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Chapter Thirteen 8 ñòðàíèöà
The doctor turned back to his patient. “Is that right? ” “Uh-huh.” Melanie cut her eyes at Amanda for a moment, and then back to Rodney. “I didn't trade.” Lex turned to her wife. “Peanut butter and jelly? Are you sure? ” “Why? ” Crossing to the bed, Lex sat next to Melanie and gave her a no-nonsense look. “Because someone smelled a lot like tuna when she got sick.” Melanie's eyes grew wide, as she was torn between telling the truth, and getting into trouble. “Sweetheart, ” Lex leaned closer to Melanie and lowered her voice, “please tell us the truth. I promise we won't get mad.” “But, Mommy said, ” Melanie stammered. “Sssh. How can Uncle Rodney make you all better, if he doesn't know why you're sick? ” Lex brushed Melanie's hair away from her face. “Did you trade lunches today? ” Melanie shook her head. “No.” “Mel.” “I didn't, Momma.” Lex sighed and rubbed her eyes with one hand. “Did you share anyone else's lunch today? ” “Uh-huh.” Melanie started to cry. “It was before we came home. I was in line next to Bryan, and we was hungry. So Bryan gaved me some of his lunch sandwich that he didn't eat.” Rodney bit back a laugh. “Warm tuna salad. Sounds like a mild case of food poisoning.” He flipped through his bag. “Melanie, from now on you need to stick with what your Mom sends to school with you, okay? No more sharing.” “Okay.” Melanie started to cry when she saw Rodney remove a hypodermic needle and a vial. “Do I have to get a shot? ” “It'll make you feel better a lot quicker, ” he promised. “Does anyone have the phone number for Bryan? ” Amanda stood behind Lex and put her hand on her wife's shoulder. “I have a list of phone numbers for all her classmates in my purse. Would you like me to call his parents and see how he's feeling? ” “That would probably be a good idea. If he's sick, tell them I can drop by on my way home.” Rodney put away his equipment and ruffled Melanie's hair. “I'll see you next week on Thanksgiving, okay? Be a good girl for your moms.” Melanie blinked the tears from her eyes and nodded. “Okay.” She yawned and rolled onto her side, curling her hand around Lex's wrist. “I'm sleepy, Momma.” Her eyes closed and she dozed off before Rodney could stand. Lex smiled down at her daughter. “Whatever you gave her, I'll pay you a million dollars for a ten-year supply. Bedtime tends to be a fight at our house, ” she teased Rodney. He stood and stretched. “She was so worn out from the nausea and cramping, it didn't take much to help her rest. She should be fine in a day or so, but give me a call if she gets worse.” “Thanks, Rodney.” Amanda gave him a hug. “If you'll follow me downstairs, I'll get that phone number for you.” When Lex made a move to get up, she pointed her finger. “And you sit right there.” She glanced at Lex's feet. “As a matter of fact, since your boots are already off, why don't you lie down next to Mel for a while? ” Lex didn't feel like arguing, since she was hurting more than she wanted to admit. “That's a good idea. I'd like to stay close in case she needs anything.” She winked at Amanda. “Don't think you've won this one, though. I'm only doing it for Mel.” “Uh-huh.” Amanda kissed the top of Lex's head. “You believe what you want, honey.” Chapter Nine The black limousine drove slowly past the park, its smoky windows blocking out the noise of children playing. One of the occupants, a middle-aged woman, sighed and stared longingly at the playground. “What's your problem, Veronica? ” her husband asked. He chewed on the unlit cigar that hung from his mouth and shifted so he could look through her window. “Well? ” She dabbed at her eyes with a handkerchief. “Nothing, Harrison.” “It must be something, for you to carry on like that, ” he grumbled. Reluctantly turning away from the view, Veronica Rivers gave her husband her full attention. “I can't help but think what might have been.” Harrison jerked the cigar from his mouth. “For god's sake, woman. Our son has been dead for ten years. Why on earth are you crying about it now? You can't keep dwelling on the past.” “I know. But, still, it's so difficult, listening to our friends talk about their grandchildren. They always have photographs, videos, plays and ballgames. Every year, it gets harder and harder, knowing that somewhere in Texas we have a grandchild. It's even worse now, since we're not traveling as much as we did before. Why haven't we talked to Jeannie about seeing Frank's daughter? ” She turned toward the window once again. “I always liked Jeannie. She made our son so happy.” “We never saw her because they hauled Jeanne and our granddaughter to some god-forsaken place.” Harrison tossed the soggy cigar onto a tray and took a fresh one from his breast pocket. He used a gold cigar cutter and snipped away the end. Within moments, a thick cloud of smoke hovered above them. “I don't know how Cauble stands it, his own daughter turning out that way. ” Veronica casually covered her nose and mouth with her handkerchief. “They seemed nice enough to me.” He spit a tiny piece of tobacco onto the floor. “Bullshit. They're nothing but deviants, and they influenced Cauble to allow them to take our daughter-in-law and granddaughter halfway across the damned country. For all we know, they placed Jeanne in some sort of institution and spent all her money. God knows Frank left her well-off.” “I don't think—” “Enough! Whining about the past won't bring our son back, ” Harrison growled. His expression softened when he saw the total look of defeat on his wife's face. “But maybe I can hire someone to look into where our granddaughter is, and go from there.” She laid her hand on his leg. “Thank you, Harrison. Maybe she can come visit us for summer vacation. She's old enough.” Harrison covered his wife's hand with his own. For all his bluster and bravado, he truly loved her. “She certainly is. I'll have an investigator look into finding her.” # The cold, November wind brought tears to Lex's eyes, as she cautiously moved closer to the spooked horse. She blinked to clear her vision, not wanting to make any sudden moves. “Easy, now, ” she murmured, holding her hands out away from her sides. She had a lead rope dangling from her left shoulder in the hopes of catching the gelding. Lorrie sat quietly on the top of the corral. Her legs jiggled impatiently, but she knew better than to disturb Lex while she was working. She held a bag that contained gauze pads and ointment, for whenever her mother caught the horse. Her legs stilled as it reared, causing Lex to take a step back. “Momma! ” Lex turned her head and winked at her daughter. “It's okay, Lorrie.” She turned her attention back to the horse, confident in her abilities. The restless animal huffed at the human. It shook its head and kicked its rear legs into the air in an attempt to warn the person away. “Sssh.” Lex got close enough to grab the halter, but didn't move. She stared down the horse, waiting until it calmed before reaching out and scratching the gelding's damp neck. “Easy.” She grinned as the horse leaned into her touch. “That's it. Good fella.” Not far away, the back door of the house slammed, as Melanie raced across the yard. She was unable to open the gate on the fence, so she climbed over. It didn't take her long to get to the corral. “Lorrie, help me up.” When her sister ignored her, she stomped her foot. “Lorrie! ” The high-pitched voice startled the horse. It reared and unintentionally knocked Lex over with its front hooves. She landed hard on her back, stunned. “Momma! ” Lorrie started to jump into the corral, until she saw her mother roll out of the way of the horse. “Stay back, ” Lex ordered. She climbed to her feet and gingerly walked to where her daughters were. Rubbing her chest with one hand, she took off her hat and wiped her forehead. “Melanie, what have I told you about yelling around the animals? ” “I'm sorry, Momma. I just wanted to get up like Lorrie.” Melanie's lower lip quivered and tears welled up in her eyes. “I never get to sit up high.” Lorrie watched her mother climb through the slates of the corral. “Are you okay? That looked like it hurt.” “Nah. Scared me more than hurt me, ” Lex assured her. “Why don't you two go see what Mada's up to? She's been back from church long enough to bake some cookies.” Lex never felt bad about sending the kids to Martha's. Sunday's after church service was one of the best times to get something tasty. She knew that there were always fresh cookies or pie. “But who's gonna help you with the horse? ” Lorrie asked, while she climbed off the corral. “You said you needed someone to hold the medicine.” Lex removed her gloves and put her hand on Lorrie's shoulder. “How about you help me once you're out of school next week? Maybe by then I'll have him settled down enough.” She stopped and knelt in front of both girls. “I want you two to be very careful around that horse, okay? I need your help to make sure no one gets in there and gets hurt.” Both girls solemnly nodded. “Yes, ma'am, ” they echoed together. Giggles broke out when Lex tickled their stomachs. “Good.” She took the bag of medical supplies from Lorrie and gave them each a kiss. “Now hurry over to Mada's, before your Grandpa Charlie eats all the goodies.” With a squeal, two sets of feet took off toward the cozy cottage that Martha and Charlie called home. Lex slowly stood and rubbed her chest. “Amanda's going to kill me if I come home with any more bruises.” She headed for the house, trying not to limp. The back door opened before Lex made it up the steps. Amanda stood in the threshold with her hands on her hips. “What did you do? ” “What makes you think I did anything? ” Lex asked. She stopped in front of her wife and kissed Amanda on the nose. “Let's see. Could it be the fact that you're covered in dirt? Or maybe the way you're walking like an old woman.” Amanda lightly touched Lex's pale, blue shirt. “Or maybe it's the hoof prints on your chest that's a dead giveaway.” Lex lowered her head and glanced at where Amanda's hands rested. “Hoof prints? ” she couldn't help but grin when those same hands began to unbutton her shirt. “Uh, sweetheart? ” “Hmm? ” Amanda gently ran her fingers over two u-shaped blemishes. Red and scraped, they would most likely be ugly bruises by morning. “Let's go upstairs and get you into the tub. You can tell me what happened while you soak.” She peeked around Lex. “Where are the girls? ” “Martha's.” A diabolical grin covered Lex's face. “Probably having a nice, healthy snack.” “Oooh.” Amanda wore a matching smile. “They usually fall asleep after one of Martha's ‘healthy' snacks, don't they? ” Cake, cookies or pie and a large glass of milk were almost always guaranteed to bring on the need for a nap. “Yep.” Amanda tugged on Lex's open shirt. “Good. We'll get you cleaned up, and then have a nap of our own.” # With a heavy sigh, Michael Cauble loaded the last of his equipment into the back of the black Ford Explorer. He checked his watch, relieved to see he'd get home at a reasonable hour. The wedding he had photographed hadn't taken as long as he had expected, so he was glad he'd get to see his wife before dark. The drive home seemed to drag on forever, and by the time he pulled into his driveway, he could barely keep his eyes open. Michael hit the remote for the garage door and drove inside, so he wouldn't have to unload his gear. Before he could get out of the SUV, the inner door to the house opened. Lois watched from the doorway as her husband sat silently in the SUV, unmoving. When he didn't get out of the Explorer, she went and tapped on the window. “Honey? Are you okay? ” Michael raised his head and gave his wife what he hoped was a decent smile. He got out and kissed Lois on the lips. “Hey, beautiful.” She brushed her fingers across his cheek. “Are you all right? ” “It's been a long day, ” he admitted, putting his arm around her waist as they walked into the house. “I've never seen so many bratty kids in my life.” “Poor baby. Are you hungry? ” He sighed. “I don't think I have the energy to eat anything. Maybe I'll just take a shower and go on to bed.” Lois touched his forehead. “Are you coming down with something? I could call Rodney. I'm sure he wouldn't mind—” “I'm just tired, Lois. A shower should perk me right up.” He shuffled toward the bedroom, leaving his worried wife behind. She waited until he was in the bedroom, before she went to the living room and picked up the phone. “Hello, Anna Leigh? This is Lois.” “Well, good evening, dearest. It's so nice to hear from you. How is everything? ” Lois bit her lip while she considered her answer. “To tell you the truth, I'm worried about your son. He hasn't been himself, lately.” “So, you've noticed something, as well? Jacob mentioned something at dinner this evening. I was going to call you tomorrow. He said that Michael looked a bit pale this morning, when he stopped by on his way to his studio.” “He still is, ” Lois admitted. “Pale, I mean. And he's been so tired. Tonight, he refused dinner.” She shook her head. “I just don't know, Anna Leigh. Even after a good night's sleep, he still looks completely worn out.” Anna Leigh sighed. “He needs to go see Rodney.” “Good luck with that one, ” Lois muttered. “He about bit my head off when I suggested it.” “He did, did he? Well, we'll just see about that. I'll call Rodney right now. I'm sure he'll—” “No, wait. As much as I'd love to have Michael checked out, I don't think he'd appreciate being bothered tonight.” Lois paused and listened to see if her husband had left the shower, but there was still no sound coming from the bedroom. “But, I'll call you in the morning, and we can go from there.” “That's fine, Lois. But, please, call me if you need anything, no matter what time it is. Try and have a good evening, dearest. I'm sure everything will work out fine.” “I hope so. Goodnight.” Lois put the phone away and went to the bedroom. “Oh, Michael.” Michael was stretched out across the bed on his stomach, still in his clothes. He had one shoe off and one shoe on. Lois touched his shoulder. “Honey, wake up.” He groaned and rolled onto his back. “Hmm? ” “You need to get undressed, ” Lois gently chided. She removed his remaining shoe, while Michael fumbled with his tie. “Stupid thing, ” he growled, unable to undo the knot. Lois pushed his hands away. “Quit fussing and let me help.” “I can do it.” She kissed his forehead. “I know you can. But I can do it, ” she pulled the tie away from his collar, “much faster.” “Showoff.” His smile belied the gruff tone. “Thanks.” Within a few minutes, Lois had Michael undressed and under the bedcovers. Before she could turn out the light on her nightstand, he was snoring softly. “Goodnight, my darling.” She kissed his cheek and soon joined him in slumber. # The lights in the bedroom were dim as Lex stepped out of the bathroom. She towel-dried her hair with one hand while she searched through a dresser drawer with the other. After she found the sleep shirt she was looking for, she turned and noticed what her wife was doing. Amanda was propped on her side of the bed, a laptop balanced on her legs. Her fingers typed away furiously and she was so engrossed in what she was doing she didn't notice Lex until she sat on the bed. “Oh, hi, honey.” “Hi. Whatcha doin'? ” “Updating my blog.” Amanda squinted at the screen, frowned, and went back to typing. Lex stretched across the bed until she could see what her wife was working on. “Your what? ” “Blog.” “Oh. Thought you said you were plating a frog.” Lex grinned. “Didn't know exactly why you'd need a laptop to play with a frog, though.” Her head tilted, Amanda didn't pay any attention to what Lex was saying. “Mmm-hmm.” With a sigh, Lex got comfortable. “So, what exactly is your blog about? ” When she didn't get an answer, she started touching the edge of Amanda's ear, which always got a response. “A blog about a dog, wrestling a frog, in a bog. Maybe they took a break on a log, because of the fog, ” she teased. Amanda stopped what she was typing and turned to look at Lex. “What did you say? ” “Um, don't ask me to repeat it, because I don't think I can.” “Nut. That's what you get for reading Melanie's Dr. Seuss books.” Amanda brushed her fingertips along Lex's cheek. “Give me another minute or two to finish this up, okay? ” Lex kissed the fingers. “Sure.” She quietly watched Amanda type, secretly enjoying the look of intense concentration. Less than five minutes had passed when Amanda shut down her laptop. “There. All finished.” She packed it into its case and slid it under the bed. “Sorry about that. I thought I'd be finished before you got out of the tub.” “Not a problem, sweetheart.” Lex turned onto her side so that she was facing her wife. “Can you tell me what you blog about? Or is it private? ” Amanda laughed. “Blogging is anything but private, honey. But it's something I've just started to do, as a bit of therapy, I guess.” “Therapy? What's wrong? ” “Nothing's wrong. But I've been a little restless since the office closed, and Gramma suggested I try my hand at writing. And since I'm not going to write the Great American Novel any time soon, I thought I'd try something a little less strenuous.” “What do you blog about? ” Lex was charmed by the blush on Amanda's face. “Oooh. Is it dirty? ” Amanda slapped Lex's arm. “No! I can't even read erotica without being embarrassed. It's the last thing I'd ever write about, you know that.” “I know. But it's always fun to tease you about it.” Lex tried to roll out of the way when Amanda pounced on her. “Hey, watch it! ” “Teach you to pick on me, ” Amanda growled, tickling Lex's ribs. “Actually, I blog about us. Or more to the point, about things that happen around here.” Lex pulled her closer. “Like day to day stuff, huh? Considering our kids, you certainly get enough material. What do you call it? I'd like to check it out sometime.” “They're not the only ones, you know. And, it's called RockingWMom. Perfect, don't you think? ” Amanda squirmed until she was comfortably resting across Lex. “I forgot about your chest. I'm not hurting you, am I? ” “Not a bit.” Lex wrapped her arms around the body across hers and nuzzled Amanda's hair. “What were we talking about? ” Amanda nibbled on Lex's throat at the same time warm hands slipped under her nightgown. “I haven't a clue.” # The usual ticking of the clock on the kitchen wall was drowned out by Amanda's pacing. She glanced at her watch, then the clock, and finally to her wife, who had an amused look on her face. “What? ” “You're going to wear a hole in the floor, sweetheart.” Amanda glared at her. “I don't see how you can sit there so calmly.” She stomped to the refrigerator and opened it, peering inside. With a disgusted snort, she slammed the door shut and resumed her pacing. Lex stood and stretched. When Amanda passed her, she wrapped her arms around her and held her close. “You know, I rode the school bus my entire life, and I think I turned out okay.” “I know. It's just—” “They're our babies, and you're not used to handing responsibility over to anyone else, ” Lex finished for her. Amanda turned in Lex's arms, so that her cheek rested against Lex's chest. “I'm going to lose my mind before lunch, at this rate.” “Nah.” Lex kissed the top of her head. “I need to run out and check the live traps on the northern side. Want to go with me? ” “Are we riding, or driving? ” Lex's breath caught as Amanda's lips touched her throat. “You keep that up, and I won't be able to do either. But, let's ride. We've haven't been out together in quite a while.” She laughed when those same lips blew a raspberry on her neck. Amanda stepped back. “All right. Let's go saddle up the horses, before I decide to drag you upstairs.” “Not much of a threat, if you ask me. But, maybe we can come back to the house for an early lunch.” Lex helped Amanda into her coat, before donning her own heavy duster. After a side trip to the office for a rifle, they left the house. As they walked toward the barn, Amanda watched Lex. “Are you up to a ride? You're still limping, a little.” Lex held the barn door open for her wife. “Yeah, I'm just stiff. This cold air makes everything ache.” She left the rifle and scabbard on a bale of hay, away from the horses. “You probably wouldn't tell me anyway, ” Amanda mumbled. “Sweetheart, I'd never talk about anything else, if I told you every time something hurt.” Lex carried out Amanda's saddle and blanket and placed it on the floor by Stormy's stall. “But I promise, if it gets too bad, I'll let you know.” Amanda kissed her on the cheek. “I'll hold you to that, Slim.” She nudged Lex out of the way. “I can saddle my own horse, honey.” “I know. But I like doing it for you.” Lex backed away slowly when Amanda playfully curled her fingers into claws, threatening to tickle her. “But, I think I'll let you handle it yourself, this time.” “Chicken.” Amanda laughed at the exaggerated squawk that Lex gave out, as she ducked into the tack room. She stepped into Stormy's stall and patted the paint pony's neck. “Are you ready for a ride today? ” Lex came out of the tack room carrying her own saddle and blanket, as well as having both bridles draped over one shoulder. She hung Stormy's bridle across the top of the stall for Amanda. “What are you going to do if she says no? ” she teased, opening Thunder's stall. “Hey, fella.” “Probably the same thing you'd do if Thunder ever answered you.” “Smartass.” Amanda laughed and quickly saddled Stormy. “Takes one to know one.” “That's real mature, Amanda. No wonder our kids are such smartasses. They come by it naturally.” Lex finished with Thunder and led him from his stall. Stormy's stall opened, and Amanda stepped out. She lightly poked Lex in the chest. “Considering you're the Queen of the Smartass Remark, I'd say our girls were doomed.” Before her wife could retaliate, she put her horse between them. Lex laughed. “You've got a point, sweetheart.” She attached the scabbard to her saddle, double-checking to make certain it was secure. Once they were outside, both climbed on their horses. “Wanna race? ” “I don't think so.” Amanda shifted in the saddle until she was comfortable. “Let's take it easy and enjoy the ride, okay? ” “Spoilsport.” Lex stretched in the saddle and inhaled the cool air. “God, it feels good to be out here.” She nudged Thunder until they were beside Stormy and Amanda. “I've missed our rides together.” Amanda turned and looked at her wife. The winter's sun painted Lex in an almost ethereal glow and the sight took her breath away. “Me, too.” She loved how the light brought out the strands of silver in Lex's otherwise dark hair. They rode along silently for the first ten minutes, each lost in their own thoughts. After Lex sighed for the third time, Amanda asked, “What's the matter? ” “Nothing.” Lex caught the look she was given and shrugged her shoulders. “Okay, nothing serious, I suppose.” Amanda cleared her throat, but didn't say anything. “I got a letter last week from Great Aunt Loretta. Did you know she's ninety-two? ” “Wow. I had no idea.” Lex nodded. “Yeah. Anyway, she's been after me to go to the family reunion next year.” Nodding, Amanda moved Stormy closer to Thunder, so she could touch Lex on the leg. “And? Where is it? ” “ West Texas.” “Okay, so go. I mean, it's not like you've been in a while, right? At least since we've been together.” Lex took Amanda's hand and squeezed. “No, I haven't been since I was about twenty-five, or so. They only come along every five years, and Melanie was too little during the last one.” “When is it, exactly? ” “The second weekend in January. They learned the hard way not to have them during the summer.” Lex grinned. “There's nothing out there for miles, except cotton fields and sand. The last time I went, they had it in June.” Amanda cringed. “Oh, god. I can just imagine.” “Yep. And to top it all off, the community center air conditioner wasn't very good. Aunt Loretta told them if they wanted to keep the ‘old timers' around, they'd better come up with a different solution. Or she'd book a cruise to Alaska every five years, instead.” Laughing, Amanda squeezed Lex's hand. “I'd love to meet her.” “Really? ” “Of course. I know you write to her all the time and send her photos of the girls, but wouldn't it be nice to introduce them in person? ” Lex kissed Amanda's hand before releasing it. “Yeah, it would. Thanks, sweetheart.” She pointed up ahead. “It's not far to the first trap. We placed it up there, on the other side of our little pond.” “It's gotten that close? ” “There were some tracks, so I figured better safe, than sorry.” Lex unsnapped the end of the scabbard, but didn't remove the rifle. Amanda watched nervously. “Are you expecting trouble? ” Giving her wife a wink, Lex grinned. “Considering both you and I are magnets for trouble, I didn't want to take any chances.” They cautiously skirted the pond, which was half the size it used to be. Even though it was fed by an underground spring, the extended drought had hurt it. When they got close enough to the live trap, the scream of the bobcat startled both horses. “Whoa! ” Lex got Thunder under control with no problem, and watched helplessly as Amanda's mount bucked beneath her. With one hand on the saddle horn and the other holding the reins, Amanda tightened her knees around Stormy. “Damn it, Stormy, calm down! ” Once her horse was under control, she gave her wife a shaky grin. “That was fun.” “Not.” Lex dismounted and stepped over to where Amanda held her horse. “Are you okay? ” “I'm fine. But I think we have a bigger problem.” Lex hadn't taken her eyes off Amanda. “What? ” “How are we going to get that creature back to the house? ” Amanda pointed to the trap, which held a live, and very pissed off, bobcat. “Umm.” Lex tipped her cowboy hat back and scratched her forehead. “I guess I can always tie it on the back of my horse. I don't think it can get its claws through the cage.” Amanda's eyes grew wide and she shook her head. “Like hell you are! I don't want that thing anywhere near you! ” Lex patted her leg. “Okay.” She tilted her head and studied the cage, then took her cell phone off her hip. Hitting a number from memory, she blew her wife a kiss. “Hey, Roy. We're out by the pond near the north pasture, and found a little friend.” She laughed at whatever her foreman said. “Yeah, I didn't think that far ahead. Would you mind bringing a truck out? Thanks.” Lex snapped the phone closed and returned it to her holster. “How's that? ” “Better, thanks.” Amanda got off her horse and ran her hands along Lex's arms. “So, now what do we do? ” Lex's hands gravitated toward Amanda's hips. “I've got a few ideas.” She tugged her closer, and grinned when Amanda linked her hands behind her head. Following the unspoken request, Lex lowered her head and kissed her.
Chapter Ten Not quite eight o'clock in the morning, there were great smells beginning to come out of the kitchen. Amanda stood at the counter, chopping onions and trying not to wipe at her tearing eyes. Martha peeked over her shoulder. “Honey, you keep whacking at those things, there ain't going to be anything left of them.” “I wanted to make sure they're cut up small enough so that Lex doesn't notice them.” “She definitely turns up her nose at any kind of onion, that's for sure.” Melanie raced into the kitchen. “Mommy! Save me, ” she yelled. She wrapped her arms around Amanda's legs, just as Lorrie and Freckles crossed the doorway. Lorrie's shirt was wet, and she had had water dripping from her hair. “There you are! ” she started for her sister, who squealed and tried to climb Amanda. Freckles barked and jumped around Lorrie, who kept trying to catch Melanie. “Come here, Mel. I'm gonna—” “Mommy! ” Amanda put her knife down and lifted Melanie into her arms. She turned and noticed Lorrie's wet hair and shirt. “What's going on around here? ” “I didn't do nothin', Mommy, ” Melanie professed. “Liar! ” Lorrie screeched, reaching for Melanie's leg. Melanie kicked at her, almost hitting Lorrie in the face. “Am not! ” “Are too! ” Martha put her hand on Lorrie's shoulder and moved away from Melanie and Amanda. “Hold it right there, young ‘un. You're going to get a knot on your head if you're not careful.” She touched Melanie on the nose. “And you, little miss, better behave yourself, or you won't get any dessert today.”