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Careers and professional considerations in physical education and sport


Traditionally careers in physical education and sport have focused on teaching and coaching in schools and universities. In addition, teaching and coaching careers in nonschool settings such as community centers and commercial clubs (e.g., gymnastics, tennis, or swimming clubs) have become increasingly available. Interest in nonteaching careers has been great as well. Many physical educators are pursuing careers in the fitness field working in health clubs or corporate fitness centers. Still other physical educators are employed in the areas of sport management, sports medicine, and sport media. The increased specialization within the field of physical education has created additional careers opportunities. For example, biomechanists may work for sporting goods companies designing and testing sport equipment and apparel such as running shoes. Exercise physiologists may be employed in corporate fitness center, hospital cardiac rehabilitation program, or a sports medicine clinic. Career opportunities for a student who has studied physical education have never been greater.

Selecting a career pathway from the many available options requires careful consideration of many factors. Choosing a career involves the process of decision making. To make an informed decision, information must be gathered from the appropriate sources and evaluated. Your personal strengths, interests, goals, and preferences are the most important considerations in choosing a career. Discerning this information requires a process of self-assessment. In selecting a career you must also consider information about the career itself. This information may be gathered through research and by talking to practitioners in your prospective career.

Professional preparation for a career involves academic studies, related experiences, and professional activities. Planning for a career demands understanding of the nature of the work to be performed and the requirements of the job. As you read about different career opportunities in physical education and sport, be flexible and open minded and explore career opportunities that interest you.


2.1. Listen to the text “Careers and professional considerations in physical

education and sport”.

2.2. Answer the questions to the text:


1. What are traditional careers in physical education and sport? 2. What else areas can physical educators be employed? 3. What must be taken into consideration while choosing a career? 4. What does professional preparation for a career involve? 5. Have the career opportunities for a student who has studied physical education never been greater?


2.3. Find the English equivalents for the words and phrases:


вимагати, самооцінка, будувати/робити кар’єру, також, найматися на роботу, стежка/дорога, перспективний, вимоги, прийняти інформоване рішення, враховувати, доступний, суспільний/муніціпальний центр, спортивна форма, оцінювати, кар’єрні можливості, включати академічну підготовку, гнучкий, перевага, під час вибору кар’єри, відповідне джерело, збирати, характер роботи, яка виконується, вивчити можливості кар’єри, вміння розпізнати, неупереджений, розгляд/обговорення



2.4. Open the brackets and put a verb into right tense form.


1. Within the past decade opportunities for physical educators desiring to pursue a career as a fitness or exercise specialist (increase) tremendously. 2. Career opportunities (exist) in preventive and rehabilitative exercise programs. 3. Preventive exercise programs (be conducted) by corporations, community agencies, and commercial fitness clubs. 4. Rehabilitative exercise programs typically (be conducted) in a hospital setting, but may be affiliated with corporate fitness programs and community agency programs.


2.5. Study the following table and compare the job opportunities in the field of

physical education in the US and in your country.





Teaching opportunities
School Setting Nonschool setting
Elementary School Junior High School High School Junior/Community College College and University Basic Instruction Programs Professional Preparation Programs Adapted Physical Education Overseas School Programs Military School Programs Community Recreation Sport Programs Corporate Recreation Programs Commercial Sport Clubs Youth-Serving Agencies Preschools Health Clubs Military Personnel Programs Resort Sport Programs Geriatric Programs Correctional Institution Programs
Coaching Opportunities
Interscholastic Programs Intercollegiate Programs Commercial Sport camps Commercial Sport Clubs Community Sport Programs Military Sport Programs
Fitness and Health-Related Opportunities
Cardiac Rehabilitation Sports Medicine Movement Therapy Health Clubs Community Fitness Programs Worksite Health Promotion Space Fitness Programs Corporate Fitness Programs Sports Nutrition Athletic Training Weight Control Spas Military Personnel Programs
Sport Management Opportunities
Athletic Administration Sport Facility Management Commercial Sport Club Management Community Recreation/ Sport Management Intramurals/Campus Recreation Sport Organization Administration Health Club Management Sports Information Sport Retailing Corporate Recreation Resort Sport Management
Sport Media Opportunities
Sport Journalism Sport Photography Sport Writing Sport Broadcasting Sport Art
Sport-Related Opportunities
Sport Law Professional Athlete Entrepreneur Research Sport Officiating Dancer Sport Statistician Consulting



2.6. Put questions to the words and phrases in italic.


1. Opportunities for physical educator to pursue health-related careers have also grown rapidly. 2. Professionals possessing qualifications in athletic training may find employment working with athletic programs at the professional, collegiate, and increasingly at the secondary level. 3. Employment opportunities also are available in sports medicine clinics, physical therapy clinics, and hospitals. 4. Physical educators have also been successful in securing employment in health and weight control spas and clubs.



2.7. Define and name the tense form of the verb in each sentence.


1. The recognition that participation in movement and physical activities has therapeutic and psychological benefits as well as physical benefits has stimulated the growth of therapy-related careers. 2. These include careers as dance therapists, movement therapists, and recreational therapists. 3. Physical educators seeking employment in fitness-and health-related careers can increase their marketability by taking additional course work in health, business, and psychology. 4. Gaining as much practical experience as possible will also be an asset in securing employment. 5. It appears that opportunities for qualified physical educators in fitness- and health-related careers will continue to increase in the future.


III. Text II

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