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Of physical education and sport

History provides the foundation for the discipline of physical education. Many of today’s activities have their forerunners in the past. Many of our physical education and sport programs and activities today have been shaped by our past heritage. Studying history also provides one with an appreciation for other cultures and the role of physical education and sport in these societies.

An adage states that “history tends to repeat itself.” Recurring themes are apparent throughout the history of physical education and sport. For example, wars frequently served as the impetus for societies to intensify their physical education program or to justify its existence. Physical fitness was promoted among the populace to prepare for these war efforts.

However, obviously not all history repeats itself. Changes are apparent too. The impact of different philosophies on the content and structure of physical education and sport programs and changes in the nature and the importance of objectives can be discerned throughout the years. It is important that one be aware of the events that served as catalysts and deterrents to the growth of physical education and sport.

Physical education and sport today is entering one of the most exciting eras in its history. The fitness movement, the emphasis on preventive medicine, the increased specialization of the field, and the broadening of physical education and sport programs to reach all segments of the population are some of the significant developments in physical education and sport today. By understanding the history of physical education and sport a professional can better understand the nature of the profession, appreciate the significant developments of today, and project trends for the future.


2.1. Listen to the text “Historical Foundations of Physical Education and Sport”.

2.2. Answer the questions on the text:


1. What contribution does history make into the discipline of physical education? 2. How do you understand a saying “history tends to repeat itself”? 3. Does all history repeat itself? 4. Why is it important to be aware of the events of the past? 5. Does physical education and sport enjoy exciting or decay era in its history? 6. How can professional better understand the nature of the profession?


2.3. Find the English equivalents for the words and phrases below:


Охопити всі верстви населення, напрями розвитку у майбутньому, які передбачаються, історія має тенденцію повторюватися, висловлення/приказка, засіб стримання/перепона, стимул/імпульс, очевидно, дає розуміння інших культур, очевидний, вплив, розпізнати, спадщина, попередник/предтеча, ера, інтенсифікувати, хвилюючий, підтверджувати/пояснювати/знаходити виправдання, служити каталізатором, значний/важливий, існування


2.4. Put the questions to the words and phrases in italic.


1. The beliefs and experience of physical educators today rest on the history of this field of endeavor. 2. It is a source of physical education’s identity. 3. In a sense, little basis exists for this professional field, except its past. 4. The experiences of yesteryear help to guide physical educators’ endeavors today. 5. The only professional maturity is that which is built on the events of days and years gone by.

2.5. Open the brackets and put the verbs in proper tense form and voice.


1. The nature of physical education and sport in the US today (influence) by the contributions of many different cultures. 2. The influence exerted by the US leaders (be) also profound. 3. By knowing the accomplishments of leaders in the past, today’s physical educators (can, attempt) to build on their achievements. 4. One qualification (exist) – physical educators (must, use) only that from the past which (be) true, significant, and applicable to the present and the future. 5. Each professional (should, be) aware of the history of physical education and sport from ancient times to recent developments. 6. Much (can, be) learned about physical education and sport from a critical analysis of its history.



2.6. Put questions to the words and phrases in italic:

1. The influence of the various philosophical schools of thought on physical

education throughout history will be evident. 2. Traditionally the objectives of physical education have been categorized as either promoting “education of the physical” or “education through the physical.” 3. Education of the physical focused on the development of the body as an end in itself, that is, precedence was given to the development of the body and physical skills rather than outcomes that could be accomplished through physical activities. 4. Education through the physical emphasized the acquisition of physical skills and bodily development as well as attainment of other educational outcomes, such as affective, social, and intellectual objectives, through physical activity. 5. This approach utilizes carefully selected physical activities as a medium through which various desirable objectives can be achieved. 6. The emphasis on these two approaches may be discerned throughput the history of physical education and sport.



2.7. Put the sentence below into Present, Past and Future Indefinite Tense.

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