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Task C. Put the verbs in brackets into a suitable form.

1. Don’t phone between 8.00 and 14.00. We (make) a presentation.

2. By the time he (arrive) at the office the work already (start).

3. According to the timetable the bus (arrive) at 8. Chris (come) an hour later.

4. We (meet) at the airport tomorrow.

5. If the BUSINESS module (choose) this (use) to generate a detailed questionnaire appropriate to the system under review.

6. Our consumers (hope) the results of the risk assessment (obtain) soon.

7. C.E. Shannon (develop) a method for symbolic analysis of switching systems and networks in the late 1930-s.

8. He (work) at Bell laboratories when he (publish) a paper on information theory.

9. He and his IBM colleagues (contribute) to the early research in this field.

10. Rochester (take part) in the MIT artificial Intelligence Project.

11. When we (come), the professor (deliver) the lecture.


Prepare a report about the development of first automation tools for cryptanalysis.

Dwell on the history of cryptanalysis in Russia.

Prepare a report and take part in the discussion on the topic: Modern Trends in Cryptanalysis.

Make a table containing the analysis of modern cryptanalytic methods. Present the table to the group and discuss it.



Make sure you pronounce the following words properly:

covert ['kʌ və t] subtle ['sʌ tl]
nefarious [nɪ 'fɛ ə rɪ ə s] flourish ['flʌ rɪ ʃ ]
fraud [frɔ: d] innocent ['ɪ nə sə nt]
unreadable [ֽ ʌ n'ri: də bl] medium ['mi: djə m]
analogy [ə 'næ lə dʒ ɪ ] template ['templɪ t]
categorize ['kæ tɪ ɡ ə raɪ z] carrier ['kæ rɪ ə ]
espionage [ֽ espɪ ə 'nɑ: ʒ ] technique [tek'ni: k]


Memorize the terms

1. Read the following terms and their definitions and memorize them:

carrier text - – place where secret message is kept

coin a term – invent and introduce

doodle – flourish, additional dash in the letter

grille cipher – cipher that can be decrypted using special grid put on the message hidden in the carrier text

retrieve the hidden text – restore, reconstruct the secret message

semagram – secret message where any symbols can be used except letters and figures

steganography medium – concept that includeshidden_message, carrier and steganography_key

Match the following words with their Russian equivalents.

digital watermarking поразрядно идентичный
doodle трафаретный шифр
cue code сжатие с потерей данных
bit-for-bit identical нулевой код
treat ключевой код
null cipher рассматривать
grille cipher дополнительный штрих в букве
lossy compression нанесение (цифровых) водяных знаков (меток)

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