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Chapter Fourteen

AT LAST, SUNDAY rolled around, the day Ridley and Dana were going to have dinner at Ridley's mother's house. Dana had just made it up to her apartment from the restaurant kitchen a few minutes before Ridley got there, so she asked Ridley to wait while she took a quick shower and changed her clothes. Ridley took a seat on the sofa and allowed herself to settle down from the excitement that had been building inside of her for the past few days. As of late, everything in her life revolved around one crucial consideration. When would she see Dana again?

Ridley stood when Dana entered the living room. The sight of her was enough to blow Ridley away. Dana wore dark jeans that hugged her trim body and a ribbed turtleneck cotton sweater in a beautiful shade of steel blue. As Dana moved around the room, Ridley stole secret glimpses of her firm backside and perfectly proportioned breasts. Hands down, Dana had to be the cutest women on the face of the earth and knowing she'd have the rest of the day with her made Ridley dizzy with delight.

" I was worried about wearing jeans, but when I saw you were wearing them, I decided I would, too, " Dana said. She sounded slightly breathless as she spoke and her cheeks were rosy.

" My mother will probably be wearing them, too. She's a classy lady but she's not formal. How was brunch today? "

" Busy and more crowded than usual, " Dana answered.

" That's good. Were you able to finish and get cleaned up before I got here? "

" Not quite. As soon as the last customers were served, we all hustled to clean up and put everything away. The staff didn't even talk or fool around like they usually do. Everyone had plans and they all wanted to get out of there as fast as they could. They knew I had plans, so they told me to leave and they would do the rest."

" What's Tracy doing tonight? " Ridley asked.

" She's taking Erika out to dinner and then to a concert at the Kimmel Center. By the way, she said to say hello and she hopes we have a good time."

" The Kimmel Center? That's mostly classical music, isn't it? "

Erika's a classical music fan, " Dana said. " And Tracy isn't."

" The things we do for love." Ridley glanced at her watch. " Are you ready to leave? I told my mother we'd be there in an hour and we'll just make it if we leave now."

" I'm ready. I just have to get the wine." Dana hurried into the kitchen and returned with two bottles of wine. She held them up so Ridley could see the labels. " I chose a couple of my favorites. Do you think she'll like them? "

" She'll love them."

" Good. Let me grab a jacket and we'll be on our way." Dana opened the hall closet and took out a navy blue polar fleece. " What did your mother say when you told her I was coming? "

" She was thrilled. She's looking forward to meeting you."


THE DRIVE WAS as lovely as Ridley had promised it would be. The maple trees showed off their most dazzling reds and shouted out from among the spectrum of colors that painted the autumn landscape. As each leaf surrendered its fragile hold on life, it flitted to and fro in the air until it reached its final resting place where it would nourish the earth and allow the cycle of life to begin all over again. The autumn air was chilled by a gentle breeze and it smelled crisp and burnt around the edges.

As she drove, Ridley pointed out places of interest and threw in an anecdote from her childhood whenever a memory surfaced. In no time at all, they turned into a long driveway which led to an elegant, two-story stone house with white trim and black shutters."

" This is the kind of house you see on magazine covers, " Dana said.

" It's nice, isn't it? My father had this house built for my mother. It was their dream home and she swears his heart and soul still live in it. She feels him in the house and that's why she won't sell it and get a smaller place."

" It would be like losing him all over again."

" I think that's true. She can't bear to part with it." Ridley pulled up in front of the garage door and turned to Dana. " Are you ready? "

" I'm ready if you are." Dana opened her door.

Ridley reminded Dana to take the wine bottles and she and Dana walked to the front door. " Mom, we're here, " Ridley called out as they entered the house.

Vicki's voice floated out to them. " I'm in the kitchen, sweetheart."

Ridley led Dana into the kitchen where they found her mother at the counter cutting green beans. " Hello, Mom." Ridley went over to her mother, gave her a side hug and kissed her on the cheek. " How are you? "

" I'm just fine. How was the ride? Were the trees pretty? "

" The ride was nice and the trees were as pretty as I've ever seen them." Ridley went back to Dana's side, took her by the arm and brought her closer. " Mom, I'd like you to meet my new friend, Dana De Marco."

" Nice to meet you, Dana. I'm pleased you could join us for dinner."

" So am I. It's nice to meet you, Mrs. Kelsen, " Dana said.

" I'd prefer it if you'd call me Vicki."

" Okay, Vicki. Thank you for inviting me."

" Ridley told me a little about you. She said you're a chef and you have your own restaurant in the city, on South Street. Is that right? "

" Yes, that's all true, " Dana said.

" Ridley also told me you're a talented cook. I hope my amateur cooking skills will meet with your approval. I'm just an ordinary housewife, or at least I used to be."

" I enjoy it when someone else cooks for me." Dana handed Vicki the bottles. " I brought you some wine, but I didn't know what you were making."

" How nice of you, Dana, " Vicki said as she read the labels. " This white will go well with what we're having for dinner and I'll save the red for another time, unless you girls want me to open both of them."

" No, the white is fine with us, right Dana? " Ridley asked.

" That's fine with me. It's one of my favorites."

Ridley's mother put the red wine on the counter and handed her the bottle of white. " Would you put this in the refrigerator to chill, sweetheart? Dinner won't be ready for another hour and I can't think of anything you can help me with. While I finish up here, why don't you show Dana around the house and take her outside to see the flowers. They're pretty this time of year."

" Okay, Mom."

Ridley gave Dana a quick tour of the house and then took her outside to see the garden. Stone pathways like spokes in a wheel ran through the flower beds and led to a central gazebo. Ridley stepped up into it and sat on the bench that lined the interior. " Sit here with me." She patted the empty stretch of bench beside her.

" Your mother's a good-looking woman. Now I see where you get your looks, " Dana said as sat next to Ridley. " And she's nice like you or should I say you're nice like her? "

" Either way is okay and thank you. I'm lucky to have a mother like her."

" I feel the same about my mother, " Dana said. " Maybe you'll meet her someday."

" I'd like that very much." Ridley inched a little closer to Dana.

" This is a lovely garden. Does your mother do this all by herself? "

" She putters around when she's at home, but no, she pays someone to maintain it and to do the heavy work. I like it in the fall when she puts in the mums and ornamental kale."

" What are those blue flowers, next to the sage? "

" Those are blue asters. You should see this in the spring when the azaleas are in bloom and the pink and white dogwoods are out."

" I'll bet it's pretty. Does your mother spend the entire summer at the shore? "

Ridley shook her head. " No, she goes back and forth. She has friends here and her sister and she comes up to see them and to check on the house. Her friends also visit her down there and my aunt comes down a couple of times for a week or so."

" What about you? Do you spend the summers there? "

" I'm down there a lot, since I'm off. I come home if my mother's friends are coming and if Karen and Laurie are coming for a weekend, she goes home and lets us have the place to ourselves. She's thoughtful like that."

" She must trust you, " Dana remarked.

" I've never given her any reason not to. Besides, she raised me to be independent and she knows she doesn't need to run my life. She doesn't want to either."

" You seem like the independent type. I thought that right away." Ridley met Dana's eyes.

" That doesn't mean I don't want to be with someone." " I just meant that you seemed strong and self-reliant."

" I guess you could say that about me. The funny thing is, I love to spend time with my mother even more because she doesn't demand my time and attention."

" It kind of works that way, doesn't it? "

" Yeah and I think my mother knows that."

" Has she gone out with anyone since your father died? " Dana asked.

" She says she's not interested in dating but that could change. She's attractive and she's only fifty-four, so she might want someone in her life someday and if she does, I think that's great. If not, I'll respect her choice either way." Ridley paused for a moment and then she said, " Tell me a little about your family."

" My mother used to be an elementary school teacher until she had my younger brother, Danny, and then she decided to stay home until we all left the nest. She's still at home but she keeps busy being a homemaker and a grandmother. My father owns his own financial consulting firm. My older sister Donna and her husband Wayne have three children and they live in the Chicago suburbs, not far from my parents. My brother Danny's in grad school in California."

" Donna, Dana and Danny. How cute, " Ridley said with a smile.

" It's cute all right, but I'm afraid it gets worse. My father's name is Dino."

" What's your mother's name? Don't tell me...."

Dana laughed when she saw Ridley's expression.

" Don't worry, her name is Maureen. You were expecting another name beginning with a D weren't you? "

" I have to admit I braced myself, just in case." Ridley laughed along.

" My mother always messed up our names when we were kids, especially when she was mad or in a hurry. She'd get tongue-tied and yell all the names out. Of course, we laughed like hyenas when she did that and then she'd get even madder."

" Kids are horrible. How did you like living in Chicago? "

" I loved it. It's an interesting city with lots of culture and wonderful places to eat."

" Did you enjoy living there? " Ridley asked. She would have loved to sit here forever just talking to Dana, getting to know her and just being with her. For the life of her, she couldn't think of anything else she'd rather do.

" Yes, but I always felt I was like a tourist. It's awfully big and it never felt like home. I'd much rather be in this area where I grew up."

" Karen said you moved there after high school."

" Two months after I graduated. My mother and father wanted to live closer to my sister and her children. My mother had a friend who owned a catering business there and she offered me a job. That's what made me decide once and for all that I wanted to be a chef. After I worked for her for a year she suggested I work for a chef she knew who owned a well-established restaurant in the city. He hired me as a prep chef. It's a good idea to work your way up from the bottom and learn all the different jobs in a restaurant before you become a chef. Culinary school teaches you theory and the basics, but it can't prepare you to function in a busy restaurant and take the heat, so to speak."

" What did you do after college? " Ridley asked.

" I worked in another restaurant in downtown Chicago. I started as a line chef and then worked my way up to garde manger."

" What on earth is that? "

" That's the person who creates the salads, appetizers, garnishes and any sandwiches if the place serves them, and believe it or not, the table decorations."

" How long did you work there? "

" About three years and then I took a job as an assistant chef in a popular restaurant on Lake Michigan. That's where I learned about running a small upscale restaurant like the one I opened here." Dana studied Ridley's eyes as if searching for something. " Are you sure you're interested in all this? I feel like I'm reciting my ré sumé."

" I'm interested in everything about you." Ridley had become completely beguiled by Dana's dark eyes. Arousal gripped her insides and made her feel lightheaded, a sensation that seemed to have become her norm whenever she was near Dana. For a few wobbly moments she thought she might pass out even though she was sitting down. She forced herself to continue. " Thanks for coming with me today. I like being with you."

" I like being with you, too, " Dana said.

" I feel the need to say something about kissing you. I still..."

" Don't." Dana held her hand up. " Don't. It's sweet of you to be so concerned about how I feel, but I'm not that delicate and I'm not upset about you kissing me. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I do believe you sort of asked me and I do believe I sort of said yes."

" I hardly remember anything except that kiss."

" You do understand I don't want to get involved, don't you? It's not about you."

" That's what you told me." Ridley stared straight ahead at the garden and they said nothing for a minute or two. " I remember telling you that I'd never been in love. I've had a lot of dates and short-term relationships, but I never met anyone I wanted to be with for a long time--anyone I felt deeply about." Fortunately, Ridley was spared from pouring out the contents of her heart by her mother's voice calling them in for dinner. She realized that she'd been offered a reprieve and took advantage of it by springing to her feet. " We have to go in now. It's time to eat."

" Good." Dana stood up. " I'm hungry."

" So am I." Ridley was relieved to end their conversation. She'd been heading in the wrong direction and she wasn't sure it was wise to reveal her innermost feelings to Dana at this point. It would be a mistake and she'd made enough of them already.


AFTER DINNER, VICKI served homemade apple pie and coffee and as soon as they were finished with dessert, Ridley got up from the table and told her mother that she would clear the dishes and clean up the kitchen. Dana offered to help, but Ridley insisted on doing it alone. " You stay here and visit with my mother."

" Why don't we sit in the living room while Ridley takes care of things? " Vicki suggested. " Would you care for another cup of coffee? "

" No thanks. I'm stuffed and I don't think I could eat or drink another thing." Dana stood when Vicki did and followed her into the living room.

" Dinner was delicious, " Dana said once they were seated across from each other. Vicki's home was warm and inviting and Dana was surprised by how comfortable she felt there. She was even more surprised by how easy it was to talk to Ridley's mother.

" Thank you. That's a compliment coming from a chef."

" I make a lot of fancy dishes at the restaurant, but in my heart, I've always preferred old-fashioned comfort food. I grew up having Sunday dinners like roast chicken and roast beef and my mother was an excellent cook--is an excellent cook I should say."

" I grew up the same way, but now there's no one to make Sunday dinner for unless Ridley or my sister come over. That's why I was so happy when Ridley said she'd invited you to come today. It means a lot to me to have you girls here."

" I enjoyed being here, " Dana said.

" Good. Then maybe you'll come again, sometime? "

" Sure. I'd like that."

They chatted about mundane things a while and then, during a break in the conversation, Vicki leaned forward and scanned with her eyes as if to make sure Ridley was no where around. " Dana, please tell me if you feel this is none of my business, but there's something I want to know and I don't know how to ask you except to come right out with it. Are you and Ridley seeing each other? Dating in other words? "

" No, we're not. We're just friends."

" Are you a..." Vicki hesitated. " This is terribly awkward."

" Yes, I'm a lesbian." This was a first. Dana couldn't remember ever having been asked about her sexual orientation by a friend's mother. Still, she felt at ease talking to Vicki and she sensed nothing coming from her but sincere interest. In fact, she got the distinct impression that Vicki needed to talk to someone about her daughter.

" Thanks for making that easier. I hope I wasn't intrusive. It's just that Ridley seems quite taken with you. I saw something in the way she looked at you and I assumed that meant--well, it seems I assumed incorrectly. It's just that I had hoped..." Vicki took a sip of her coffee. " You see, I want to see my daughter happy and sometimes I worry about her."

" Why do you worry about her? " Dana asked. She could see that Vicki cared very much for her daughter, but more than that, she wanted to know the answer.

" She's sensitive and she cares deeply about things. She's always had a beautiful heart and an even more beautiful soul. Some of the women she's dated have overlooked that fact about her. I know she would never give her heart away easily but sometimes I fear she'll never give it to anyone. I would hate to see that happen to someone like my Ridley, someone that extraordinary. I know you're thinking that I'm her mother and I'm terribly biased and I would have to agree with you that I am, but I love her more than anything in this world."

Vicki's candid and loving assessment of her daughter touched Dana deeply and she didn't doubt one thing Vicki had said about Ridley. " I wouldn't worry if I were you. She won't end up alone." Although she didn't go on to explain her reasons, she instinctively knew that Ridley wouldn't have to be alone unless she made that choice. She had way too much to offer. Besides being attractive, desirable and interesting, she was kind and sensitive and had a quality about her that made her almost irresistible. She was someone who could capture your heart and soul.

" I hope you're right, " Vicki said.

" I can't imagine that happening. Not in her case."

" I hope you didn't mind me asking. It's difficult when your daughter's a lesbian. I never quite know if someone is a friend or a love interest unless she tells me. When she said she wanted to bring you here, I guess I thought..." Vicki leaned forward in her chair. " Never mind what I thought. Can I ask you another personal question? "

" Go ahead, " Dana said with amusement. It amazed her that Ridley's mother was brave enough to get this personal in the first place, especially with a relative stranger.

" Do your parents know you're gay? "

" I'm ashamed to admit it, but I haven't told them." Dana shrugged her shoulders. " I know I should. I'm getting tired of keeping my personal life a secret."

" Don't they wonder why you don't date men or have any interest in them? " Vicki asked. " Don't they ever ask you any questions about your personal life? "

" They do, but I tell them I'm too busy to have a social life. So far, that's been working." Dana stopped to think about what she would say next and decided she might as well be honest. " I've wanted to tell them and I almost did a few times, but I couldn't get the words out. I feel especially bad that I haven't told my sister, because we've always been close." Dana had never told anyone other than Tracy how she felt about this, but Vicki made her feel open and willing to share her thoughts and feelings, just like her daughter did.

" I imagine that wouldn't be an easy thing to do, but speaking from my own experience, I felt relieved when Ridley told me. Something was driving a wedge between us and I suspected she might be gay, but I didn't know how to ask her."

" I don't like deceiving my family, but I'm afraid to tell them."

" I really think it's better to know the truth, " Vicki said.

" How did you feel when Ridley told you? "

" It wasn't exactly what I'd hoped to hear, but once it was out in the open, we were able to be close again like we always were. It was impossible for us to have an honest relationship when she had to hide something that important from me. Did she tell you about her father's death? She never told him and she suffered dearly for it."

" She did tell me about that, " Dana said.

" She'll have to carry that around with her for the rest of her life."

" By the way, I'm sorry about your husband."

" Thank you." Vicki said. " My Jeremy was a wonderful man and I miss him every day."

" I'm sure you do." Dana paused, feeling at a loss for words. " I'm afraid my family will turn away from me." God, where did that come from? She'd just revealed to Ridley's mother the one thing that terrified her the most, the one thing that had stopped her from telling them.

" That's what everyone fears, isn't it? In reality, someone might turn away from you for a time, but if you don't tell them who you really are, you deny your loved ones the chance to be there for you and to share your life. You do realize some of your family may already know or at least suspect it and that maybe they've been afraid to ask you? "

" I have entertained that possibility, " Dana said.

" You might be surprised to find out how much they've already figured out on their own and keep in mind that once you tell them, the ball is in their court, so to speak. You can't control how they react or how they feel about it."

" I understand that, but those reactions and feelings are what scare me." How strange that Ridley's mother had brought up the very thing that had been preying on her mind as of late. It had begun nagging her right after she and Ridley talked that night on the beach and she knew she had to tell them and soon.

" Maybe I've given you something to think about and I thank you for being so honest with me. I hope you didn't find my questions shocking."

" Not shocking, exactly. I'm just not used to being asked about that, " Dana said.

" And I'm not used to asking. We started talking and it just seemed to come pouring out." Vicki stood up. " If you don't mind, I think I'll go see if Ridley needs help. You stay here and when I return I'd love to hear about your restaurant. I've got a lot of questions I'd like to ask you, much less threatening ones this time."

Dana smiled. " I'll be right here. Take your time."


VICKI HELPED HER daughter put the pots and pans away and wipe the counter tops clean. They'd performed this task as a team many times and they worked quickly and quietly until they were through. In no time, all vestiges of their dinner together had vanished.

Vicki stood next to Ridley near the sink. " I like Dana. She's a nice girl."

Ridley stopped what she was doing and turned to her mother. " I know Mom. She's beautiful isn't she? And she's so nice. I like her so much."

" Honey, " Vicki said as she placed her hand on her daughter's shoulder. " I don't want you to think I'm prying into your personal affairs, but it seems to me that she means a lot more to you than just a friend. Is that true? "

" Mom..." Ridley felt her eyes become wet with tears. " How do you always know? "

" I know you so well and I can't say as I blame you. Anyone can see how extraordinary she is." Vicki pulled Ridley closer. " Does she share your feelings? "

Ridley shook her head. " I think she's in love with someone else."

" I'm sorry to hear that." Vicki tightened her arm around Ridley's shoulder and held her to her side. " If it's meant to be it will be and if it doesn't turn out to be Dana it'll be someone else, I promise you. It's only a matter of time."

" I don't want it to be someone else. I want it to be her."

Vicki held Ridley's chin and turned her head so their eyes met. " Here's something I don't think I ever told you. I wasn't crazy about your father at first, but the more I got to know him the more I liked him and eventually my feelings changed. Or, maybe I should say they changed after the first time he kissed me." Her laugh was soft and she brushed a tear from Ridley's cheek. " You never were one to hold back your tears, my sweet girl." She let Ridley go and put a little space between them. " I know you wouldn't want to be with someone who didn't want to be with you, now would you? "

" No, I wouldn't, Mom."

" That's the right answer. Now, let's get back to our guest, shall we? "


" WE'RE ALL DONE, " Vicki said as she and Ridley returned to the living room. " I hope we didn't leave you out here all by yourself for too long? "

" Not at all, " Dana answered. " I was just enjoying this lovely room and thinking that I'd be delighted if you'd be my guest at my restaurant. You can come for dinner or brunch, your choice, and bring Ridley and your sister if you'd like." Dana glanced at Ridley. " We're booked far in advance on the weekends, so a week day would be better and a lot less crowded."

" I'd love to do that, " Vicki replied. " We'll come soon, won't we sweetheart? "

" Sure we will, Mom." Ridley made an effort to pull herself together. If she couldn't control her emotions any better than she had today, it was going to be impossible to carry on any kind of relationship with Dana, either friendship or otherwise. Her normally solid foundation had begun to crumble and for the first time in her life, she found herself teetering on shaky ground.

" By the way, Ridley, " Vicki said. " I need you to do something for me. Could you drive down to the shore house sometime soon and take care of a few things? I've got a lot going on and I don't know when I can get down there."

" I can go next weekend. What do you need me to do? "

" I wrote it all down for you." Vicki took a piece of paper out of her pocket and handed it to Ridley. " I won't have the plumber drain the pipes and shut the house down for the winter until after Thanksgiving, but I want you to cover the deck furniture and do a few other things before it gets too cold. Are you sure you don't mind? "

" No. I wanted to go down again, anyway."

" Take a friend with you if you'd like to." Vicki glanced at Dana and then back at her daughter. " You could spend the weekend. It's so nice down there in the fall."

" Maybe I will." Ridley knew her mother was suggesting that she should ask Dana to go with her and she thought it was very sweet of her. She stood up to go. " I think we'll head home now before it gets too late."

" Give me a call when you get back to let me know you made it home safely, will you? And you both have a good week."


" YOUR MOTHER'S A special lady, " Dana said as soon as they turned out of the driveway.

" She is, isn't she."

" You know something? Being with you and her today made me think about how much I miss doing things with my family. I don't get to see them often enough now that I live far away and I miss my sister most of all. We talk on the phone a couple of times a week, but it's not the same as seeing her and being able to do things with her."

" That must be tough." Purely on impulse, Ridley steadied herself with a deep breath and asked, " Would you consider going with me next weekend? I know you love it there and it would be great if you came with me. I hate to go alone." Those words weren't quite true because Ridley had never minded going there alone, but the prospect of being with Dana made her say anything she could come up with to convince her to go.

" I don't know. When would you go down? "

" We wouldn't have to go until Sunday morning if that works better for you."

" That would be better. You'd drive? " Dana asked.

" Yeah, I'll drive. What do you say? "

Dana studied Ridley's face before she replied. " I guess I could go. Tracy can do brunch and I don't think she'd mind. She's been bugging me to get out and do things."

" Fantastic." Ridley's smile almost hurt. " Why don't we leave early? How about if I pick you up around nine o'clock? "

" That will work. When are you planning on coming back? "

" I'll take a personal day on Monday since you're off. That way we can stay overnight and come back after dinner on Monday." Ridley couldn't think of a more valid reason to use up one of her personal days. The teacher's union intended them to be used for personal emergencies and in Ridley's mind, having an opportunity to be alone with Dana De Marco for two whole days definitely qualified as a personal emergency.

" Okay, " Dana answered.

Except for polite conversation, they were mostly quiet as they drove home. Ridley kept a tight rein on her feelings and everything she wanted to say remained unsaid as they pulled up in front of Dana's building. Ridley released her seat belt and turned in her seat. " I guess I'll see you next Sunday, then? "

" Yeah, see you next Sunday." Dana gathered her things and opened the door, but before she stepped out onto the sidewalk, she turned. " Thanks for taking me to your Mom's house for dinner. I had a good time and..." Dark eyes gazed at Ridley as if they held something inside.

" What is it? What do you want to say? "

" Nothing, it's..." Dana averted her eyes for a second and then she faced Ridley again. " It's just that I like your mother and I like you--I like you both a lot."

Ridley stared into Dana's captivating eyes. " Believe me I like you just as much."

After a moment, Dana cleared her throat. " All right, so have a nice week and don't work too hard keeping those students of yours in line."

" Don't worry, I won't. Don't work too hard yourself and say hello to Tracy for me." Ridley watched as Dana walked away, taking a part of her with her. Was it crazy to feel so much for someone she'd known such a short time? Regardless of the answer, she couldn't do anything to change it. She questioned whether she should have invited Dana to go with her to the shore next weekend, but she only questioned it briefly because it raised a far more disturbing question. How would she make it through the rest of the week until she saw her again?

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