instance primarily deals with cases taken by member states, the institutions and cases referred to the EU's courts by the courts of member states. 5. The quorum for the full Court is 20. 6. The Court of Justice may determine whether a Member State has fulfilled its obligations under Community law. 6. By an action for annulment under Article 230 of the Consolidated Treaty Establishing the European Community, the applicant seeks the annulment of a measure (regulation, directive or decision) adopted by an institution. 7. The Court of Justice has no jurisdiction over actions brought by a Member State against the European Parliament and/or against the Council or brought by one Community institution against another. 8. The Court of Justice and the Court of First Instance cannot review the legality of a failure to act on the part of a Community institution. 8. Answer the questions. 1. When was the Court of Justice of the European Communities set up? 2. What is its job? 3. Who composes the Court? 4. When does the Court sit as the full court? 5. What is the functions of advocates-general? 6. Why was the Court of First Instance established? 7. What is the function of the European Civil Service Tribunal? 8. What are the responsibilities of the Court of Justice? 9. What does a reference for a preliminary ruling mean? 10. What is meant by actions for failure to fulfil an obligation? 11. When are actions for annulment brought? 12. When are actions for failure to act brought? 13. What is the procedure of examining the case? 9. Translate into English. Європейський Суд – одна з п’яти офіційних інституцій Європейського Союзу, найвищий суд ЄС, рішення якого не можуть бути оскаржені. Суд Європейських Спільнот в Люксембурзі був однією з перших інституцій Спільноти, заснованих Паризьким договором 1951 року. Римський договір 1957 року зобов’язав його наглядати за виконанням усіх європейських договорів. До складу Суду ЄС входять по одному судді від кожної держави-члена (після останнього розширення – 27), яким допомагають вісім генеральних адвокатів. Суддів і адвокатів призначають за загальної згоди держав-членів на шестирічний термін. Суд може засідати в палатах або збиратися на пленарні засідання для розгляду особливо важливих чи складних справ та на вимогу держав-членів. Він виконує дві основні функції: · перевіряє на відповідність договорам документи, видані європейськими інституціями та урядами; · тлумачить право Спільноти на запит національних судів.
10. Additional Text. Translate into English in writing.