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Role of physical education and sport



The education of a society’s citizens is influenced by contemporary societal needs and trends. Today one of the primary purposes of education is to prepare individuals for a meaningful, self-directed existence. The education of the individual can be described as taking place through three learning domains: the cognitive domain, the affective domain, and the psychomotor domain. Carefully planned programs of physical education conducted by qualified professionals can contribute in many ways to learning in each of these domains. Three societal trends that hold considerable implications for the conduct and status of physical education and sport in our society are the educational reform movement, the wellness movement, and the fitness movement.

The educational reform movement received its impetus from a series of reports decrying the status of education in America’s schools and identifying specific areas for reform. These reports called for a greater emphasis on the “new basics” of English, science, social studies, math, and computer science. Lifelong learning was stressed as well. These reports disagreed on the status of physical education as an educational basic. Thus it is up to physical educators to make a strong case for physical education as a basic, before physical education is eliminated from the educational curriculum.

The wellness and fitness movements also hold several implications for physical education and sport. The wellness movement emphasized health promotion and disease prevention through lifestyle modification and individual responsibility for one’s own health. Physical activity and exercise are integral parts of a health lifestyle. Within the past decade tremendous interest has been shown in physical activity and exercise. However, it appears that only a small percentage of the population participates in vigorous physical activity of sufficient frequency, intensity, and duration to sustain an adequate level of health-related fitness. Professionals need to increase the number of individuals within all segments of the population who engage in appropriate physical activity on a regular basis.

The wellness and fitness movements offer strong support for the development of nonschool physical education and sport programs. The emphasis on lifelong learning by educational reform leaders supports the need for physical education and sport programs for individuals of all ages.

Regardless of the setting and the population served, movement is the keystone of physical education and sport.


2.1. Listen to the text “Role of Physical Education and Sport in Society and

Education” and answer the questions.



1. Is education of a society’s citizens influenced by contemporary societal needs and trends? 2. What are the primary purposes of education today? 3. What learning domains can the education of individual be described as taking place through? 4. What societal trends influence the conduct and status of physical education and sport? 5. Is physical education a basic on the US educational curriculum now? 6. Why must physical educators make a strong case for their discipline? 7. Do wellness and fitness movements emphasize health promotion and disease prevention? 8. What do professionals need to increase? 9. Who offers strong support for the development pf physical education and sport programs?


2.2. F ind the English equivalents for the following:


не дивлячись на, брати участь, також, наріжний камінь/основний принцип, підтримувати, на все життя, акцент/особлива увага, тенденція, сучасний, описувати, галузь пізнання, емоційна сфера, існування, цілеспрямований, імпульс, вимагати/передбачати, усвідомлений, отримувати. психомоторна область, бути не згодним, невід’ємна частина, підходящий, відсоток, це справа фахівців з фізичного виховання, довести свою правоту, знищити, велетенський, на регулярному пдгрунті, енергійний/інтенсивний, достатній, особиста відповідальність, низка/цикл/серія, тривалість, частота, відповідний, профілактика захворювань, пропаганда здоров’я, підтримувати, сумлінно, обезцінювати/зменшувати, класифікація


2.3. Open the brackets and put each verb into proper tense form.


1. Educational objectives (be) often classified into three domains or areas of behavior: cognitive (thinking), affective (feeling), and psychomotor (doing). 2. The affective domain (include) the promotion of values and social and emotional development. 3. The psychomotor domain (involve) the development of motor skills and physical fitness. 4. It (be) important that educators (consider) all three domains when planning learning experiences to meet individuals’ needs. 5. Separation of behaviors into domains (facilitate) the development of objectives. 6. However, we (must, remember) that these domains (be) interrelated, and as educators we (be) really dealing with the needs of the whole person. 7. Thus, individuals’ levels of development in each domain (must, be) taken into account in the design and implementation of learning activities.


2.4. Put questions to the words /phrases in italics:

1. The cognitive domain is concerned with the acquisition of knowledge and the development of intellectual skills. 2. The objectives here reflect an increase in complexity at each level of development.. 3. Learning basic facts is the initial objective. 4. And from this grows understanding and application of concepts, critical analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.

2.5. Make each of the sentences negative:

1. Many factors influence individuals’ learning, including their feelings about themselves, the learning experience, and the subject. 2. The taxonomy for affective domain reflects the development of values, appreciations, attitudes, and character. 3. As individuals demonstrate the characteristics of the levels within this domain, they move from a concern about themselves to a value structure that embraces concern for others. 4. At the highest level, their internalized values directly influence their choices and actions.

2.6. Try to use each of the sentences in Past Tense.

The taxonomy of objectives in the psychomotor domain shows a progression of development that provides the foundation for programs of physical activities. The lower order objectives reflect the acquisition of basic movements and perceptual abilities. The higher order objectives emphasize the development of fitness and highly skilled movements as well as increased creativity in the use of movements.

2.7. Fill in with articles where it is necessary.


1. People today are taking … more active role in protecting and enhancing their health than ever before. 2. We have become increasingly … health-conscious. 3. There is … growing realization that our health and our quality of … life are significantly influenced by the manner in which we live our lives. 4. Many of … lifestyle choices we make (e.g., whether to smoke tobacco or to exercise on … regular basis) influence our potential for health, function, and well-being both on a day-to-day basis and across our lifespan. 5. This realization is accompanied by … greater understanding of the important role of personal responsibility, that is, informed and responsible behavior, in achieving good health, both on … personal and national level. 6. Within … two last decades we have seen a change in our orientation to health care. 7. Instead of health care on … treatment of disease, there has been … shift to … emphasis on health promotion and disease prevention.



III. Have a dictation.


A concerted effort by professionals must be made to reach all segments of the adult population and to provide them with the necessary skills, knowledge, and attitudes to develop and maintain adequate levels of health-related fitness. Interest in fitness has led to the development of a wide range of job opportunities. There has probably never been a time in society with greater opportunities in sport and recreation than there are now. The growth of interest in fitness and exercise has opened up jobs in community physical education and sport programs, corporate fitness centers, health clubs, and the sporting goods industry, to name just a few.


IV. Listening comprehension.


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