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Chapter Thirteen 4 ñòðàíèöà
Lorrie looked up at her hero. “Can I ride Thunder with you, Momma? ” Lex grinned. “Sure thing, kiddo.” She lifted Freckles and handed the squirming dog to Roy. “Mind handling this one? ” He held the animal in his lap. “She take you right to Lorrie? ” “Yep.” Lex scratched Freckle's head before taking control of her horse. “Thanks for coming out here tonight with Amanda.” “Anytime.” He tipped his hat and turned his horse for home. Lex put Lorrie into her saddle and climbed up behind her. “You want to drive? ” “Can I? ” Lorrie took the reins as Lex put an arm around her waist. “Let's go, Thunder.” Lorrie directed the horse to follow Roy, grinning at Amanda when she rode up beside them. “I'm handling Thunder, ” she bragged. Amanda laughed at the joy on her daughter's face. She could tell by Lex's expression that something shook her wife, and was almost afraid to find out what had happened. # Once all four girls were tucked into bed, Lex and Amanda returned to their own room and closed the door. Lex sat on the edge of the bed and removed her boots, sighing as she felt the long day catch up with her. Amanda heard the sigh and joined her wife on the bed. “Are you all right? ” She put her arm around Lex's shoulders and leaned into her. “Yeah.” Lex kissed Amanda's head. “Cut it close tonight, ” she muttered, talking about finding Lorrie shortly before the bobcat came along. She had filled in Amanda on the entire ordeal earlier, after Lorrie couldn't stop talking about it. “I know. I can't believe you yelled to make it run away.” Lex's arm snaked around Amanda and pulled her even closer. “I'd read it once. Just hoped it would work. They're usually afraid of things bigger than them, that's why I was so worried when we found a horse scratched up. But Rusty more than likely startled it at a watering tank.” “Good.” Amanda started to unbutton Lex's shirt. “I think we could both use a nice, hot shower. I don't know about you, but eau-de-horse isn't my favorite fragrance.” Her hand tracked down the smooth stomach, getting the expected laugh. “Best idea I've heard all day.” Lex stood and brought Amanda with her.
Chapter Four The silence of the empty house was beginning to get to Eleanor Gordon. She'd spent the last year locked away from the outside world, only going out when the cupboards and refrigerator turned bare. She sat in the shadowed living room, curled up in one corner of the sofa. She had never bothered to turn on the heat, instead wrapping herself in one of her grandfather's suit jackets and staring at the darkened television. Her eyes tracked to the set of photos strewn across the fireplace mantle. “I wish you were here, ” she whispered. Last week's visit from her cousin had been Ellie's undoing. She thought she was doing better until Lex arrived and tried to get her out for lunch. “How can I make her understand? ” Ellie hadn't just lost a grandfather, but the one person she had come to count on in the world. Within days of his passing, she'd shut everyone out. She'd sent Nancy, Travis' housekeeper of many years, away not long after the funeral. The older woman was too much of a reminder of what Ellie had lost. Nancy had been excited by the prospect of living closer to her own grandchildren and reluctantly left. Her return to Dallas was both a relief and another painful loss for Ellie. The phone rang, breaking Ellie out of her bout of self-pity. She tried to ignore the sound, but it continued to ring for several minutes. “Damn it! ” She flung the jacket off her shoulders and stalked across the room. “What? ” The gentle voice on the other end caused her to tear up again. “No, I'm doing okay.” Ellie took the cordless phone with her and sat on the sofa. “No. I'm not really dressed for company.” She released a heavy sigh at the caller's persistence. “Really, you don't have to.” The voice became adamant and Ellie relented. “Fine. I'll see you in a little while.” She disconnected the call and tossed the handset onto the coffee table. “Damn.” She frowned when she noticed what a mess the house had become. Empty glasses and dirty dishes covered every available space in the living room and she knew she didn't have time to do much about it. Ellie stood and tried to comb her fingers through her hair. Limp and filthy, the stringy mess was so knotted with tangles she wasn't sure if she'd be able to brush them all out. With another resigned sigh, she headed for the bathroom to take a shower. Half an hour later, Ellie emerged from her bedroom feeling much more human. The medical scrubs she wore hung off her frame, but they were the only clean clothes she could find. She was still hauling dirty dishes out of the living room when the doorbell rang. “Hold on.” Taking the handful she had into the kitchen, she hustled to the front door and opened it. “Hi.” Amanda stood on the porch with her arms crossed. “You keep ignoring my invitations.” “Yeah, well.” Ellie shrugged and held the door open wider. “You know how it is. Come on in.” “Thanks.” Ellie led her to the living room and had the good grace to blush. “Sorry about the mess. I wasn't expecting company.” “I'm not company, Ellie. I'm family.” Amanda scooted old newspapers off the couch and sat at one end. Even through her coat she felt the chill in the room and suppressed a shudder. “It's freezing in here.” Curling up on the opposite side, Ellie put her feet on the cushion and wrapped her arms around her legs. She rested her chin on her knees. “I hadn't really noticed.” “Honey, you can't keep living like this. We all miss Travis, but he wouldn't want you doing this to yourself.” Amanda scooted closer and put her hand on Ellie's arm. “When are you going back to work? ” “I'm not. At least not at the nursing home. I called them a few month's ago and they told me I'd been gone too long.” Blinking away the tears, Ellie sniffled. “There's nothing left for me here.” Amanda wrapped her arm around Ellie. “You're wrong. You've got a family who loves you.” She kissed the grieving woman's head. “Gather your things. You're coming home with me.” Ellie shook her head and tried to push Amanda away. “No, I can't.” “Why not? ” Amanda stretched her other arm out wide. “Afraid to leave all this? Sorry, that's not going to work. Pack up some clothes, ” she flicked the edge of Ellie's shirt. “On second thought, just put on your shoes. We'll stop by Davenport 's and get you some things that fit.” Allowing herself to be pulled to her feet, Ellie tried one last time. “I don't want to sound ungrateful, but this isn't really necessary. I was already working on the house when you called.” “Uh-huh. And that's why it looks so nice? ” Amanda lightly yanked on the ends of Ellie's hair. “And your hair's wet because? ” “I just got out of the shower.” Ellie tried to hide newspapers under the sofa with the tip of her foot. From the look on Amanda's face, she wasn't successful. “Um, okay. Wait here. I'll be right back.” Amanda laughed at Ellie's actions. “Pack a toothbrush, ” she yelled to the retreating woman. “We'll come back next weekend and clean up together.” # The long dining table was not quite half full, yet the few who shared the space were boisterous enough for an entire crew. Lex groaned and pushed her plate away. “Helen, that was fantastic.” She glanced at the remains of the roast and potatoes that littered her dish. “I'm going to have to take up jogging or something to combat your cooking.” “That's very sweet of you to say. But I honestly don't think you have anything to worry about.” Helen stood and started to clear the table but was stopped by the two hired hands. “We'll handle it, Mrs. Wilson, ” Jack offered. He gathered several plates while Chet picked up a couple of serving dishes. Lex shared a smile with Roy. “Looks like she's got them trained, ” she commented. “Especially Jack. I think he's got a little crush on your wife.” Roy leaned back in his chair. “Can't really blame him, can you? ” “Nope. She's a wonderful woman, my friend. And a hell of a cook.” Lex lowered her voice. “I know it's slowing down right now, but are Chet and Jack enough? We can always bring in a few more guys.” “The three of us can handle things pretty well, Boss. And I've got a few guys in town I can call if we need them. Hell, you do more than your share.” Hearing the two men arguing over who would wash and who would rinse the dishes, he raised his voice. “No wonder the boys are turning into housewives.” “Hey! ” Chet yelled good-naturedly. It didn't stop him from running Helen out of the kitchen. Helen returned to her place at the table and smiled her appreciation to Roy, who had poured her a cup of coffee. “I swear, those two men won't let me do the cleanup after meals anymore. I think you need to find more for them to do, since they have so much energy.” “I'm sure something to be arranged.” Roy edged his chair closer and put his arm around Helen's shoulders. “Lex, if you'll take the north well, the guys and I will divvy up the rest.” Lex nodded as she sipped her coffee. “Sounds good to me. I promised Lorrie a chance to spend the day in the saddle so that will be perfect.” “You're not taking the truck? ” “Nah. I know it's a ‘ways off from everything, but if we ride we can make it last all day. Lorrie's been having some troubles at school, and I think a day out and about is just what she needs.” Helen played with the hand on her shoulder. “That's a shame. Is there anything we can do? She's such a sweet girl.” Leaning back in her chair, Lex released a heavy sigh. “It's the same as it's always been. Just a couple of rotten kids spoiling it for everyone. I went through the exact thing at her age.” She was about to say more when her cell phone rang. “Sorry, folks.” Lex stood and flipped open the phone as she walked into the living room. “Lex Walters.” She listened for a moment and checked her watch. “That's right. Sure. Okay, then. See you in a few.” She closed her phone and returned to the dining room. “Everything all right, Boss? ” Roy asked. “Yep. Got a buyer coming out to look at Coco 's colt. Said they saw the flyer I placed at the feed store.” Clipping her cell to her belt, Lex leaned against the doorframe. “Thunder's latest, right? ” Lex nodded. “I was hoping to place him before Christmas. If this buyer looks good, that'll be one less we have to worry about when it gets colder.” She crossed the room and picked up her coat from the back off her chair. She slipped it on and gave her hostess' shoulder a squeeze. “Guess I'd better get up to the house. Helen, thanks again for a great lunch.” # Amanda parked the Xterra in her usual spot in front of the playground. It was where the girls knew to look for her and she always arrived early enough to secure the location. She stole a glance at her passenger, who had been silent since they left the clothing store. The shopping trip had worn Ellie out. Her energy levels were practically non-existent since she spent the majority of her time locked up in the house she had shared with Travis. After traipsing through Davenport 's for close to an hour, her entire body felt like jelly. She rested her head against the window with her eyes closed. Concerned, Amanda touched Ellie's shoulder. “Hey.” “Hmm? ” Ellie opened her eyes and faced Amanda. “Sorry.” “You don't have to apologize. I was only going to ask if you're about ready to be invaded by the girls. They should be out in a few minutes.” Ellie's face slowly creased into a smile. “I've missed them.” “They've missed their ‘El', too.” Amanda squeezed Ellie's arm. “We all have. That's one of the reasons I kidnapped you today.” “Just one? ” Amanda studied the crease in her jeans intently. “Lex and I have been going ‘round and ‘round about bringing someone in to help with the house and the girls.” “And my cousin has been her usual stubborn self about it? ” Ellie quizzed. “Not exactly.” Amanda turned in her seat so she could face Ellie. “Don't tell Lex, but I've pretty much come over to her side of the argument. I just don't want her to think she's going to win every time.” Ellie laughed. “Don't worry. Your secret is safe with me. Over the last few years, I've become quite fond of that bull-headed wife of yours. But I agree it's best to keep her on her toes.” “Thanks.” “So, you also took me hostage because you needed someone on your side against Lex? ” Amanda shook her head. “Actually, I want to surprise her by hiring a new housekeeper, and I'd like another opinion when I start interviewing.” The sound of the school bell could barely be heard over the engine of the Xterra. Within minutes, the first group of happy children poured through the front doors. First out was the kindergarten class. Escorted by their teacher, the youngest members of the school milled around in little groups close to the door. Ellie, who had never seen school let out, was completely fascinated. “Even at that age, they've already developed their little cliques.” “Scary, isn't it? ” Amanda agreed. “Here come the first and second graders. Watch how they totally ignore the younger ones, as if they are so much more mature.” Less orderly than their predecessors, the next wave came tearing through the doors. They brushed by the kindergarteners just as Amanda had warned. “Unbelievable.” Ellie watched as the final set of children came out of the elementary school. She easily spotted Lorrie, who somehow in the melee found her little sister and solicitously escorted her toward the SUV. “Is it like this every day? ” “Pretty much.” “Wow. Elementary school teachers have got to be some of the bravest people on the face of the earth, ” Ellie mused. She turned around to face the back seat as the door opened. “Hey, girls.” Melanie was the first inside and she scooted across the seat to her usual spot. “El, ” she squealed. “Are you not sick no more? ” Ellie glanced at Amanda, who shrugged. “Yeah. I'm feeling a lot better now, thanks to your mom.” Lorrie climbed in beside her sister and closed the car door. “Hi, El. Whatcha doin' here? ” “Lorrie! That's not polite, ” Amanda scolded. “But for your information, Ellie is going to be staying with us for a while.” Both girls cheered, causing Ellie to blush. The love that surrounded her eased the ache that had been in her chest for the last year. She looked forward to being a part of an active family again. # Back at the ranch, Lex paced in the living room as she waited for the buyer to arrive. She was about to return to her office when she heard the sound of tires rolling across the graveled driveway. She fought the urge to peek through the living room blinds and instead slowly made her way to the front door. She opened it as her guest stepped up the stairs to the porch. “Welcome to the Rocking W. Come on in out of the cold.” After closing the door behind her guest, Lex held out her hand. “I'm Lex Walters. Let me take your coat.” The smaller figure removed their hat and coat to reveal a woman close to Lex's age. “Pleased to meet you. I'm Shelby Fisher.” Lex accepted the woman's coat and hung it on a spare hook by the door. You from around here? ” “Yeah. We bought a small place on the other side of Somerville a few years ago. Nothing like your spread, but I'm enjoying it.” Pleased to meet another businesswoman, Lex gestured for Shelby to enter the living room. “Come on in, I've got some coffee in my office.” “That sounds great.” Shelby looked around the spacious living room as they headed for the office door in the far corner. “Nice place you've got here.” “Thanks.” Waiting until her guest was seated, Lex poured two mugs of coffee from the carafe on her desk. “Take anything? ” Shelby shook her head as she accepted the cup. “No thanks.” She leaned back in her chair and studied the woman across the desk. “I really appreciate you meeting me on such short notice. When I saw your flyer at the feed store, it took all I had not to race out here.” “Not a problem. To tell you the truth, I wasn't sure if anyone was ever going to be interested. Not many folks are buying right now.” “True. But I've been looking for a good stud, but haven't been able to find one in my price range that wasn't broken down. When I saw your flyer, I thought I'd take a chance.” Lex nodded. “Good idea. Are you in the horse trade? ” “No, not really. We've got a paint mare and I picked up a nice sorrel mare a year or so ago. Right now we mainly board for others. But I'd like to start up a training facility or a riding school.” Shelby sipped her coffee. “The old guys at the feed store have good things to say about you.” “They're a fun bunch, ” Lex admitted. “Since you're on the other side of town, have you done any business with Lockneer? He's got some real good horses.” Shelby choked on her coffee and wiped her chin. “Uh, no. He doesn't care much for me, or my partner.” “Don't feel bad.” Lex handed Shelby a tissue. “He hates me, too. Homophobic bastard, ” Lex muttered. She put her cup on the desk. “Want to go see the colt? ” “Sure.” Shelby set her mug down also and followed Lex from the office. In less than five minutes, the pair stepped inside the barn closest to the house. Shelby glanced around and whistled. “Impressive.” “Thanks.” Lex led her to a stall near the rear of the barn. Inside was a small bay colt. His face had a white streak down the center that went all the way to his nose. Lex opened the stall and gently grasped the animal's halter. “Come on, fella.” Shelby studied the colt as Lex walked him around the barn. “He's a handsome one, that's for sure.” “Yep. Good stock.” Lex pointed to the other side of the barn. “Sire's over there. Dam's up at the other barn. We can drive up and look her over if you want.” She handed the colt over to Shelby. “Why don't you two get acquainted? ” With an almost reverence, Shelby brushed her hands over the animal's coat. She carefully inspected every inch of the colt before looking at Lex. “He's magnificent. Why on earth do you want to sell him? ” Lex smiled, pleased with the other woman's obvious knowledge of horses. “He's too good an animal to geld, and I've already got a nice stud. No sense in him competing with his sire.” “I guess not. I'm almost afraid to ask how much you want for him.” Shelby 's eyes widened at the figure Lex quoted. “Kinda low, isn't it? ” “Maybe.” Lex stepped to the opposite side of the colt and began running her hand across his back in a soothing motion. “This drought has made things rough for us. One less mouth to feed will easily offset what I could get for him next spring. Besides, I'm hoping this could be the start of a good business relationship. Having an ally is never a bad thing.” Shelby held out her hand. “You've got a deal, Lex. I've got my checkbook with me, but I'll have to run back to the house for my trailer.” “Actually, I need to pick up a few things in town and was going to take a trailer. I can follow you and do my errands afterward, if that's okay with you.” “That would be more than okay, Lex. Thanks.” # As Shelby 's truck left the highway onto a small dirt road, Lex took in the surroundings. They drove past a small frame house, the well-kept flowerbeds around it attesting to its care. Not far behind the house was a barn and corral. Several horses milled freely in the enclosure, heads turning as Shelby 's truck parked nearby. Lex pulled past Shelby then backed the trailer up to the corral. She got out and met Shelby by the gate. “I like how you've got the corral sectioned off. How many horses do you stable here? ” “Five in all. Three boarders and our two. I'm about to add another set of stables this winter. We tore down the old barn a couple of years ago when business picked up. My partner and I built this one ourselves.” Shelby opened the trailer and climbed in beside the colt. She slowly backed him out. “Easy there.” The slam from the back door of the house caused both women to turn. Hurrying down the steps was a voluptuous redhead. She buttoned up her blue quilted jacket as she jogged toward the corral. Her blue eyes lit up when she spied the colt. “He's adorable! ” Shelby grinned. “Rebecca, I'd like you to meet Lex Walters. Lex, this is my partner, Rebecca Starrett.” Rebecca shook hands with Lex. “Hi, Lex. I've seen you at Carson 's with your family.” The western-wear store where she worked was the only one of its kind in the county, and Rebecca had recently been promoted to assistant manager. “That's right. It's nice to see you again.” Lex stepped back and allowed Rebecca to get closer to the colt. She grinned as the younger woman began to stroke the animal's coat. “Oooh, Shelby. What's his name? ” Rebecca asked. Shelby looked over at Lex, who shrugged. “I guess that's up to you, darlin'. We've got Patches and Duke. What do you think this little fella looks like? ” Rebecca looked into the colt's eyes. “How about Morgan? ” She gently rubbed his nose. “You like that, don't you? ” She continued to coo at Morgan, while the other two women looked on in amusement. “I have a feeling I've lost my new horse, ” Shelby joked. “Lex, you want to come up to the house for some coffee? I think Morgan's in good hands.” “Coffee sounds great. I'm getting too old to stand out in the cold wind nowadays.” Lex glanced over her shoulder before she stepped into the house. The joy on Rebecca's face solidified in her mind that she'd made the right decision on selling the colt. Shelby laughed as they headed for the house. She held the door open for Lex, exhaling heavily as they stepped into the warm kitchen. “Tell me about it. My old aches from the rodeo gets worse every year. Take your coat off and get comfortable. I'm sure Rebecca will get Morgan settled and be in shortly.” Lex grinned. The more she was around Shelby, the more she enjoyed the other woman's company. Chapter Five Amanda paced the bedroom as Lex watched from the bed. The house was quiet, as the sun was only now peeking through the blinds. The children were still fast asleep, which allowed their parents the privacy that only early morning could bring. “I don't know, Lex. Keeping Lorrie out all day, especially with a cold front expected, doesn't sound like a very good idea.” “We'll most likely be back by lunch.” Lex pulled her boots on, stood and stamped her feet. “The cold front's supposed to hit tonight. We'll be home sipping hot chocolate long before then.” She held out her arms and waited until Amanda snuggled close. “We've been out plenty of times. Why are you so worried? ” “You'll think I'm being silly, ” Amanda muttered into Lex's shirt. She felt lips lightly touch her head. “Never.” Amanda raised her head and looked up. Lex's eyes sparkled with tenderness and Amanda felt her heart speed up and overflow with love. “How did I ever get this lucky? ” Lex's lips curled into a familiar smile. “I'd have to say we're both very lucky, sweetheart.” She lowered her face and kissed Amanda. When they finally separated, her grin widened. “Now what was it you were going to say? ” “Like I can remember anything after being kissed like that, ” Amanda grumbled good-naturedly. She adjusted Lex's shirt collar. “I just have a weird feeling about today. I wish you and Lorrie would stay closer to the house.” “We're only going to the eastern pasture and checking the pump on the tank. It's about a forty-five minute ride out there if we take it slow. If the weather even seems the least little chancy, I promise we'll head right back.” Knowing she was fighting a losing battle, Amanda gave up. “All right. I know Lorrie's been looking forward to this. The extra week of grounding nearly killed her.” “Wasn't easy for me, either. But she had to understand that using the emergency ladder had consequences. She'll think twice before doing it again.” Lex lifted Amanda off the floor and slowly spun her around. “Are you sure you don't want to come with us? I bet Ellie wouldn't mind watching Melanie for us.” Their youngest wasn't as fond of horseback riding, and would rather spend her time in more artistic pursuits. During the past week, Melanie had quickly become Ellie's shadow. She had even talked her into playing dolls, something that the other members of the family had little time, or inclination, to do. Amanda laughed. “I have enough trouble separating them as it is. Poor Ellie's going to get sick of Melanie at this rate.” Lex thought about the changes in her cousin during the past week. Day by day, Ellie's face relaxed, and she was returning to the woman they had all come to love. “I doubt that. If anything, I think Mel's been good for her.” Lex put Amanda down and gave her another quick kiss. “I'm going to go wake Lorrie, so we can get started early. Why don't you head back to bed? ” “No, I think I'll take advantage of the quiet and get some things done downstairs.” Amanda picked up an item from the dresser. “Don't forget your phone.” “Yes, ma'am.” Lex clipped it to her belt, resting the leather holster on her right hip. She started to leave the room, but was stopped by Amanda's grip on her back pocket. “What? ” Amanda stepped into Lex's space and kissed her again. “Be careful.” Lex started to joke, but saw the real worry in her wife's eyes. “I promise. What we have is too precious to me.” # The sun pierced through the barren trees, the glare causing Lex to wish she had remembered to wear her sunglasses. She squinted at Lorrie, who rode alongside her on Mine. Her daughter's face showed all the wonder of being alive on a beautiful day. Lex dipped the brim of her hat to block the worst of the blinding light. “You doing all right, lil' bit? ” Lorrie turned and gave Lex a huge grin. “Yep.” The grin took on a decidedly wicked turn. “Wanna race? ” Mine sidestepped as Lorrie tightened her grip on the reins. “Sure.” Lex pointed to a dead tree a few hundred yards ahead. “Last one there has to brush down both horses when we get back.” “And give Freckles a bath, ” Lorrie added. The little dog hadn't been happy being left behind, but Lex didn't want her out that far with the weather being chancy. And giving her a bath usually meant that the bather would need one afterward. “All right.” Lorrie kicked her horse and whooped, taking off and leaving her mother behind. “You little—” Lex urged Rusty forward. His wounds had healed nicely, but she knew they'd have a difficult time catching the younger quarter horse in a short distance race. “Come on, ” Lex yelled. “You're not going to let a little mare win, are you? ” She leaned over Rusty's neck. They got within a length of Mine when Rusty stumbled. Lex pulled up on the reins and finally brought him to a stop. “Damn.” “Yay! ” Lorrie cheered and brought Mine to a halt, turning to look for Lex. “Momma? ” Lex bent over to look at Rusty's leg. She raised his hoof and found a small stick wedged beneath his shoe. Using her pocketknife, Lex gently removed the stick and brushed her finger across the frog, testing for tenderness. Rusty didn't flinch, so she stood and patted his shoulder. “We'll get her next time, ” she promised. Lorrie rode back to where Lex stood. “Is he okay? ” “I think so. Just a stick wedged in his shoe.” Lex climbed into the saddle. “Looks like I'm going to be busy this afternoon, aren't I? ” “Yep. Unless you want to race again.” Lex laughed. “Nope, I think you had us beat before Rusty came up lame. Next time, I'm riding Thunder. No way you'd outrun him.” They soon came upon the clearing where the water tank was located. Usually forty feet wide, the muddy pond would hold enough water to take care of the stock in the east pasture. Since the drought, Lex had a water well dug with the pump running off solar power. The pump was supposed to keep the tank filled, yet Lex could see that something was terribly wrong. Only a small amount of water remained in the very center of the tank. Something had broken through the fence that protected the pump, knocking the solar panels off and leaving them lying in the dirt. In the middle of the tank stood a full-sized cow, apparently stuck. “Damn.” Lex could tell by the demeanor of the heifer that it had been stranded for at least a full day. She urged Rusty into a gallop. “Lorrie, keep Mine away from the tank. I don't want her getting in the mud, okay? ” “Yes, ma'am.” Lorrie followed behind Lex, pulling up short when they arrived at the tank. “Where's the water? ” Lex brought Rusty to a stop and climbed from the saddle. “Dried up. Looks like the pump lost power.” She glanced at the pump. “We'll have to get someone out to fix it. Damn it all to hell! ” She picked up a twig and broke it in half, throwing the pieces away in her anger. Lorrie prudently kept silent. She rode over to Lex, being especially careful to stay away from the muddy tank. “What are we going to do about the cow? ”