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In physical eduaction and sport


Physical education and sport is experiencing one of the most dynamic periods in its history. Professional leadership is needed to ensure the continued growth and vitality of the profession. It is critical that leaders emerge from among students now preparing for this profession. If leaders emerge, the profession will prosper; if not, the profession will deteriorate.

Leadership is the art of influencing people to work together harmoniously in the achievement of professional as well as personal goals. Several personal qualities have been identified as necessary for leadership. These qualities include energy, a sense of purpose and direction, enthusiasm, integrity, friendliness and affection, technical mastery, decisiveness, intelligence, teaching skill, and faith.

To find the answers to many problems confronting the profession, physical education and sport leaders need to be creative, to have an interest in research, and to be accountable. To achieve leadership status, professionals must have good health and personality, applied intelligence, good articulation, dedication and hard work, respect for other people, and desire. Leaders need to become actively involved in their profession, and one means to do this is to belong to professional organizations.

There are many advantages to belonging to a professional organization. Professional organizations provide opportunities for service, facilitate communication among professionals, and provide a means to disseminate research findings and other information to professionals. Membership in a professional organization provides opportunities for fellowship, a resource for resolution of personal and professional problems, and may enhance one’s employment opportunities.

Numerous professional organizations exist. To find out about professional organizations in his or her specific area of interest, a student can consult a professor or practitioner in this field. One should be aware of their purposes, nature, and membership.


2.1. Listen to the text “Leadership and Professional Organizations in Physical

Education and Sport”.

2.2. Answer the questions to the text “Leadership and Professional Organizations in PhysicalEducation and Sport”.


1. What kind of periods in its history is physical education and sport experiencing? 2. Why is professional leadership needed? 3. When will the profession prosper? 4. What is leadership? 5. What qualities have been identified as necessary for leadership? 6. What kind of persons do sport leaders need to be in order to find answers to problems confronting the profession? 7. What must the sport leaders have to achieve leadership status? 8. What benefits are there from belonging to a professional organization? 9. What does membership in a professional organization provide? 10 What should one be aware of when finding out about professional organizations?



2.3. Find the English equivalents from the text “Leadership and Professional Organizations in Physical Education and Sport”.for the following words and phrases:


усвідомлювати, бажання, численний, перевага, членство, повага,

забезпечувати можливості, нести відповідальність, конкретний/окремий, віра, мета/результат, характер, дружелюбність, творчий, спосіб/засіб, сприяти спілкуванню між професіоналами, розв’язання особистих та професійних проблем, виявляти зацікавленість до наукових досліджень, хороша артикуляція, прикладний розум, надавати засоби розповсюдження наукових відкриттів, самозречення, належати, рішучість напрям, існувати, любов, майстерність, мета, особистість, товариство/братерство, процвітати, прямота/чесність, разом, зростання, постійний, забезпечувати, цілеспрямованість, випробовувати/пізнавати, з’являтися/виникати, приходити у занепад, лідерство



2.4. Open the brackets and put the verbs into proper tense form.


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