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Translate the sentences into Ukrainian. Study the following model.



Навчальний посібник

За редакцією Н. Семко


Київ 2012


УДК 800.855: 802.0


English for Business: Навчальний посібник з ділової англійської мови / Н.М. Семко, В.Б.Гриців, Н.Я.Була с.



Посібник складається з 17 блоків (Units), кожен з яких містить по 2 - 3 тексти і систему вправ, спрямованих на перевірку розуміння прочитаного, активізацію лексичних і граматичних особливостей тексту, вироблення навичок дискусії.

Для студентів економічних спеціальностей середнього та вищого рівня підготовки з англійської мови.


Рекомендовано до друку Вченою радою



Рецензенти: к. філол. н., доцент Львівського

національного університету ім. І.Франка О.Шпак

к. філол. н., доцент Львівського

національного університету ім. І.Франка В.Максимук


ã Н.М. Семко, Н.Я.Була 2012


Unit 1



Learn the active vocabulary of the Unit and be ready to use it in your further work.

to make sbd do sth to keep waiting to loose temper to pass on survey to require to pay bills confident recruitment company to answer the call to take steps to extend to invoice to put through to subsidiary extention to return the call to be engaged facial expression to keep an appointment to hold (on) to come up preferably to confirm to deal with to establish briefly business trip to interrupt to arrange

Pre-reading tasks.

1. Study the following verb forms. What is the different between them?

A. to ask – to be asked

to arrange – to be arranged

to interrupt – to be interrupted

B. interrupting - being interrupted

inviting - being invited

telephoning – being telephoned

Translate the sentences into Ukrainian. Study the following model.

Model: Being invited to the conference is always a surprise for me. – Те, що мене запрошують на конференцію, завжди (для мене) (є)сюрприз (несподіванка) / коли мене запрошують на конференцію, це завжди (для мене) сюрприз (несподіванка).

1. Being telephoned late at night makes me furious.

2. Being interrupted at that moment was very unpleasant for me.

3. Being payed well makes them work more effectively.

4. Being often asked about Ukraine, in fact, should be very pleasant for you.

3. Translate the sentences paying attention to –ing forms in different functions. Analyse the structure of the sentences (subject, predicate, object etc).

1. I don’t like to deal with people losing their temper very quickly.

2. Losing your temper you lose control over the situation.

3. Living standard is usually lower in developing coutries than in developed countries.

4. Increasing numbers of transactions the management has to employ more staff.

5. Increasing numbers of transactions take place entirely by phone.

6. Arranging insurance and paying bills are transactions taking place entirely by phone.

7. Paying bills people usually don’t have to go to banks, they use phones.

8. Making a phone call is not always easy.

9. Speaking over the phone on business you should remember some telephone techniques.

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