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Physical activity, exercise, and physical fitness


The contribution of physical activity and exercise to physical fitness and the health of the individual is well recognized. It is important to distinguish between the terms physical activity, exercise, and physical fitness.

Physical activity is defined as any bodily movement produced by the skeletal muscles that results in the expenditure of energy. Some examples of physical activities are daily living tasks, occupational tasks, conditioning activities, and sport activities. Exercise is physical activities.

Exercise is physical activity that is planned, structured, and repetitive and has as its objective the improvement or maintenance of physical fitness.

Physical fitness has been defined in many different ways throughout the years and from a diversity of perspectives. Individuals who are physically fit possess the stamina to perform daily tasks, the energy to engage in active, leisure-time pursuits, the physical resources to meet unforeseen emergencies without undue fatigue, and the vitality to perform at their fullest capacity. Physical fitness is comprised of health-related and motor-performance-related fitness.



2.1. Listen to the text “Terminology. Physical Activity, Exercise, and Physical


2.2. Answer the questions:


1. Is the contribution of physical activity and exercise to physical fitness and the

health of the individual well recognized? 2. Is it important to distinguish between the terms physical activity, exercise, and physical fitness? 3. How is physical activity defined as? 4. What does a term exercise mean? 5. What is physical fitness? 6. Is it comprised of health-related and motor-performance-related fitness?


2.3. Find the English equivalents for the words and phrases:


оздоровчий фітнес; бути фізично здоровим; повсякденна побутова діяльність; у повному обсязі; різноманітність/ розмаїтість; володіти; витрата; задача/мета; професійні обов’язки; кондиційне тренування; розрізняти; внесок; визнавати; фізична діяльність; спортивно-змагальний фітнес; займатися (чим-небудь); життєздатність/енергія; дозвілля; поліпшення; структуйований; підтримувати фізичну форму; витривалість; ресурси/можливості; виконувати; непередбачений випадок; надмірний; втома.


2.4. Open the brackets and put the verbs into right tense form.


The human organism (be designed) to be active. In search of food, primitive people sometimes (have to) fight with other predators or to flee for safety. Even our more recent ancestors (be required) to do vigorous activity as a relatively major part of their normal daily routine. However, automation and technology (free) modern civilization from the exhausting physical labor required of earlier generations. Even though physical exertion (become) less necessary as a part of the normal work of many adults, the need for regular exercise (not, decrease). If anything, it (increase). Lack of regular physical activity (result) in poor physical fitness. Those who (not, be) physically fit often (suffer) from hypokinetic diseases or conditions.


2.5. Put the sentence below into Present Perfect and give its negative and

interrogative forms.


Good health is of primary importance to most adults in our society.



2.6. Have a dictation:

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