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Health and wellness


Health comprises several dimensions: physical health, mental health, social health, spiritual health, and emotional health. Traditionally, the public has viewed good health as the absence of disease. Given this perspective, if an individual was not sick, he or she was, by definition, healthy.

Today, however, this perspective is different; the emphasis is on wellness. It is realized that not being ill is only one aspect of being healthy. Wellness is a state of optimal well-being. Wellness emphasizes each individual’s responsibility for making decisions that will lead not only to the prevention of disease but to be promotion of a high level of health. Wellness is multidimensional. Achieving a high degree of wellness requires developing and maintaining a satisfactory level of fitness, expressing emotions effectively, maintaining good relationships with others, maintaining one’s mental health, and consideration of ethics, values, and spirituality.

According to wellness philosophy, the achievement of a healthy lifestyle is the responsibility of the individual. Attainment of a healthy lifestyle is achieved through proper nutrition, regular and appropriate exercise, adequate rest and relaxation, effective stress management, adherence to sound safety practices, and elimination of controllable risk factors as smoking or drug use. Those individuals who adopt a healthy lifestyle may experience an optimal state of well-being, while those who choose to practice an unhealthy lifestyle may be at an increased risk for disease, such as coronary heart disease.

Holistic health is closely related to wellness. Holistic health is based on the premise that an individual’s health is affected by virtually all aspects of an individual’s life. Physical, psychological, emotional, spiritual, environmental, genetic, and social factors all interact to influence an individual’s state of health. Thus, all of these factors must be considered when helping an individual achieve a state of optimal health.

Health promotion programs have grown within the past decade. These programs focus on helping individuals make changes in behaviors and alterations in their lifestyle that will encourage and support an optimal state of health. For example, a health promotion program may assist an individual to become aware of the health risks associated with leading an inactive lifestyle. Then education and behavioral interventions are utilized to assist the individual to incorporate physical activity into his or her lifestyle, thereby reducing the individual’s risk of disease and contributing to a more favorable health status. Self-responsibility is central to any health promotion efforts; individuals must assume the responsibility for making choices that contribute to the attainment and maintenance of health.


4.1. Listen to the text “Health and Wellness”.

4.2. Read the text and do its translation in writing.

4.3. Find the English equivalents in the text for the following words and phrases:


духовний, бути вразливим до, виміри/параметри, підходящий, відсутність, здоровий, етика, генетичний, усвідомлювати, почуття відповідальності, взаємодіяти, сприятливий, поведінкові інтервенції, взяти на себе відповідальність, впроваджувати, досягати стану оптимального здоров’я, багатомірний, цінності, прихильність до, цілісний, фактично, правильний/вірний, ступінь, надавати особливого значення/підкреслювати, за визначенням, у тісному взаємозв’язку, вести здоровий спосіб життя, оптимальнийстан, відмова від факторів ризику, які контролюються, однак, довкілля, задовільний, харчування, передумова/поняття, зміни, заохочувати, зусилля з пропаганди здоров’я, використовувати, поведінка, пасивний спосіб життя, відповідно з, ефективно долати стрес, таким чином, останнє десятиліття, сприяти.


4.4. Put 15 questions to the text (general, alternative, disjunctive and special).

4.5. Open the brackets and put the verbs into proper tense form:


In recent years many people (discover) that active living (contribute) significantly to good health and wellness. Regular physical activity (be), however, only one of many different life-style patterns that (can, enhance) health and quality of life. Recent scientific evidence (suggest) that a healthy life-style, more than any other single factor, (be) responsible for optimal wellness. The implication (be) that each of us (can, learn) to alter our life-styles to foster lifetime fitness and wellness.



4.6. Complete each sentence with a word from the box.


  freedom, important, optimal, well-being, heredity  


1. Health is optimal … that contributes to quality of life.

2. It is more than freedom from disease and illness, though … from disease is … to good health.

3. … health includes high-level mental, social, emotional, spiritual, and physical fitness within the limits of one’s … and personal disabilities.


V. Listening comprehension text:


During this century the life expectancy for the average person has increased by 60

percent. A child born in 1900 could expect to live only 47 years. A child born today can expect to live to the age of 73.7. Much of the increase in life span can be attributed to modern medical science. Many diseases that killed thousands in earlier times can now be easily treated. Pneumonia, which can be treated with antibiotics, is a good example.

As a result of the advances in illness treatment and prevention, an effort can now be made to focus on wellness. Wellness, or a sense of well-being, includes one’s ability to live and work effectively and to make a significant contribution to society. It reflects how one feels about life as well as one’s ability to function effectively. Wellness represents a quality of living component that is essential for optimal health.


5.1. Listen to the passage and answer the questions:


1. How long was a life span in 1900? 2. How long can a child born today expect

to live? 3. Why has it become possible? 4. What can an effort now be made to? 5. What is wellness in your opinion?


VI. Play out the conversation below:


- I wonder what wellness is…

- Wellness is the integration of all parts of health and fitness. I mean mental, social, emotional, spiritual, and physical conditions.

- Oh, I see it expands one’s potential to live and work effectively, doesn’t it?

- Right you are. It makes a significant contribution to society.

- Does wellness reflect how one feels (a sense of well-being) about life?

- Of course and as well as one’s ability to function effectively.

- Really?

- Yes, wellness as opposed to illness (a negative), is sometimes described as the positive component of good health.

- Thank you for explanation.

- My pleasure.


VII. Retell the oral topic:


  HEALTH AND WELLNESS   Health comprises several dimensions: physical health, mental health, social health, spiritual health, and emotional health. Traditionally, the good health was considered as the absence of disease. If you were not sick, you were healthy. Today the emphasis is on wellness. Wellness is a state of optimal well-being. According to wellness philosophy, the achievement of a healthy lifestyle is the responsibility of the individual. Attainment of a healthy lifestyle is achieved through proper nutrition, regular and appropriate exercise, adequate rest and relaxation, effective stress management, adherence to sound safety practices, and elimination of controllable risk factors as smoking or drug use. Physical, psychological, emotional, spiritual, environmental, genetic, and social factors all interact to influence an individual’s state of health. Thus, all of these factors must be considered when helping an individual achieve a state of optimal health. Health promotion programs have grown within the past decade. These programs focus on helping individuals make changes in behaviors and alterations in their lifestyle that will encourage and support an optimal state of health. Self-responsibility is central to any health promotion efforts; individuals must assume the responsibility for making choices that contribute to the attainment and maintenance of health.    






I. Read, translate and learn the key words and phrases of the unit:


a) aim = objective, medium = means = way, acquisition, growth, enhancement, attitude, outcome = result = consequence = issue, maintenance, interrelatedness, endeavor = effort, metaphysics, epistemology, axiology, ethics, aesthetics, logic, professional = practitioner, shift, contribution, adult, source, realm, value, improvement, accomplishment, behavior, humanity, approach, employee, drug


b) to be knowledgeable about = to be aware of, to appreciate, to attain, to aid = to help, to seek, to guide, to influence, to confront, to define, to determine, to need, to utilize, to enable, to provide, to require


c) critical, humanistic, major = main, selected, critical, acceptable, own, essential, careful, sound, knowledgeable, illegal, injured, relevant


d) within, as a whole, toward, as well as, whether, between, through


e) to assist in resolving problems; improvement of human performance; a logical means of determining; especially true; to make society aware; worthwhile services; motor skills; segments of population;


II. Text I.



Physical education can be defined as an educational process that has as its main aim the improvement of human performance and enhancement of development through the medium of physical activities selected to realize this outcome. Physical education is concerned with the acquisition of motor skills and the maintenance of fitness for optimal health as well as attainment of knowledge and the development of positive attitudes toward physical activity.

The growth of knowledge in physical education has led to specialized areas of study, such as sport psychology, sport pedagogy, sport sociology, exercise physiology, and motor learning. Each practitioner should be knowledgeable about these specialized areas of study as well as appreciate their interrelatedness and their contribution to the discipline as a whole.

Philosophy is critical to our endeavors. The major components of philosophy include metaphysics, epistemology, axiology, ethics, aesthetics, and logic. Philosophy can aid practitioners by guiding their efforts and assisting them in resolving problems that may confront them. Philosophies such idealism, realism, pragmatism, an existentialism have influenced the nature and practice of education and physical education and sports programs. Within the last 25 years a shift from the traditional philosophy of education and physical education and sport to a more modern, humanistic philosophy has been seen.

Each professional should develop his or her own philosophy. One’s philosophy influences the objectives or outcomes sought from one’s programs and the methods by which these objectives are attained.



2.1. Listen to the text “Physical Education and Philosophy” and answer the questions:


1. How can physical education be defined? 2. What is physical education concern

with? 3. Where has the growth of knowledge in physical education led to? 4. What should each practitioner be knowledgeable about? 5. Which are the main components of philosophy? 6. How can philosophy aid practitioners? 7. How has the traditional philosophy of physical education and sport been changed within the last 25 years? 8. What does each professional develop? 9. Does one’s philosophy influence the objectives and methods of the programs?



2.2. Find the English equivalents for:


трактувати, удосконалення людської діяльності, посилення /покращення, результат/висновок, бути обізнаним, спрямовувати зусилля, позитивне ставлення, фахівець, гідно оцінювати, за допомогою, набуття рухових якостей, підтримка фітнесу, оптимального здоров’я, взаимозв’язок, допомагати у розв’язанні проблем, за останні 25 років, гуманістична філософія, спостерігається рух від … до, набуття знань, досягати, в цілому.


2.3. Read, translate and analyze the information below. Answer the questions you’ll meet in the text in writing.




In today’s changing society a sound philosophy of life and physical education and sport is necessary for the professional to be effective. Physical educators musk themselves the following important questions:


· What has value in today’s society?

· What is relevant to the needs of today’s youths and adults?


Physical educators also may find a philosophy helpful in addressing more specific questions confronting them.

For example:


· Should youth sport programs mandate equal playing time for all participants?

· Should intercollegiate athletes be required to maintain a certain grade-point average to participate?

· Should athletic trainers be required to report illegal drug use by an athlete?

· Should the coach, athletic trainer, or athlete make the final determination if an injured athlete can play?

· Should employees be required to participate in a corporate fitness program?

· Should individuals who have tested HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) positive be allowed to participate in physical education classes and on athletic teams?

· Should the media scrutinize the private lives of professional athletes?

· Should physical educators be role models and “practice what they preach? ”

A philosophy of physical education and sport can help physical educators resolve these and other questions and concerns confronting them. A philosophy of physical education and sport serves several functions:


- articulates the worth of physical education and sport;

- results in the improvement of professional practices;

- is essential to professional education;

- guides the professional;

- provides direction for the profession and individual programs;

- makes society aware that physical education and sport contributes to its values;

- aids in bringing members of the profession closer together;

- explains the relationship between physical education and sport and general education;

- is essential for all physical educators.


2.4. Open the brackets and put the verbs into proper tense form:


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