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Unit XI
I. Listen, read, translate and learn the key words and phrases of the unit:
a) concept, key, keystone, performance, ability, variety, awareness, approach, responsibility, dimension, bending, stretching, exertion, foundation, lever, contraction, force, gravity, effect, flexibility, endurance, advantage, skill, fear, anxiety, self-concept, desire, impact, impulse,
b) to represent, to strive, to enhance, to affect, to explore, to differ, to strive to, to obtain, to allow, to receive, to utilize, to involve, to attain, to provide, to produce, to govern, to reduce, to generate, to impede, to leave, to compete, to perform, to base,
c) fundamental = basic = essential, spatial, locomotor, nonlocomotor, manipulative, complex, creative, poor, deterring, general
d) since, with respect, throughout, in terms, as well as, thus, among, furthermore,
e) the key concern; human being; to construct meaningful movement experiences; body awareness; spatial awareness; to obtain stated objectives; to attain proficiency; fundamental motor skills; problem-solving situation; skeletal levers; muscular contraction for force; small in stature; in positive or negative way; effective performance; desire for social mobility; to leave one’s impact; motor performance
II. Text I MOVEMENT: THE KEYSTONE OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORT Movement is the keystone of physical education and sport. Human movement may be affected by a variety of factors, including biomechanical, physiological, psychological, and sociological factors. Understanding of the basic concepts of movement – body awareness, spatial awareness, qualities of movement, and relationships – is essential for physical educators and their students. Physical educators must also be concerned about individuals’ development skills (locomotor, nonlocomotor, and manipulative skills), for they form the foundation for participation in a variety of activities throughout life. Movement education, a system based on the theories of Laban, is an important part of physical education. Movement education explores the science of movement and helps people of all ages move more effectively. Movement education differs from the traditional approach to physical education in terms of the roles and responsibilities of the teacher and the students as well as the conduct of the program.
2.1. Listen to the text and answer the questions:
1. What is movement? 2. How may human movement be affected by? 3. What is essential for physical educators and their students? 4. Why must physical educators also be concerned about individual’s development skills? 5. What part of physical education is movement education? 6. What does movement education explore? 7. How does movement education differ from the traditional approach to physical education?
2.8. Find the English equivalents for:
Засновний момент/наріжний камінь, відрізняється, з точки зору, локомоторні вміння, впливати, низка/велика кількість, головна концепція, маніпулятивні вміння, пізнання/усвідомлення, важлий, протягом, дослідити, просторова орієнтація, який грунтується на, рухатися ефективно, традиційний підхід, координація тіла
2.9. Open the brackets and put a verb into proper tense form.
1. A walk (be) a series of balance and loss of balance motions or a series of weight transfers from one foot to the other as the individual (move) through space. 2. One foot (move) forward ahead of and slightly to the side of the other foot, with the heel of the forward foot touching the ground or landing before the toe of the opposite foot (push) off. 3. The person (push) or (exert) force against the ground or the floor in order to initiate each step. 4. The resistance of the floor or ground (provide) the force necessary to move the body forward. 5.This action (be) best explain by Newton’s third law of motion – for every action there (be) an equal and opposite reaction.
2.10. Insert articles where it is necessary:
1. Running is … exaggerated form of walking and results as … performer attempts to increase speed. 2. … major difference between walking and running is that in running, … body is moving in space for … long period of time with no support from either foot and at no time are both feet in contact with the ground. 3. In walking, there is no … period of moving in space because one foot is in … contact with … ground at all times. 4. To increase speed, … runner exerts greater force in … extensor muscles of … driving leg and foot against … resistive surface, and … leg swings forward and starts back as … ball of … foot is placed back on … ground. 5. … body is then pushed into … air toward … next step. 6. In landing, … foot strikes … ground under … center of gravity. 7. Absorption of force be bending … knee is essential to successful landing and is used to build momentum as … leg extends for … next step.
2.11. Put questions to the words and phrases in italic. 1. Fundamental movement describes changes in body position sufficiently distinct to permit classification. 2. The execution of the movements is seldom goal-directed or focused on a particular purpose. 3. Instead, they are the basis for the development of the goal-oriented movement found in specialized skills. 4. Emphasis is placed on the gestalt (целостное восприятие объекта) of the movement or the tracing of the actionin space. 5. Timing, reaction to the others, and other fine motor points are not important at this stage. 2.12. Translate the following into English:
1. Рух є підгрунтям фізичного виховання. 2.Фахівці з фізичного виховання та спорту повинні обов’язково вивчити теоретичнепідгрунтя руху, щоб правильно навчати своїх вихованців ефективно виконувати той чиінший рух. 3. Слід надавати можливість дітям випробовувати весь спектр рухів, щоб навчитися розуміти та усвідомлювати своє тіло.
Movement represents the key concern of physical educators. Movement is the central focus of this field of endeavor. Physical educators strive to help human beings to move efficiently, to increase the quality of their performance, to enhance their ability to learn, and to promote their health. Movement may be affected by biomechanical, physiological, sociological, and psychological factors. Since movement represents the keystone of physical education and sport, it is important that professionals in this field understand some of its dimensions. Understanding of movement concepts such as body awareness (What can the body do?), spatial awareness (Where does the body move?), qualities of movements (How does the body move?), and relationships (With whom or what does the body move?) helps physical educators construct meaningful movement experiences to obtain their stated objectives. Such experiences allow their students to understand the capabilities of the body with respect to movement. It is also important that children receive instruction in fundamental motor skills. Fundamental motor skills include locomotor skills such as running and jumping, nonlocomotor skills such as bending and stretching, and manipulative skills such as throwing and kicking. These fundamental skills serve as a foundation for the development of more complex and specialized skills that are utilized in sports and other physical education activities, work, and life situations in which human beings are involved in movement. One approach that may be used to help individuals develop an understanding of movement concepts and attain proficiency in fundamental motor skills is movement education. Movement education provides persons with a variety of problem-solving situations carefully designed to help them to explore the body’s movement abilities and to develop movement skills.
3.1. Listen to the text “Movement Concepts”. Give its main idea in a few words.
3.2. Read and translate the text in writing. Put all types of questions. (15) 3.3. Find the English equivalents for the following: Найважливіший предмет, знаходитися у центрі уваги, докладати зусилля/намагатися допомогти, функціональні можливості, підвищувати/посилювати, параметри, концепція руху, координація тіла, формувати навички різноманітних рухів, надавати можливість, відносно/стосовно, згинання, розтяжки, кидки, пинки, підгрунтя, складний, використовувати, залучати, підхід, набути вправності, основні рухові вміння, теорія фізичного виховання, досліджувати
3.4. Listening comprehension text.