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Definition of sport
In order to study sport in a systematic manner, it is necessary to develop a specific definition of sport. Such definition may, by its first nature, be limiting and restrictive. Yet it is necessary to provide a focus and a shared perspective by which to understand the relationship of sport to society. Coacley suggests that sport can be defined as follows: Sport is an institutionalized competitive activity that involves vigorous physical exertion or the use of relatively complex physical skills by individuals whose participation is motivated by a combination of intrinsic and extrinsic factors. This definition refers to what is popularly known as organized sport activities. On the basis of this definition, three often asked questions can be addressed: 1. what kinds of activities can be classifies as sport? 2. under what circumstances can participation in activities be considered sport? 3. what characterizes the involvement of participants in sport?
2.5.1. Listen to the text “Definition of Sport” 2.5.2. Answer the questions that are included in it. 2.5.3. Give a talk on “Definition of Sport”. 2.6. Have a dictation.
It is interesting to note that the Greeks provided civilization with two disciplines. The first described how sport could be most helpful in the training of a strong and graceful performance and body. The second provided civilization with the basics of philosophical thinking. As the historian Isocrates said: “ Certain of our ancestors, long before our time, invented and bequeathed to us two disciplines: physical training for the body, of which gymnastics is a part, and for the mind, philosophy. These twin arts are parallel and complementary, by which their masters prepare the mind to become more intelligent and the body to become more serviceable, nor separating sharply the two kinds of education, but using similar methods of instruction, exercise, and discipline”.
Opportunities for elite nonprofessional athletes to compete in international events are numerous. International championships are contested annually in many sports and special competitions such as the Asian Games or the Pan-American Games that are held every 4 years. College and University students have the opportunity to compete in the World University Games that are conducted every 2 years. The opportunity to compete in these special international competitions is highly regarded, but the most prestigious of the international competitive events is the Olympic Games. Since the rebirth of the Games in 1896 and the addition of the Winter Games in 1924, competitions for athletes from around the world have been held every four years under the direction of the International Olympic Committee (IOC). Many people still ascribe to the beliefs that the Olympics offer athletes an opportunity to extend their limits in a quest to achieve excellence by the accomplishment of personal athletic goals, to establish friendships with other competitors around the world, and to foster international understanding and peace by bringing together the nations of the world. While these Olympic ideals are highly valued by many people throughout the world, there are many problems that prevent the attainment of these lofty goals. The Olympics have been used by many countries to further political goals. Examples of this include the use of the 1936 Olympic Games by Hitler and the Nazis to highlight Aryan supremacy, the terrorist shootings at the 1972 Munich Games to capture world attention, and the boycotts of the 1976, 1980, and 1984 Olympic Games to make political statements and to influence world opinion. The Olympic Games have become increasingly commercialized. In 1968, the Mexico Olympic Games cost $ 250 million to stage, while the 1980 Moscow Games cost $ 2.25 billion. The Olympic Games were founded for amateur athletes, those individuals who compete for the love of sport. Defining amateurism and dealing with questions pertaining to participant eligibility have presented a significant problem for the IOC. As we move into the XXI century, the Olympics are becoming more an open competition. Nonprofessional athletes are allowed, under certain conditions, to receive money, and professional athletes are allowed to compete. The Olympics offer participants from around the world the opportunity to attain athletic excellence and to develop international understanding. These goals can be accomplished when the Olympics are structured to be conductive to the achievement of these noble goals.
3.1. Read and translate the text “The Olympics”.
3.2. Make up 15 questions of all types to the text.
3.3. Translate the following into English:
Спортивні змагання в олімпійському спорті є тим центральним елементом, який визначає всю систему організації, методики та підготовки спортсменів для результативної змагальної діяльності. Без змагань неможливе існування самого спорту. Тому олімпійський спорт значною мірою может розглядатися як галузь знань та діяльності, яка спрямована на забезпечення функціонування та развитку змагань. Спортивні змагання є своєрідною моделлю людських стосунків, які реально існують у світі: боротьби, перемог та поразок, спрямованості до постійного вдосконалення та прагнення найвищих результатів, досягнення творчих, престижних та матеріальних благ.
3.4. Put questions to the words and phrases in italic:
1. The summer and winter Olympic Games are very important sport festivals in the world today. 2. They attract millions of spectators via television, and millions of dollars from company sponsors. 3. Winning a medal in an Olympic sport is a peak experience for athletes in all of the countries of the world. 4. The Olympic Games became such important sport events in our modern world because they are based on a set of ideals and principles which must be followed by people organizing and participating in Olympic Games. 5. This set of ideals, called Olympism, is promoted not only by athletes and officials, but also by many educators, business people and organizations who believe in its principles. 6. These principles are outlined in the Olympic Charter which is the constitution of the International Olympic Committee.
3.5. Give a talk on the theme. 3.6. Discuss the theme “The Olympics” with your group mates in class.
IV. Retell the oral topic: