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And sport
Objectives are goals or desired outcomes that can be realized from participation in carefully planned physical education and sport programs under qualified leadership. Objectives can assist the physical educator to better understand the goals toward which participants in the program are striving, to understand better the worth of the field, to make decisions, and to better interpret this field of endeavor to the public. The four traditional objectives of physical education and sport are the physical fitness development objective, the motor skill development objective, the cognitive development objective, and the affective development objective. Traditionally, objectives have been defined for schools and the school-aged population. Since physical education has broadened its scope to include people of all ages and expanded its offerings to nonschool settings, its objectives must be defined relative to the population served and the nature of the program. The priority of our objectives and the characteristics of a physically educated student have been discussed. The use of the conceptual approach to physical education has also gained attention in recent years. While it is important to have objectives, it is equally as important to measure and evaluate the extent to which they have been attained. Numerous tests to measure the various physical education and sport objectives have been developed. Evaluation of the test results provides information that can be used to improve the conduct of the program.
2.1. Listen to the text “Objectives for Physical Education and Sport” and answer the questions.
1. What are the objectives? 2. How can objectives assist the physical educator? 3. Which are the four traditional objectives of physical education and sport? 4. What have objectives been traditionally defined for? 5. To which extent are they expanded now? 6. The use of what has also gained attention in recent years? 7. What is equally important there? 8. What does evaluation of test results provide?
2.2. Read and translate the text. Look for the sentences with a verb in Perfect Tense, copy them out, analyze and translate them in writing.
2.3. Find the English equivalents for the following:
оцінка результатів тестів; пізнавальний; пропозиція/внесок; характерні риси; масштаб/галузь/межі; оцінювати; тлумачити/інтерпретувати; сумлінно; кваліфіковане керівництво; розширювати; задачі емоціойного розвитку; позашкільні заклади; задачі повинні формуватися з урахуванням населення, яке обслуговується; поліпшувати; численний; приділяти увагу; концептуальний підхід; досягати; ступінь/тривалість; проведення програми; область спрямування зусиль; вимірювати.
2.4. Find in the text sentences with the verb in Passive Voice. Copy them out and analyze.
2.5. Translate each of the sentences and put into negative and interrogative form:
1. Physical fitness has long been recognized as one of the primary objectives of physical education and sport. 2. Historically, this objective may have been described in terms of the development of organic vigor or physical development. 3. Today the development and promotion of health-related fitness in a diversity of populations is an important outcome of many programs in our field. 4. Health-related fitness encompasses the development of cardiorespiratory efficiency, flexibility, muscular strength and endurance, and appropriate body composition. 5. The evidence supporting the contribution of health-related fitness to the health and quality of life of individuals continues to mount. 6. Individuals who are physically fit benefit from improved cardiorespiratory function, extended range of motion, which contributes to efficiency in movement, and increased muscular strength and endurance, which aids in moving effectively. 7. A progressive, systematic approach to the development of physical fitness should be utilized.
2.6. Translate the following into English:
Розвиток рухових вмінь спрямований на допомогу індивідуумам навчитися рухатися ефективно, щоб виконати задачі, які були поставлені перед ними, і, якщо можливо, з найменшою витратою енергії. Розвиток рухових вмінь продовжується все життя. Програми повинні відповідати інтересам та потребам людей різного віку, від дошкільного до похилого. Варто враховувати можливі обмеження в опануванні рухових умінь у людей с недостатніми фізичними можливостями.
III. Text II