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Of coaching
Like teaching, a coaching career has both advantages and disadvantages. Many intrinsic rewards are associated with coaching. The opportunity to work with athletes and strive side by side with them to achieve their fullest potential, the excitement of winning and the satisfaction associated with giving the best of oneself, and the respect accorded to a coach are some of the intrinsic benefits of coaching. There are several drawbacks associated with coaching. The hours are often long and arduous. The practice hours and the hours spent coaching during a competition are the most visible indications of the amount of time involved in coaching. Untold hours may be spent in preparing practices, reviewing the results of games and planning for the next encounter, counseling athletes, performing public relations work, and, at the collegiate level, recruiting. Salaries vary greatly, depending on the level coached, the sport coached, and the coach’s position as head or assistant coach. Salaries at the high school level can range from a small stipend to a few thousand dollars, whereas coaches at the collegiate and professional levels may have contracts worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. A high turnover rate is associated with coaching. Unlike teaching, coaches are often placed under tremendous pressure to achieve – to have a winning season. Many coaches are fired because of a lackluster win-loss record or for having a poor working relationship with the administration or alumni. Other coaches choose to leave the profession voluntarily, overwhelmed by the pressures and exhausted by the demands, suffering from burnout, disenchanted with the profession, or desirous of a career change.
3.1. Listen to the text “What Are the Benefits and Drawbacks of Coaching? ” and answer the question in the title”. 3.2. Translate the text into your native language in writing. Put 10 questions of all types on the text. 3.3. Find the English equivalents for the following:
разом; важкий, платня; суттєвий/вагомий; користь; збудження; підопічний/вихованець; переповнювати; висока текучість; проводити набір; заспокоювати; змагання/зустріч/поєдинок; велика самовіддача; численний; зарплата/стипендія; видимий, варіюватися, прагнути перемоги; нагорода; подібно; показники; звільняти, тоді як; велетенський, страждати; виснажений, вимога; добровільно; розчаровувати; той, хто жадає/прагне; на відміну від
3.4. Open the brackets and put the verbs into proper tense form.
1. Many responsibilities (be) associated with coaching. 2. They (include) conducting practice and coaching during the game. 3. Although the coach (work) with highly skilled athletes, the coach (must, be) a good teacher to instruct the athletes in the more advanced skills and strategies necessary to perform at this level. 4. During practices and games the coach (must, motivate) the athletes to put forth their best effort so that their optimal level of performance can be achieved. 5. In many cases these instructional responsibilities (may, be) the least time consuming of all the coach’s responsibilities. 6. Many coaches (spend) untold hours in evaluating practices and the results of competitions. 7. The coach (be expected) to reflect a positive image and exemplify the values associated with sport. 8. Coaches (must, attend) sport and rules clinics so that they (be aware) of the current trends and latest rule changes in the sport.
3.5. Translate into English:
Обов’язками тренера також є встановлення зв’язків з громадськістю, куди входить оголошення результатів змагань, участь в інтерв’ю, виступи перед публікою. Дуже багато часу у тренера йде на проведення набору. Бесіди по телефону з перспективними спортсменами, организація проведення зборів, розмови з батьками, проведення змагань скаутів для виявлення потенційних спортсменів збільшують його робочий день на багато годин.
3.6. Give a talk on “ What Are the Benefits and Drawbacks of Coaching? ”
IV. Text III