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How to get out of debt

Money Questions with Gaps

CAN ONE HAVE ENOUGH MONEY? Everyone w---s m--e m----! The trouble is, when you ---- ---- it still is not ------! People who have ---- ------ than you still -------- they have ----- problems. Or they are in ----! It has been said, " Money is a good слуга, but a bad хозяин ". Some people say: " The love of money is --- ---- ---- ---- We worry about money. People убивают for money. Many c----t suicide over money. We have to make money our рабом вместо нашего хозяина

WHY DOES MONEY BRING SUCH PROBLEMS? Sometimes it is because we продолжаем to s---- more money than мы имеем. Долг приносит much ----ss and --rr-

Money ca---- many искушения; sometimes when we ---- money, but sometimes even when we have enough. We can be искушаемы to s---l money from our p---e of work. Or to take взятки. Or to обманывать the t-- system. Women могут даже think about s------ ----- ---

WHAT IS 'PEER PRESSURE'? 'Peer pressure' also causes us to w----t m--- money. We feel that if o----- - our 'peers' - have things, we are u---- p------- to ---- ----- also, so that we do not ---- dif-----t. This is equally true in poor societies также как in r--- ones. And every day, we see a----ts telling us that we can only find h------through b------ that new thing.

WHAT IS GAMBLING? GAMBLING in the надежде of more money is a big problem in many s-------s. Gambling похоже на наркотик - it is ----- tive. It портит lives:

Recently one law student в Штатах has ---- to prison for 10 months, for s------- £ 7500 from the post office where he w----- -----time. The money was to pay for his g------- ---------. Now his надежда стать a l----- student is finished. - He решил to -------.


There are способы to h------ money разумно. Here are some ideas:

Планируйте заранее

2. Sit ----, and запишите the money you s---d on dif------ t-----, over a week. It will -------- you

3. If возможно, pay c--- only - don't занимайте money with a l--- or c----t c---

4. Проверяйте p----- ---- wh--- еще где-нибудь

5. Buy things вконце of their ------, when they may be -------

6. Learn to чинить t----s to make them last l-----

7. Use a s------- list, so that you do not buy ----- things you do not ----. (This is called '------- b-----'!)

8. Ищите some дешевые предложения

9. Don't believe w--- -------------- t-ll you!

10. S---- ------ with your friends


1. Don't прячьтесь from it, and притворяйтесь it is not happening

2. Look at your список of ------ (things that you own)

3. Look at your ---- of -----(долги)

4. Make a debt re-----nt расписание

5. Seek честные пути of finding дополнительный доход.

6. Do not ----- up new ----

7. Learn to be happy and довольными with ---- --- ----

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