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Vocabulary notes. abnormal –ненормальный, аномальный,

abnormal – ненормальный, аномальный,

cerebral palsyцентральный паралич

descriptor – дескриптор, описатель

Jacksonian – джексоновский, относящийся к джексоновской эпилепсии

mal – болезнь; порок развития

orthoses (мн. ч.) ортопедические аппараты (ед.ч., orthosis )

plague – мучить, мешать, досаждать; проблема, беспокойство

rigidity – ригидность, оцепенелость мышц

seizure – пароксизм (острый приступ болезни), эпилептический припадок

spasticity – мышечная спастичность, спазм

test of scrutinyтщательная проверка правильности результатов

wheelchair – инвалидная коляска

Physical disfigurement, mobility limitations, chronic pain, use of orthoses/prostheses or other necessary medical/therapeutic equipment, physical dependency on others, life-threatening medical episodes, and communication difficulties are characteristics that elicit negative responses from non-disabled individuals. These negative responses may create certain unique adjustment problems with which individuals with disabilities will have to cope.

Although individuals with physical disabilities usually have distinct physiological and physical management differences from their non-disabled peers, they have the same needs, desires, and interests. Above all, they want to be treated with the same dignity afforded non-disabled individuals.

An initial step in achieving acceptance as an individual is to become known as a person first and not to be identified by the type of disability one has. Adoption of this policy reflects appropri­ate recognition of individuals with disabilities. A person should be identified as an individual who has a specific disability and not, for example, as a " CP" (cerebral palsy) or an " MD" (muscular dystrophy).

Terms such as " crippled", " deformed, " and " handicapped" have frequently been used to describe individuals with physiological differences. Each of these terms promotes a notion of inability, restriction, and difference. There may not be a perfect descriptor, but the more acceptable term seems to be " disability".

A disability is a dysfunction that results from an impairment. It differs from the commonly used term " handicap", whichrefers to an actual or perceived limitation. Individuals with physical disabilities dislike the implication that they are unable to function.

With current rehabilitation technology, many barriers have been removed. Individuals with physical disabilities are now able to function in many situations once thought to be impossible.

As a rule, the only common element among individuals with physical disabilities is the existence of some interference with normal motor functioning. Such disabilities may be progressive or nonprogressive, intermittent or chronic, terminal or not terminal, persistently painful or intermittently painful.

Individuals with physical disabilities are defined as those who have nonsensory physical impairments or health impairments that interfere to a significant degree with their academic performance. Special education provisions for individuals with disabilities should include modifications of the environment, the use of adaptive equipment, and special transportation arrangements necessary to facilitate the edu­cation of individuals with disabilities in regular educational settings. Educational agencies and schools must provide the services that will encourage and assist indi­viduals with disabilities to achieve to their maximum capacity.

A team approach for delivering such senders as physical, occupational, and/or speech therapy is utilized in many settings. The transdisciplinary approach, one of many team approaches employed in special education programs, appears to be very successful in meeting the needs of individuals with physical disabilities. In this cooperative arrangement, members of the team work closely together to assess needs, identify goals, and implement programs so that identified goals (such as goals related to communication, appropriate positioning, and mobility) can be pursued throughout the day in all settings.

For years, schools and educational agencies provided two justifications for isolating students with physical disabilities from their non-disabled peers. First, integration of students with disabilities might have a negative effect on their non-disabled peers. Second, individuals with disabilities could not be successful in regular classes because of the physical demands that would be placed on them. Neither justification has stood the test of scrutiny. Nonhandicapped peers are generally not negatively affected by the presence of individuals with disabilities. Many individuals with disabilities have normal intellectual functioning and, with the aid of specialized equipment, can function successfully in regular programs.



Comprehension questions:

1. What are the main characteristics of people with physical disabilities?

2. Why is the term “handicap” not correct?

3. What justifications did schools and educational agencies provide for isolating students with physical disabilities from their non-disabled peers?



Task 1. Match the following parts of the sentences.


1. Physical disfigurement may create certain unique adjustment problems. … a) … and not as a cerebral palsy or a muscular dystrophy.
2. Integration of students with disabilities might … b) … describe a notion of inability, restriction, and difference.
3. The most successful approach meeting the needs of individuals with physical disabilities … c) … intermittent or chronic, terminal or not terminal, persistently painful or intermittently painful.
4. Such physical disabilities may be progressive or nonprogressive, … d) … have a negative effect on their non-disabled peers.
5. People should identify a person as an individual who has a specific disability … e) …with which individuals with disabilities will have to cope.
6. Terms such as " crippled, " " deformed, " and " handicapped" f) … the transdisciplinary approach.

Task 2. Translate into English using the vocabulary of the lesson.

Понятия «норма» и «отклонение» позволяют выделить определенную точку отсчета, относительно которой можно уточнять причины, вызывающие те или иные отклонения, выяснять, каким образом они влияют на процесс социализации ребенка, и на основе этого строить практическую социально-педагогическую деятельность.

К физическим недостаткам относят подтвержденные в установленном порядке временные или постоянные недостатки в развитии и (или) функционировании органа (органов) человека, либо хроническое соматическое или инфекционное заболевание.


Task 3. Use the expressions in the sentences of your own.

Integration of students; physical dependency; an initial step in doing something; many barriers; progressive; cooperative arrangement; appropriate positioning; special education provisions; the transdisciplinary approach; regular classes; to stand the test of scrutiny; the test of scrutiny; with the aid of.


Task 4. Explain the meaning of the following proverb. Use it in the situations of your own. Give the Russian equivalent.


“Handsome is as handsome does.”



Task 5. Choose one of the problems and make up a dialogue. (Two parents about speech impairments.)

1. How can people overcome physical disabilities?

2. What is epilepsy?

3. What way will you classify the severity of cerebral palsy?

Colloquial phrases to use:

Environmental modifications in the classroom; full participation in activities; physical condition; anticipate necessary modifications; to determine the level of understanding of academic material.

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