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SPEAKING. A group of managers are discussing whether to offer an employee a full-time contract


A group of managers are discussing whether to offer an employee a full-time contract. Listen and tick the expressions in the Useful language box that you hear.


Useful language: Managing meetings.


Starting OK, let’s get down to business. Right, can we start, please? Dealing with interruptions Could you let him finish, please? Could you just hang on a moment, please? Slowing down Hold on, we need to look at this in more detail. I think we should discuss this a bit more.
Setting objectives The purpose of this meeting is … The aims of this meeting are … Keeping to the point I’m not sure that’s relevant. Perhaps we could get back to the point. Summarising OK, let’s go over what we’ve agreed. Right, to sum up then …
Asking for reactions How do you feel about …? What do you think? Speeding up I think we should move on now. Can we come back to that?  

You are managers of a retail fashion chain called Space. You are holding your regular management meeting. Use the Managing Director’s notes below as an agenda for your discussions. A different person should chair each item.

1. Dress Code. Following complaints from customers, we need to discuss ideas for a dress code for all employees, as well as guidelines on personal appearance.

2. Policy for Smokers. Non-smoking staff complain that staff who smoke take frequent ‘cigarette breaks’ outside the store. Should smokers work extra time to make up for the time lost?

3. Commission Payments. At present, commission is based on quarterly sales at each store and is divided equally between all staff. Now, our Sales Director wants each person to receive commission according to their individual sales.

4. End-of-year Bonus. Staff receive sales vouchers as an end-of-year bonus. The vouchers give discounts on a range of goods at major department stores. Some managers are proposing to issue no sales vouchers this year. Instead, staff will be invited to an end-of-year party.

5. Staff Turnover. Staff tend to be young so employee turnover is high. As a result, training costs have increased dramatically. What can be done to keep staff longer


B. Case Study: Orbit Records.


Orbit Records was founded in London 20 years ago, and now has 12 large stores in the UK and five in Germany. The company grew quickly because it had a successful marketing strategy. The stores offer a wide range of CDs which they sell at reasonable prices. Their record stores carry over 80, 000 titles – about three times more than their main competitors.

About five years ago, Orbit stores diversified into selling computer games, DVDs, videos, T-shirts, adventure holidays, concert tickets, books and comics. Not all the new areas of business were profitable and, as a result, the company’s profits fell sharply.


A change of leadership

After the founder of Orbit Records died, a new Chief Executive, Sheldon Drake, took over. However he failed because he had no clear vision of where the company was going. Also he did not communicate well with employees, who started to lose confidence in the business. They began to worry about losing their jobs and their morale suffered.

Three months ago Sheldon Drake resigned and his place was taken by someone from outside the company.


Task of the new CEO

One of the new CEO’s main tasks was to motivate staff and raise morale, so that would be more productive. The HR Department sent questionnaires to all employees below senior management level. The results are summarized in the chart on the next page.


Staff attitudes (%) Yes No Don’t know
1. Do you fell you participate full in decision-making?      
2. Do you feel valued by the company?      
3. Do you understand the company’s objectives and overall strategy?      
4. Do you have enough contact with senior management?      
5. Do you have enough opportunities to express your ideas or make suggestions?      
6. Are you paid adequately?      
7. Do you think you will be working for this company in five years’ time?      
8. Do you have enough opportunities to meet each other socially?      



1. Work in small groups. Discuss the results of the survey. What are the most important findings?

2. Think of six practical ideas for motivating staff, improving morale and increasing loyalty. Note them down.

3. Listen and make notes on the CEO’s ideas on these issues.

4. Choose the six best ideas from the CEO’s list and your own list, giving reasons for your choices.

As one group, try to agree on the six best ideas for further action.

C. Summarizethe information of the Unit to be ready to speak on Management. Use the following prompts as a plan.

1. definition of management;

2. five functions of management;

3. two levels of employees in the organization

4. levels of management

5. main responsibilities of top managers

6. company’s mission, vision and strategy

7. theory X and theory Y

8. classifications of managerial styles

9. organizational culture and its components



authority n – власть, полномочие, сфера компетенции; авторитет; орган управления

authoritative adj – авторитетный, властный

authorize v – уполномочивать, поручать, санкционировать

~d agent – уполномоченный агент

~ capital – уставный капитал

executive n - администратор, руководитель

influence n – влияние

expert~ влияние эксперта

identity~ личностное влияние

position ~ влияние благодаря высокому общественному положению

reward ~ влияние, основанное на вознаграждении

loan officer – официальный представитель учреждения, выдающего ссуду (напр. на покупку жилья)

manage v – управлять, заведовать, стоять во главе

~ing director – директор-распорядитель

~ed exchange rate – регулируемые валютные курсы

manager n – глава, директор, топ-менеджер; руководитель, управляющий

assistant ~ – помощник заведующего

branch ~ – заведующий отделением, заведующий филиалом

first-line ~ – руководитель первого уровня (низшего звена)

general ~ – главный управляющий

mid -~ руководитель среднего звена

office ~ – управляющий офисом

product ~ менеджер по продукции

top/upper/senior ~ руководитель высшего звена, топ-менеджер (отвечает за решения, принимаемые в масштабах организации или ее значительной части)

quality ~ менеджер по качеству

management n – управление, заведование; правление, администрация, дирекция; умение справляться (с работой)

~ style - стиль руководства

laissez-faire ~ style – либеральный стиль руководства/управления

strategic ~ – стратегический менеджмент

tactical ~ – тактический менеджмент

manageable adj – поддающийся управлению, выполнимый

managerial adj – управленческий

mission n – миссия

objective n – цель

operative n – рабочий; производственный персонал

perform v – выполнять, исполнять, совершать

~ a contract – исполнить договор

~ an obligation – выполнить обязательство

~ a test – производить испытание

performance n – исполнение, выполнение

performer n – исполнитель

rank and file – рядовые работники

recruitment n – набор (кадров), наём (сотрудников)

responsibility n – ответственность, обязанность

skill n – квалификация, умение

supervisor n – руководитель работ, супервайзер

vision n – образ, видение, представление


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