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NB Irregular comparison
little – less - the least, good – better - the best, bad – worse - the worst
far - farther/further - the farthest/furthest
Farther means distance. # Florida is farther from California than Georgia.
Further means extent. # Read further! What are your further plans?
If you can't decide which one to use, you're safer using further because farther has some restrictions.
old – elder - the eldest – about relatives (He is my elder brother)
old – older - the oldest (My friend is 2 years older than me)
5) Similes: we use as …as to say that people or things are equal in some way
#She’s as stupid as a monkey
There is some task for you – try to match these similes:
New Words:
skunk вонючка, скунс
ox бык
lark жаворонок
ape примат
eel угорь
mule [mju: l] упрямый осел
wise [waɪ z] мудрый
| beaver бобр
owl [aul] сова
sly коварный, ловкий, хитрый; пронырливый
gentle нежный
eager страстно желающий, жаждущий
slippery скользкий
tin оловянный

as big as life and twice as ugly - во всей своей красе
as welcome as a wet shoe
as noisy as two skeletons /’skelitns/ dancing on a tin roof
as dark as the inside of a wolf
as exciting as watching paint dry
as slow as a broken down snail
as happy as a dog with two tails
as poor as a church mouse
as crooked as a dog's hind leg - very dishonest.
as nervous as a brick wall
as cold as an ex-wife's heart Answers Similes
lc, 2k, 3v, 4r, 5q, 6m, 71, 8o, 9n, l0t, lla, 12d, 13u, I4p, 15s, l6j, 17w, 18b, 19g, 20i, 21f, 22h, 23e.
Comparative Pony
Он ленивее, но честнее и кровожадней.
Она живет на 3 метра дальше от офиса, чем я.
Дальнейшее обсуждение о дальнейшем образовании.
Он мой старший брат (он на год старше).
Мне стало хуже/ лучше.
Это дальше, чем то.
Веди помедленнее/ побыстрее!
Я говорю по-английски более бегло, чем по-китайски.
Он очень намного старше.
Я чувствую себя немного лучше.
Мне становится холоднее и холоднее.
Это становится интереснее и интереснее.
Чем старше я становлюсь, тем счастливее.
Чем больше имеешь, тем больше хочется.
Чем больше я учу, тем больше я забываю, тем меньше я знаю.
Это так хорошо, как вы ожидали?
Она делает это как все.
Она зарабатывает в 3 раза больше/меньше, чем я.
Similes Similes Similes Similes Similes Similes
| Sly
| He’s lazier but more honest and violent.
She lives 3 meters farther/further away from the office than I do.
Further discussion about further education.
He’s my elder brother (he’s 1 year older).
I got worse/ better.
It’s farther/further than it.
Will you drive more slowly/quickly?
I speak English more fluently than Chinese.
He’s very much older.
I feel a bit better.
I’m getting colder and colder.
It’s getting more and more interesting.
The older I get, the happier I am.
The more you have the more you want.
The more I learn, the more I forget and the less I know.
Is it as good as you expected?
She does it as well as everybody does.
She earns 3 times more/ less than I do.
Similes Similes Similes Similes Similes
Big Stubborn
| Wise
Drunk Quiet
Practice Homework for the 14th of March