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I. Read, translate and learn the key words and phrases of the unit:


a) foundation, decision, choice, upheaval, cutback, unemployment, concern,

environment, implementation, measure, pollution, destruction, quality, a call for =

need, growth, area = field, implication, segment, boom, coverage, ability, desire,

awareness, responsibility, attainment, well-being, exploration = study = research,

insight, endeavor, willingness, issue, challenge, educator


b) to face, to occur = to happen, to result in, to generate, to lead to, to emphasize, to

witness, to typify, to boom, to be aware, to explore, to attain, to guide, to rest, to

require, to address, to take on, to enrich, to fulfill


c) extremely, inner, inflated, mounting, increased, recent, provided, few, sound,



d) to make the choice, a work place, projected future development, to have implication

for, wellness movement, to receive worldwide coverage, as a result, as a possible

career, developing trends, a true meaning


II. Text




The person choosing a career in today’s world is faced with critical decision. Many

changes have occurred in the last few years that make the choice extremely difficult. The nation’s economy has been in a state of upheaval, resulting in problems such as budget cutbacks, inflated prices, inner city difficulties, unemployment, and mounting government deficits. Increased technology has resulted in changes in the work place. Concern for the environment has generated the implementation of protective measures against noise, radiation, and the pollution or destruction of land, forests, and waterways. Concern about the quality of education provided for young people has led to calls for educational reform. The growth of knowledge in recent years and projected future developments in the areas of information and technology have led educators to emphasize the need for lifelong learning.

Many changes in the culture that have taken place in the past few years have implications for physical education and sport. We have witnessed the growing interest in sport by all segments of society typified by the fitness boom and the wellness movement. More people are engaging in physical activities of all types, the number of spectators at sport events is growing, and the sale of sport equipment is booming. Sport events receive worldwide coverage. More people of all ages and abilities are aware of more and different kinds of sport and physical activities and have a desire for instruction in skills to participate. New interest has been generated in health and fitness. The wellness movement has increased people’s awareness of their responsibility for their own health and has drawn attention to the role of fitness and health in the attainment of optimal well-being. The interest in sport and fitness by people of all ages and abilities has stimulated the growth of nonschool physical education and sport programs for all segments of the population.

Most young persons like sport and other forms of physical activity. They are also concerned with the nation’s health and fitness. As a result many young persons are exploring the field of physical education and sport as a possible career. As part of this exploration process they want to know the developing trends in the field, and the personal and professional qualities that will help them attain success if they choose physical education and sport as a career. Young persons want information that will give them new insights into the true meaning of physical education and sport, a sound philosophy that will guide them in their future endeavors, knowledge of the history of this field and its influence, and an understanding of the physiological, psychological, sociological, and biomechanical foundations on which this profession rests. Preparation for the 21st century requires a willingness to address the issues and take on the challenges confronting physical educators if the potential of physical education and sport to enrich the lives of all people is to be fulfilled.



2.1. Listen to the text. Answer the questions:

1. Is it easy today to choose a career? 2. Why is it difficult to make a decision? 3. Is the interest in physical education and sport growing by all segments of society? 4. Are more people of all ages and abilities aware of more and different kinds of sport and physical activities or not? 5. Why do young people choose physical education and sport as a possible career? 6. What kind of information must a proficient physical education specialist possess? 7. What tasks confront physical education and sport in XXI century?

2.2. Read and translate in writing the text with help of dictionary.

2.3. Find the English equivalents in the text for the following:


перспективні напрямки у ційгалузі, усвідомлення відповідальності за своє здоров’я, турботапро довкілля, рух за здоровийспосіб життя, дійсне значення, у результаті, спортивні змагання транслюютьсяна весь світ, перспективи унайближчому майбутньому, забруднення довкілля, нам очевидназростаюча зацікавленість у, як майбутня кар’єра. робоче місце, скорочення бюджету, здорова філософія, безробіття, зростаючий державний дефіцит, необхідністьсть в освітній реформі, корозія (руйнування) земляних угідь, які знайшли втілення у різкому зростанні активності у занняттях фітнесом, набуття оптимального здоров’я, різного віку та можливостей, вимагати готовність, спірні питання та проблеми, стоять перед, підгрунтя фізичного виховання та спорта, захисні заходи, за останні роки, якість освіти.


2.4. Make up questions beginning with the words:


1. Do /does / did_______________________________?

2. Have / has / had _____________________________?

3. Is / Are / Was/ Were _____________________________?

4. Do / Does / Did ________ or _____________________?

5. Have / Has / Had_______ or _____________________?

6. ____________________, don’t / doesn’t /didn’t ______?

7. ____________________, haven’t / hasn’t / hadn’t _____?

8. _________________, isn’t / aren’t / wasn’t / weren’t ___?


10. When / What / Where / Why / How _________________?


2.5. Put all possible questions to the words in the sentence:


The growth of sport in recent years has created interest among young and old alike.



2.6. Make the following sentences negative and interrogative:


1. Aerobic dancing contributes to cardiorespiratory fitness, muscular fitness, and flexibility.

2. The expansion of physical education and sport has created a diversity of career options for professionals.

3. Physical education and sport is a growing and expanding profession.


2.7. Open the brackets and put the verbs into correct tense form.


1. The profession of physical education (to change) dramatically in the last two years.

2. It (to be) important to have a philosophy of physical education and sport.

3. Philosophy (to guide) the profession, (to improve) professional practices, and (to explain) the values and contributions of physical education and sport to society and education.

4. Development of a philosophy of physical education and sport (to be) an important task for every professional within the field.

5. Traditional philosophies (to include) idealism, realism, pragmatism, naturalism, and existentialism.

6. The breadth and depth of knowledge within the discipline of physical education (to grow) as well.

7. The expansion of the discipline of physical education and sport (to promote) the growth of specialized areas of study within physical education and (to lead) to the development of new employment opportunities.

2.8. Give the main idea of the text in few words.



2.9. Write a plan of the text.


2.10. Retell the text using the plan above.

III. Translate the following into English:


Цей підручник про фізичне виховання та спорт. Тут дається визначення

фізичного виховання та спорту, опис суміжних дисциплін, вплив різних філософій на програми з фізичного виховання та спорту, задачі фізичного виховання та спорту, роль фізичного виховання та спорту у суспільстві та освііті, розглядається його наріжний камінь –рух. Ця книга дає грунтовну інформацію, яка необхідна для розуміння природи та масштабу фізичного виховання та спорту, роли спорту у світі сьогодні, внесок, який привносять фахівці з фізичного виховання та спорту у суспільство. Фізичне виховання та спорт є професією, яка росте та розвивається. Це зростання зумовлюється розширенням наукової бази та розвитком прикладних наук. Розширення галузі послуг з фізичного виховання та спорту створило сприятливі мжливості для збільшення робочих місць у цій галузі.


IV. Have a dictation:


It is especially difficult now for a young person to decide which career to choose.

The world around has become very complicated. People face a lot of problems of social, environmental and financial character. The society has become aware of necessity to keep healthy way of life. More and more persons of all ages and abilities are being involved into physical activity. That is why there is a great demand in specialists on physical education and sport.


V. Act out the following conversation:


- I hear you’ve decided to enter the fifth year, haven’t you?

- Exactly. Here I can improve my proficiency in the chosen profession.

- What area are you going to specialize in?

- As for me my option is the nation’s health and fitness. Nowadays there are a lot of

job opportunities here because more and more people of all ages and abilities are

aware of different sport physical activities.

- Right you are! That is why they have a desire for instruction in skills to participate.

- I think this course of study can develop my personal and professional qualities.

- Good luck to you!

- Thanks.


VI. Retell the oral topic:


NATURE AND SCOPE OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORT   Physical education can be defined as an educational process that has as its aim the improvement of human performance and enhancement of development through the medium of physical activities selected to realize this outcome. Physical education is concerned with the acquisition of motor skills and the maintenance of fitness for optimal health as well attainment of knowledge and the development of positive attitudes toward physical activity. The growth of knowledge in physical education has led to specialized areas of study, such as sport psychology, sport pedagogy, exercise physiology, and motor learning. Each practitioner should be knowledgeable about these specialized areas of study as well as appreciate their interrelatedness and their contribution to the discipline.  


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